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Screenshot Showcase
Isabella for the win. Wait, did I say it loud? Isabella for the win.
Screenshot Showcase
Mais... mais... pourquoi ce personnage n'est pas plus dans le jeu. AAaaaouuuh.
Review Showcase
Season 1 of Being a DlK was already a masterpiece of mature (adult too) storytelling, with characters clearly defined, intrigues, plots and other fun moments.

Season 2 is more than that. It's a work of wonders. I can only say that if you want to play and feels things for characters you discover in an adult visual novel, go for this. You will have those adrenaline spikes in your brain, and sometime, clicking a button for a choice is more about seeing what you give up than obtain what you hoped you would gain.
Do not make choices lightly, because the game is there to remember that choices have consequences.

And be sure to play with mini games at least once, since this is a game, at the opposite of most AVN who are often just a story. Here, you will have many mini games for variety and some of them are really fun (no spoiler here).
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3.5 Hours played
L'ambiance, la musique, le chara-design; tous ces éléments transforment un simple jeu de plateforme en quelque chose de transcendant. Edit: près environ 3h j'ai fini le jeu. Oh mon dieu, les émotions. Jouez à ce jeu. Award 2019 "best game for impact"? oui, clairement.

NB: je l'ai joué au clavier (mais il est plutôt fait pour la manette). Ah oui, dans les menus, c'est aussi au clavier... c'est normal. Ne faites pas comme moi, croire que le jeu buggue quand la souris ne marche pas :D.
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4,972 hrs on record
last played on May 29
36 hrs on record
last played on May 29
201 hrs on record
last played on May 28