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Análises recentes de KillSlim

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All the time spent writing negative reviews could have been spent making a PSN account.
Publicada em 4 de maio.
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161.6 horas registradas (77.8 horas no momento da análise)
This game is suffering from outrageous performance and stability issues which must be fixed.

Some days it works fine and it's great fun. Then other days it stutters, refuses to launch, refuses to find a game, and crashes continuously. It is unacceptable for a fully-priced AAA game. It will take months to fix.
Publicada em 13 de novembro de 2022. Última edição em 17 de dezembro de 2022.
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49.4 horas registradas (22.6 horas no momento da análise)
The scariest thing in the Star Wars universe is a laggy Yoda.
Publicada em 10 de dezembro de 2020.
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8.9 horas registradas
A promising RPG butchered by one of the worst combat systems I've ever seen in this genre. It's a crying shame that the excellent world building, music, voice acting, 3D assets, and literally everything else in this game is all scuppered by a clunky, unintuitive, semi-broken system that eventually boils down to a waiting game. Master strikes completely upend all the mechanics of the fight system. Mods cannot fix this aspect of the game.

It's not that it takes any amount of skill, it's simply bad in that it controls extremely poorly, often wrestles control away from the player (this is unforgivably bad), and is completely unavoidable.

It pains me to tell you to avoid this.
Publicada em 9 de abril de 2020.
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1,599.6 horas registradas (1,338.3 horas no momento da análise)
Mordhau is a difficult game to talk about. It gets a lot of things right but an equal amount of things wrong, and more often than not, those negatives rear their ugly heads and poison the well.

Mordhau attempts to straddle the line between competitive and casual, but fails as a result of questionable design which has resulted in a difficult-to-reach skill floor. The new player experience has been thrown by the wayside, with a tutorial that is dramatically out of date - teaching new players things which simply do not apply. Quality of life is severely lacking. It all ends up with a learning cliff that demands you to suffer for hundreds of hours before you even remotely grasp what's happening.

The public experience in Mordhau is simply atrocious. A combination of maps that aren't fit for purpose, thoughtless additions like toolbox, poorly balanced objectives and a lack of absolute bare basic functionality such as team balance leads to an awful time in at least half of games you'll play. You will find games that are stacked regularly, leading to a garbage time for those on the receiving end. Some mechanics like ranged weapons and assets like siege weapons and horses are blatantly unfinished but were added regardless.

I've always had some sympathy for the small dev team but my patience has expired. The major glaring issues of this game are sporadically fixed only when A. the community riots for months on end, or B. a dev will happen to encounter it during a game. 'The devs don't play their game' is a meme for a good reason within the community, because if they did, half the garbage you see in pub games would be gone.

If you buy Mordhau in it's current sate, even cheaply, I guarantee you will not have what it takes to learn. It is extremely punishing for new players. You will need to commit hundreds of hours to grasp it, and more than a thousand to be a legitimately good player. This is without hyperbole.

Stay away from this game until it cares to make the new player experience better than inhaling broken glass.
Publicada em 4 de maio de 2019. Última edição em 3 de julho de 2021.
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65.9 horas registradas (64.2 horas no momento da análise)
Headlines: Poorly optimised, sketchy netcode, dysfunctional anti-cheat, crash-prone, questionable developer business practices, boring & repetitive..

PUBG is an inferno of squandered opportunity, propelled by developer hubris and Chinese money. What started out as a promising game has degraded and fallen into increasing irrelevance. The game is plagued by huge amounts of downtime, lacklustre and unrewarding combat, and a punishing gear treadmill. What further ruins the experience are the aforementioned performance issues and rampant cheaters. Developer negligence to any of these issues has left the game stagnant, and superseded by games like CS:GO and Apex Legends.

First and foremost the game is boring. One key issue that plagues PUBG is how huge the maps are, and how this creates a reliance on vehicles as there are no other transportation methods. In the standard 4 player mode it's common to find that you're unable to locate a vehicle that can transport all 4 players on your team, meaning 2 of you need to hoof it unless you can find a 2nd vehicle. 2-player vehicles just shouldn't be in the game, it adds to the huge amount of content-devoid downtime there is.

_It is a very real possibility that you will never find a vehicle and you will be forced to sprint across huge open distances, in which nothing will happen._

When you're not looting, you're running or driving. It takes too long to get to a state where you're decently equipped. Equipment is _the_ ultimate decider in a firefight, not skill. A minimal amount of time per match is actually spent in combat with other players. Depending on luck, you might go through the majority of the match without firing a single shot, because you picked somewhere to go where the other players happened to ignore. This happens because, again, the maps are too large.

The developers are greedy and lazy, and unworthy of your support. Bluehole have the temerity to add loot boxes to an unfinished early access title. There are technical issues still prevalent in the game since PUBG appeared on Steam. It's a shame because PUBG could have been decent.
Publicada em 15 de fevereiro de 2019. Última edição em 16 de fevereiro de 2019.
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146.8 horas registradas (79.0 horas no momento da análise)
Defend the motherland from fascists! This is a quality successor to the great old IL2 games, it has seen a lot of improvement since launch and while there are still some issues with menus and occasional server hiccups, it's a great sim. Strongly recommend you use headtracking of some description, joystick and throttle are pretty much mandatory.
Publicada em 26 de dezembro de 2018.
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0.0 horas registradas
A good looking aircraft which handles well, but with peashooters for armament. You will run out of ammo before you take down an IL-2. 109 pilots will feel comfortable and this plane throws a wrench into many Soviet pilot's plans because of the agility. With flaps I've been able to turnfight with La-5's. On a rare occasion the less-than-square shape of the plane will cause confusion for friendlies who've not seen one before, you don't see many MC.202's in the sky. I've been teamkilled once in a 202 but it's not happened since.

