Vladislav   Estonia
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Red!! Red... No. Red... What did you do, what did you do... No,Red, no. No.
Crore 8 de jun. às 13:36 
such a ♥♥♥♥♥, cant play for ♥♥♥♥ :( lost like a good boy
Lapp 23 de fev. às 13:57 
absolute spastic little nerd who contributes to the worst boss of DS3 being even worse by hopping around not giving a real fight and wasting time
Parmesan 3 de fev. às 15:22 
Such a pi$$y, pu$$y huh?
Django 3 de fev. às 13:20 
hahahahaha yes hacks on in dark souls hahahaha you suck kid
eraser 2 dez. 2023 às 6:28 
эстонский х.у.е.с.о.с с читами :steamthumbsdown: Reported!
🎃 9 out. 2021 às 12:28 
canser and toxic player for csgo