Fort-shevchenko, Mangghystau, Kazakhstan
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2,733 Hours played
it a great game and i wounder if the modding will stop
Review Showcase
61 Hours played
Drinking and Driving in European Deserts: A Drunken Journey to the Heart of the Apocalyptic Dream

This game, is awesome. The devs for what I know consist of 3 guys, two of them for what I remember are Hungarian, you actually hear him on the radio, and he even plays song. I love the comedy of this man, and the hilarity of objects you can find in this game.

The game at first may seem unappealing, it's Early Access, it's graphics are something from 2016, Hell, it may even seem childish. But, I assure you this game is not Childish, there's plenty of Plastic Wifes and Severed Bodies you can find.

The game has slow development unfortunately, but... It's rather fun, and niche genre, It's the same generated buildings each time, but different loot in them, you can even find random cars in the desert of varying quality, and start with a random car.

This game overall is Slow-Developed, A little repetitive, but... Enjoyable. I love it, I love driving around and listening to the funny accent the radio-man has. The promises of Multiplayer coming sometime in the future intrigue me, and the idea of VR being implemented amazes me.

The game has multiplayer now, but it is not finished and buggy, it even has VR. However, it is only look around, you cant touch anything. Interesting enough this game has support for Controllers, Steering Wheels, and Peddles. So, if you have all of that you can have yourself a VR experience.

With the sparse QOL (Quality of Life) updates this game gets, is enough to keep me on board, but when I say "Sparse"I mean every 4 months they'll add maybe a Car, Bug Fixes, and a few new features. Just recently they added Food and Water, Varying Guns, Melee Weapons, and Hats/Sunglasses.

The enemies in this game are... Simple, but enough to keep you on your toes, their just giant rabbits with red glowing eyes, that screech at you every now and then, they can and will attack you, and kill you. They said they we're going back to improve them.

Happy you made it to the end of the Review, have a nice day, and I hope you pick up this little niche game!
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dustin is a furry
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Adam Mar 9 @ 10:06pm 
Thanks, I will enjoy my next week I have left.
FluffyWolfy Mar 9 @ 4:00pm 
Hi friend
Have a next week!
dominik Mar 9 @ 9:34am 
Glazing competition
leederg Mar 9 @ 9:22am 
hes lying...
Adam Mar 9 @ 12:38am 
Thank you "Chad to the Bone"! A true friend right there, great man. Very great.
dominik Mar 8 @ 2:17am 
the glazing is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ crazy