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13.5 hrs on record (13.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Just know that there wont be a progression system in this game. i was really looking forward to unlocking my battering ram, or having to spend a currency on it. but however they have taken a realistic approach, limiting all forms of customisation by having everything unlocked from the start.

As a mil-sim experience, this is top tier. however i would love something to work towards. This is just a Tech Demo for an empty shell of an FPS. its impossible to retain attention. Finding a group in Arma 3 that specialises in CqB & armies with budget systems. is a better experience if you can handle its gunplay.

Playing this until that is installed. this game is great. i bought it to support its development. ive heared there will be a campaign/story mode - THAT i will play the hell out of. until then, farewell.
Posted July 27, 2022.
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149.8 hrs on record (31.1 hrs at review time)
If you didnt buy the game because of its poor release, nows the time to change your mind.

No other space sim compares to this. Star Citizen is heavily out weighed by both the content and the system performance.

I cannot believe this game is 12gb. Its a massive universe.

There is a permadeath mode, which i have become addicted to - especially when against the threats involved.

I bought this on sale for 33, and as of this post, im buying a copy for my friend.

100% worth your time and money if:

- Combat isnt your priority but you still crave it

- Discovery is your priority

- Impactful base building is appealing

- Risks involve climate, hostility, and multiple choice decisions.
Posted April 26, 2022.
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1.3 hrs on record
if you dont like RPG games, then this shooter will provide. if you dont like call of duty games, this game provides. if you want to be alone in the wild, this game provides. all it takes is a little uniqueness to your playstyle and you'll be ghosting around in no time. happy hunting. i will be.
Posted August 5, 2020.
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131.4 hrs on record (37.3 hrs at review time)
Without spoilers, dont buy this for the storyline. buy this for the gameplay and only the gameplay. I dont suggest the game without the Iceborne dlc. but heres why it would be worth to buy both;

- The base game is cut a few bucks if you buy the game and the dlc in a bundle only containing the two store items.

- The base games story is very short (20 hours solo for me but ive heard of 8 and less with friends) this is intentional so you can play end game quickly. Iceborne extends the storyline, but also the end game content.

- The base game does not have a lot of creatures, you will discover almost all of them by the end of the storyline, Iceborne dlc mixes it up a lot, the difficulty in creatures you used to fight has gone far up in there.

Monster Hunter: World is supposed to be a canvas for the developers to work on for years. Without Iceborne you will be locked out of the rest of the game. leaving you with grinding levels and gear to gain access to tougher difficulties of monsters youve already hunted.

In one way its not bad, as the creatures get harder by being smarter. Rather than most games jacking up the HP and DMG, the AI gets different attack patterns and different abilities to throw even veteran hunters off. (they also jack up the DMG and HP)

but in another way Iceborne gives you the same difficulty spikes, while in a new enviroment, with new creatures, without grinding the base games end game.

Conclusion; If you want gameplay and a good 2-4man coop game with time killing content; get the dlc, power through all of the ear bleeding storytelling, and enjoy your end game with your homies. An achievement after reaching highest difficulty is called "the real hunt begins" or something similar. and even then the difficulty doesnt cap there. Good luck Hunter!
Posted June 21, 2020.
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66.4 hrs on record (17.4 hrs at review time)
Better than console versions because you can disable motion blur - on console had over 200 hours. bought the game + DLC twice now, if that explains your moneys worth
Posted April 25, 2020.
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332.5 hrs on record (204.7 hrs at review time)
car ball is fun. if you play flight simulators, your automatically better than low rank
Posted February 23, 2020.
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63.0 hrs on record (9.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
if you dont understand milsim combat this should be your first game into it. it makes team play easy, and important. this game is basic enough for a battlefield player, but advanced enough for a real world veteran. matches are about 20 minutes long, longer based on how well each team is doing.

ive already made a few friends on the field, because of proximity chat, but equally, i have seen my men, and others, completely obliterated by mortars built by the enemy in some unknown land. i cried a lil. spent the rest of the game searching for these ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. only to drop a few nades into their setup. destroying their respawn point, and saving the game from a definite loss.

the game is tense. if you want to play arma but feel like your gonna fall behind not knowing a lot, this game at the very least will tell you what itsall about. and even freely lets you gain a commanding role, which allows you to build mortar structures, respawn points, all through shipments of cars filled with the supplies needed.

