That man has a big kawk.
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1 425 timmar spelade
Review in 10 seconds:
7/10 - Would recommend, but caveat with flaws.

Notes And Opinions:
- Diamond in the rough
- Faithful to tabletop, but that also means slow gameplay
- Good core gameplay
- Good creatives and artstyle
- GIANT SHOOTY MECHS - grindy but the thrill is in collecting them all, a la Pokemon
- Main story is very cliched, characters are polar "ideals" without taking into complexity of lore
- Technical issues still present - Eats up lots of GPU + Memory leaks
- End game leaves a lot to be desired

Much like Shadowrun Returns, this game is a diamond in the rough. I'd expect to see more from HBS as the franchise matures, much like SR: Dragonfall and SR: HK.
Mest sällsynt prestation-monter
[bluestreak] 21st December 18 apr, 2019 @ 9:27 
+rep, awesome trader
Dark_Magician 11 jan, 2019 @ 4:34 
+Rep A good and polite trader.
core 9 jan, 2019 @ 7:51 
+rep Honest and reliable trader! Thank you very much for the trade. :)
Firkin 19 nov, 2018 @ 4:44 
+rep reliable and super nice!
Zaedra.Rose 12 nov, 2018 @ 23:22 
+rep Fast and super friendly trader. Thanks so much!
andrewlin429 30 okt, 2018 @ 23:28 
+rep, Fast and friendly, great trader!