The one thing I dislike about the plane, armament aside, is the thicc cockpit struts. All-round visibility, except for looking behind, is worse than a 109 and of course it opens sideways, so no flying with the cockpit open like on some Soviet aircraft. You will slightly reduce forward visibility if you take the thicker cockpit glass for pilot protection. Taking the additional 7.7 breda's is simply compulsory. Save your 12.7 ammo for when you know you can hit.

All in all, this is a nice plane you fly for the joy of flying, or you want a challenge. You probably won't be racking up the kills (Although you might, you're likely a better pilot than me) but you'll look classier than everyone else in your hand-crafted asymmetrical Italian fighter.
Publicada em 24 de dezembro de 2018.
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38.0 horas registradas (36.8 horas no momento da análise)
Análise de acesso antecipado
Early Access update: My opinion on this game has not changed as the game itself has not changed since it entered early access. It is still buggy and devoid of content.

TL;DR Don't get it yet, it's plagued with too many infuriating game-breaking issues and design flaws which enable griefers, and make group play impossible.

I've been playing WA since closed alpha, and I'm a sucker for sandbox games. I love the concept of WA which envisions the player having the ability to design and create their own ships, and destroy others, in a large pseudo-steampunk sandbox open world with a heavy emphasis on exploration and PvP. However, the game is ridden with bugs, some of which will make you alt-f4 or stop playing alltogether. There are serious performance issues which will completely cripple your ability to play the game that everyone experiences at some stage.

You potentially have so much to lose, your hard work to gather resources and construct a ship is hopelessly futile when the game crashes at a critical moment, which is not an uncommon event at all. On the topic of loss, this is the part where I address griefing: No, I'm not confusing PvP with griefing, I'm 100% for PvP, no separate servers or a 'safe mode' or any such things. Currently there's nothing stopping players from revisiting a starting area with a fully decked ship, and raining hell on noobs trying to build a ship with no way to retaliate.

It's so easy to grief given that you can lose nothing and repeatedly spawn in while being on the attack. You lose nothing, the defender loses everything. This is not PvP. This is not something that happens because you're bad at the game. This is abusing the lack of desperately needed punishment mechanics for endlessly respawning and attacking. Thankfully this has been addressed by the devs and will be changed ... soon ... ish. (I'd like to note that developer communication is very slow).

Given the early access nature of WA, there's a severe lack of meaningful content. Part of this depends on the presence of a healthy playerbase, seeing as so much of the concept of WA relies on player interaction. When almost no one is playing, like as of now, player encounters are such a rare happenstance. This completely rules out the possibility of PvP and cooperative play completely. Cooperative play is borderline impossible right now, that's all on that topic.

PvE is advertised as a part of the game, but that equates to 2 types of enemies you can fight. It's severely devoid of content. Nothing else to say here too.

This game is unique. It has an interesting setting that's difficult to define, and allows for players to create wonderful sky ships that are used to fight, cooperate, and trade. However, it's technically and mechanically flawed in so many ways that it sabotages your enjoyment. The lack of content in some areas makes aspects like PvE and exploration more of chore than anything.

Wait until the game is in a better state before you pick it up. Ignore it until then, even if it's on sale.
Publicada em 17 de janeiro de 2018. Última edição em 17 de maio de 2018.
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39.8 horas registradas (34.9 horas no momento da análise)
Civ VI is potentially a worthy successor to Civ V, some major new additions addressed key issues from previous iterations. However, all this is sabotaged by a critically broken AI which endlessly works to frustrate you in every single game you play.

Simply put, it's abysmal, worse than any previous Civ iteration, perhaps one of the worst I've seen in a turn-based strategy game. It's not that it's a little dumb, which is fairly typical in many games, the AI is just utterly stupid, incapable of basic management or strategy, and irrational. This dramatically affects my enjoyment of the game, and I can't easily organise 6-8 player multiplayer games with reliable people to bypass the need for AI in games.

The AI will declare war on you every game, and might send 3 outdated units in sparse waves or no units at all. It will never ever surrender, despite you outnumbering their military 10-1, and being an age further ahead in technology. The only way to stop the war is to conquer the Civ's cities to stem the tide of conscript bowmen being sent against your musketmen. At which point, every other AI in the game will declare you a warmonger, and will declare war on you ... only to do what the first culprit did: Send in sparse waves of outdated units, never surrendering until their capital city is under siege.

They might also do something which defines how bad this situation is, like sending out lone undefended settlers in a time of war, right into the arms of your forces. Forget expansions like Rise and Fall, Firaxis! This broken garbage AI needs fixing ASAFP.
Publicada em 15 de dezembro de 2017.
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