Breathe in :stella_happy: & Soar high! :epihappy:
My curator :kingme:
Honesty, kindness and respect are what I live by. If you incorporate these values in your everyday dealings, then we'll get along famously! :zagwow: A dash of humor is always welcome, too! :cubelol:

Life's full of beauty♡ If you cannot see it, look closelier! :cubetogue::cat_stars:

Use common sense + politeness >or> stay silent. :cleanseal:

I'm sorry but I'll most likely decline your friend request if you have an empty or private profile or if you exclusively communicate in a language other than English [since it's the de facto language of communication here on Steam.]

If, however, you find yourself to be dishonest / unkind / rude / racist / a troll / a cheater, we most definitely will not get along and you'll either never be accepted in my FL to begin with or soon be kicked from it if you act like a jerk - even if we've been on each other's FL for a year. It won't matter. :MMDead:

Also, guys who put lots of their energy into befriending, talking to and responding to women only on here, barf! :steamfacepalm:
It's so obvious and pathetic. Everyone notices it btw! :steammocking: Stay classy, Steam users.

Two of my reviews :FirePM: in magazine format:
The Evil Within [heyzine.com]
Nex Machina [heyzine.com]

Some harsh words:
If you're here to stalk or cause trouble, begone whilst penetrating thyself enthusiastically. i.e. GFYS! :HappyMask:
󠀡󠀡 󠀡󠀡 󠀡Elevate your soul. Words to live by.
To see a world in a grain of sand
and a heaven in a wild flower.

Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
and eternity in an hour.

― William Blake

Guard well within yourself that treasure, kindness.

Know how to give without hesitation,
how to lose without regret,
how to acquire without meanness.

— George Sand

Life is mostly froth and bubble;
Two things stand like stone.

Kindness in another's trouble,
Courage in our own.

— Adam Lindsay Gordon
Изложение на рецензиите
Изиграни 25 ч.
What we do in life echoes in eternity.

- Maximus Decimus Meridius

The Forgotten City is a creative masterpiece of storytelling and RPG. Very few games, be they indies or triple A, come even close to its level. This is a refined story-rich experience in which your choices truly do matter. It doesn't hurt that its premise is a philosophical conundrum the keenest of philosophers have struggled to adequately address for ages. If any of the keywords above sounds like something you're interested in, this is a must-play for you.

Please follow Volcanic Reviews for more fun, informative reads!
Disclaimer: I don't get compensated for any reviews I write. This is my honest opinion of the game, yet if you know someone who can change that, I wouldn't mind. Ha!

  • Time played so far: 25 hours
  • Achievements unlocked: 26 / 40
  • Different Endings reached so far: 2 / 4 (The best ones actually!)

  • The Forgotten City is a deeply immersive RPG with minimal combat - most of which you can avoid anyway if you keep your eyes open and play it smart.

  • The game starts by offering you a few choices to customize your experience: gender, skin tone, and background / specialty. Throughout my play through, only the latter really mattered as far as I can tell. Considering I'd be dealing with ancient Rome, I opted to be an archeologist/historian, and I'm glad I did. It's been beneficial for my mostly peaceful run so far.

  • You find yourself waking up by the river Tiber in Italy. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is a game that doesn't take place neither in the US nor in a so-called hot zone either. Quite a refreshing change of pace actually. You meet a stranger who requests of you to do something for her, and thus your journey begins.

  • Because of my undying love of story-rich games and utter contempt of spoilers, this is the most I'm willing to share about the story of TFC. I strongly beseech you to NOT google its story or characters or even how to get this or that achievement (which are fairly straightforward and you can unlock them all with just a little bit of tinkering on your own).

    I was pleasantly surprised to see that the developer has actually put the gist of my sentiment as a 'stickied' comment of sorts right beside the Main Menu where you can see it before you hit play as clear as the sun. You now what? I wish more developers did that.

  • Pure focus on gameplay
    There are zero distractions here; no classes to choose from or switch between, no levels to obsess over, no traits to buy. You choose your background/specialty at the beginning as mentioned above and off you go to have fun.

    It's worth mentioning that you cannot switch later, so choose wisely.

