Hello, wanderer! :NekoPawLeft: Thanks for stopping by. I've crafted this introduction to quench anyone's curiosity and to avoid repeating myself.

:adom_wisp: I'm an engineer always on the move, with my laptop under one arm and a steam deck in my backpack. I have a soft spot for classics like fountain pens, retro consoles, mechanical keyboards, automatic watches and arcade cabinets.

:adom_wisp: My gaming palette leans towards hardcore roguelikes, dungeon crawlers, tactical turn-based strategies, VNs, quests or RPGs with strong narratives, digital adaptations of board games and reliving childhood memories with old-school arcade, platformers or fighting games.

:adom_wisp: I am not really interested in coop or online games. The sole online game that keeps drawing me back is Dota thanks to its unrivaled strategic depth — a game I've revisited more times than I can recall.

:adom_wisp: Besides Steam, I play on the nintendo switch but mostly offline with friends and family.

:adom_wisp: Screenshots are often taken on the steam deck and hence might be of lower quality.

:adom_wisp: All the artwork you see here including my avatar is AI-generated.

:adom_wisp: I use English to cover most of my friends list but if you speak to me in French, Swedish, Greek or Russian I will most likely be able to understand you.

:adom_wisp: Life, much like my schedule is full of surprises. When I'm present I'm fully engaged but there are times when it might take me weeks to get back to you. Consider this a friendly heads-up.
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