you need a team. 9 man squads, 70 man matches, 9 sounds like a lot, but theres enough action to keep them busy shooting more than talking. some people dont even like to talk and only do so for your sake.

if you dont have a microphone for chat, your basically ♥♥♥♥♥♥. even the tutorial warns you. and they are right. men have died in the little hours i have because they didnt respond or couldnt relay any sort of information. your team needs you. your squad needs you.

if you really dont know what milsim is, or want just a gameplay understanding of milsim, try out Planetside 2. its a free to play so you wont be losing money. Squad is a real world version of that game. you create a squad, you take over a section of the map with them, you feel better. squads differences are its not in space, has real world physics, and you can build structures.

also, i get to be a canadian. so. 10/10
Posted February 6, 2020.
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683.5 hrs on record (480.8 hrs at review time)
nothing about this game is repetitive. i got this game pirated when i was young and couldnt work for my money. i put more hours into this game than shown. i probably have over 1200+ hours truely. but purchasing the game has more benefits. online multiplayer without a pain in the ass Hamatchi client, the game updates itself, and modding is much easier / less buggy, and chances were you would lose your save file in pirated versions of the game.

worlds have sperate save files than players. players can beat the game, then bring that character to their friends brand new world. is this busted? no. trees are a need in this game, and the biggest ones naturally spawn. i make new worlds just to tear their trees down then delete the world before hopping dimensions again.

this is not minecraft, and how dare anyone tell you it is.

Terrarias main focus is boss fights, and upgrading your armor. minecrafts main focus is build for your own amusement and swing your sword at things that want to touch you to death.

terrarias buildings funtion as homes for your NPC's such as shop keepers, healers, and even defense buffs.

there are two gamemodes, with a 3rd releasing in the final update of this game. Normal is easy mode. if you dont know what your doing in terraria, play this. Expert is for those of you who want terraria to make you as mad as a darksouls game. bosses can be very difficult without proper setups. building a boss arena in the right biome at the right time. then avoiding its attack patterns isnt enough for the average player. you must drink a gallon of potions before summoning the boss, make sure your using the right arrows, bullets, spells, ect. this game is about the fight. not the build. well, actually its about your characters build. classes are specific in this game. there are over 10 armor sets alone specifically focusing on bow benefits, and mage gear that has multiple paths, summoner or mage. you can be a guy with a gun on full auto, a guy who has piercing arrows and fires two at a time, or a summoner whos got 10 spiders fighting for him while hes afk.

terraria has way too much content for even myself to get through. some people can beat terraria in a day, and good on them. but theres so much in terraria that you probably wont even finish your first, 2nd, 3rd. or even 100th playthrough.

when i played minecraft it took me a couple days to find diamonds and kill a dragon. unless you build something specifically for yourself, or mod it to the teeth, youve beaten minecraft. in terraria, imagine always finding something better than diamonds and still having the losing edge in a boss fight that, in the end, corrupts your world with new biomes, or enemys that will also give you a losing edge.

coop with just another person to two. enemys dont scale based on friend count, so the more people you have the easier it is. 3 players is the breaking point between "too easy" and "we almost had it" 4 players or more will make bosses feel like they were butter in a microwave.

minecraft doesnt have pirates that raid your house, or a goblin army killing all your villagers. or aliens protecting fallen meteors that you can mine later in the game, when they crash land due to something you did in the world.

dont forget the modding though. only using two mods, ive trippled the amount of content, doubled the boss list, and quadrupled the NPC villagers than can move in. the mod scene is usually just additional content that tried to balance itself to the base game. but i highly reccomend terraria without mods until you've beaten it, as you'll believe that you never did by the time you make your new modded world/character

play terraria. if you have a survival urge, a combat need, and something with strategy, terraria has it. dont even bother with minecraft. what are you gonna do on there, swing your sword at me? swords and the melee class itself is a joke in terraria. get a gun or spell of your liking and everything will feel challenging and for the most part fair. this was my childhood game, this is still one of the best that i still play to this day, lets estimate 7 years later. im still playing.

if your worried your money is going to waste, this game should be triple its price with how worth it this game is.
Posted January 31, 2020.
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49.3 hrs on record (36.5 hrs at review time)
combat is the only thing you are going to see in this game, if you are a lord of the rings fan, or want to be, this game is a great example of lore on top of it all. if you are looking for sword play, this is your world. own mordor.
Posted January 28, 2020.
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