  • The ingenious gameplay loop consists of you restarting your journey every time someone breaks the Golden Rule. What is it though? How can it be broken? Why are some things considered forbidden while others, which are evil to any sane, level-headed person, not?

  • You restart from the moment you enter the Forgotten City, trimming away the introduction and letting you focus on enjoying the gameplay.

    You do so with everything you gained from the previous loops in tact, including items like invaluable keys, ancient something something, and more importantly your inside knowledge of the dynamics amongst the inhabitants.

  • Nothing is what it seems.
    This rings true on so many levels here.
    Is the innocent-looking person really that innocent or is there more to be uncovered about them? Are bad people really that horrible or do they maybe have a point that you should consider before taking action that would affect everyone around you?

Graphics and audio
  • Breathtaking visuals
    The game is very nice to look at; the character models are extremely detailed as well and look as human as could be, even more 'real' than what I've seen in other RPG games like ...let's not go there!

  • Immersive audio
    The convincing voice acting proves one more time how important this element is in game-development. Every single character is their own person, and their voice reflects that admirably. Excellent casting choices and performances all around.

    The background music is very Roman times. It elevates the atmosphere ten times over.

    Was the lady singing in Latin or just Italian and I'm romanticizing it?

  • Very refined experience
    I'm blown away by how polished everything is, and I mean everything.

  • Enjoyable gameplay loop
    You're not invincible at all yet the incremental knowledge you gain each loop makes all the difference when it clicks for you and you start piecing this magnificent puzzle together.

  • Fascinatingly immersive
    To the point that I forgot which year I'm in and really felt the limitations and freedom that come with travelling 2,000 years back in time.

  • Excellent writing
    A narrative so well written that it received accolades since it was first conceived as a mod for Skyrim in 2015. It struck gold again in 2016 and in 2021. (Pun intended!)

    The truth is even if it didn't get a single award, it has already won me over because it shows in how well the plot develops and how smoothly the dialogues branch out. (See Pro Tip about this.)

  • Cerebral
    The game engages your mind in such a way others rarely do. Mental sparring, I call it, and dear gosh, do some of us direly need it!

  • Real-life characters
    Every single character has their own story, motives, aspirations and moral code. Getting to know them was a real pleasure. I wish some of my own friends were as interesting! Harsh but true!

  • Multiple, very different from each other endings
    This truly is a choices-matter game. The decisions you make affect you and literally everyone around you.

    Pro Tip
    • Be careful by the way, as you can easily lock yourself out of interacting with some characters if you upset them too much.
    • Saving often is your friend. Or you can ... ! SPOILERS!

    • As logical as the game is, it might have a plot hole here or there.
      I cannot possibly explain further without revealing major spoilers (and that's not going to happen), so I say suspension of disbelief is the best way to handle it - if you catch it, that is.

      If there's any game that deserves turning a blind eye about one or two minor poor execution decisions regarding its theme, this one deserves it the most.

    • Nothing more. Absolutely nothing.
      This game is as close to perfection as the most talented of developers could possibly dream of making, publishing and finding worldwide success with.

    • Total: 40

    • Fair and not too grindy.

    • While some are straightforward, most require consideration of how to accomplish each. Putting some logical thought into them will get you there.

    • +1 Perfect Game

    Highly recommended.

    It's only every few years that a game this refined in every sense of the word comes along to grace its audience with quiet and fun gameplay, mental sparring, and a satisfying conclusion.

    Absolutely worth it for full price.
    Still, the game goes on sale for 55% off. Grab it then for an even better deal.
Изложение на видеа
Suicidal Solo vs Patriarch, Carillon Hamlet, KF2 [8.Sep.24]
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Ace -=666=- 21 септ. в 6:38 
Have a nice weekend :Lixin1::floatheart:
Ace -=666=- 14 септ. в 10:51 
Have a nice weekend :catcup::ChocolateBox:
Piston Smashed™ 12 септ. в 4:45 
Thank You for the birthday wishes. :happyleon:
4Black&WhiteCats 8 септ. в 7:50 
My pleasure dear friend Volcanic! :happy_cats:
Ace -=666=- 8 септ. в 6:51 
Happy Sunday :catspaw:
4Black&WhiteCats 7 септ. в 13:06 
Wishing you a great weekend, my dear friend! :AE_Good: :AE_Smile: