Just another casual gamer who enjoys single player titles more than those multiplayer epics.
P.S: To the person who gave the award, you have my gratitude.

Kirjautunut ulos
Harvinaisin saavutus -esittely
tuntia pelattu
Viimeaikainen toiminta
yhteensä 0,7 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 5.5.
yhteensä 19 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 5.5.
yhteensä 28 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 11.4.
Ammaruru Sama 5.5.2023 klo 14.20 
Old SoRcErY:smoking::bleach:
HeavyGunnerX 15.8.2022 klo 7.50 
Oh, That was someone from National Urology Society. They knew surprisingly a lot about 3 inch penises. They must have real experience in that department.
Ammaruru Sama 15.8.2022 klo 3.50 
Dang who wrote that comment below omg:smilememes:who tf was that guy:spazhorror:
Ammaruru Sama 15.3.2019 klo 22.41 
Hello Ali

I'm from the National Urology Society and we received your questions sent to our e-mail, and we're pleased to answer:

1) Yes, 3 inches is considered small. We recomend you surgery process;

2) No, it's not usual for the condom to be loose. There's no XS size;

3) Even if 3 inches is quite small, it is still possible that your partner has an ♥♥♥♥♥♥ during sexual relationships, so if it doesn't happen with you like you've mentioned, the lack of competence is your responsibility;

4) No, you cant have a prostate exam, it's only for 50-year-olds or older. Please, do not insist;

5) The attraction for people of the same sex can be a strong sign of homosexual tendencies;

Any other questions, we're here to help.
Please contact ashamedofsmalldick@impotence.com

Have a nice day, you have nothing to be ashamed of.
Ammaruru Sama 22.12.2018 klo 6.11 
Will do someday bro:em_heart:
DEMONxSHADOW 11.9.2018 klo 6.04 
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