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Análises recentes de Braided Asshair

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701.2 horas registradas (697.6 horas no momento da análise)
This game is just great, not much else to say, I spent my first 200 hours playing PVP servers and although I loved it, I couldn't keep up with the tryhards and the weekly wipes werent good enough for someone who cant play everyday, my house would be raided most of the time id want to play.

So I switched to PVE and monthly wipes, I play with my fiance and its a great experience. You can enjoy all the game has to offer (apart from PVP obviously) without a time limit and knowing you're base will still be there the next time you log in.

Theres constant updates even 10 years later and you can tell the Devs care about the game. I love it.
It gets boring after a while in PVE but its the best option for most folks I would say.

I wish there were servers which we're PVP but without offline raiding, that would be perfect
Publicada em 17 de dezembro de 2023.
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3.5 horas registradas
This game runs like ass, period. If you don't have super high end hardware, don't waste your money. I have an i7-8700k and an Overclocked GTX 980 and im struggling to see 60fps on the lowest settings with upscaling making the game look blurry as ♥♥♥♥. I can run Red dead 2 on Medium at 60 but not this?
Publicada em 16 de fevereiro de 2022.
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61.8 horas registradas (59.1 horas no momento da análise)
It's a good enjoyable racing game, driving the cars feels nice. The map, graphics and sounds are very nice.
I have a problem recently where every time I log into my microsoft account to play the game, it makes me reset the password which is a major annoyance but is a microsoft issue, not the game itself.

My biggest gripe and what made the game boring for me very quickly was the fact that there is no progression. The game starts you off with amazing cars and you make money extremely quickly so after about 5 hours of playtime, you can buy whatever car you want, taking away from any feeling of progression and made the game sooo boring. The "Story" is terrible as you'd expect in any racing game and the characters are as cringy and annoying as ever.

Overall if I could choose a middle rating option, I would but the game is good, so im giving it a thumbs up although id give it like a 6/10 If I could be more accurate with my rating.
Publicada em 29 de novembro de 2021. Última edição em 17 de dezembro de 2023.
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62.8 horas registradas
Sooo Ive finally beaten Cyberpunk, on the 2nd attempt. The first attempt was when the game came out, too buggy but most importantly, didn't run well enough on my GTX 980 (Who would've thought).

Over a year later, I bought an RTX 3070 and decided to give the game another go. Here's what I think.

The game, of course ran much better, this time being able to glance at the beautiful graphics at over 80FPS let me enjoy the game to it's full potential. However, I was sad to see many of the bugs that I experienced almost 2 years ago, we're still there. But nothing game breaking thankfully.

The story was ok, just ok. Very predictable though a few of the characters we're well written and memorable.
The vibe of the city and game in general was very much up my alley, and probably the main reason I continued to play. With a good few side missions, the 2nd play through took around 35 hours, which was less than I expected, the ending arrived quite abruptly in my opinion, I thought I wasnt even close to finishing the game yet as I felt like I had only done like 10 main missions.

The gameplay was also just ok, The shooting mechanics weren't anything special, the stealth wasnt something I focused on, and honestly, upgrading the cybermods and stats didnt feel like it accomplished a whole lot, and with how short the game was, i only reached like level 12 and didn't even come close to maxing anything out.

Overall, this game is ok, I enjoyed it and was slightly sad when it ended, which says something I think.
Its not a game id ever play again and honestly the main reason I enjoyed it as much as I did, is because gaming in 2023 is such a ♥♥♥♥ show that there aren't many choices in good story games recently.
Publicada em 12 de dezembro de 2020. Última edição em 10 de junho de 2023.
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50.5 horas registradas (41.7 horas no momento da análise)
It's a great game, maybe not a perfect 10/10 but a 9/10 for sure. Im doing my 2nd playthrough now after watching the Netflix series.
Publicada em 23 de dezembro de 2019.
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5 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
1.2 horas registradas (0.9 horas no momento da análise)
Probably a good game, can't tell since I get a never ending loading screen every 2 missions or so. Will not continue playing. Can't recommend a game thats badly optimised.
Publicada em 18 de junho de 2018.
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2 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
109.9 horas registradas (68.8 horas no momento da análise)
Just the best game to chill and watch/listen to a podcast to on my 2nd monitor.

Even with a keyboard and mouse it's fun. I'll be getting a G27 soon so it'll be even better.

If you like driving at all and just want a chill game to play then I'd really recommend this. It's even made me want to become a truck driver in real life.
Publicada em 13 de junho de 2018.
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210.7 horas registradas (81.1 horas no momento da análise)
This review is for the Singleplayer. In my opinion the Multiplayer was only fun for the first 2 years or so that the game was out for.

The singleplayer in this game is one of my personal favourite campaigns I have ever played
Publicada em 4 de fevereiro de 2017. Última edição em 24 de outubro de 2022.
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