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A 84 personas les pareció útil esta reseña
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1,529.9 h registradas (780.9 h cuando escribió la reseña)
I spent 800 hours in this game if you pick it up at 20 bucks you'll probably get your moneys worth for a few weeks as you learn and struggle to rank up. Well, probably. But overall if you're looking for something to play for awhile or "git gud" at don't bother. At this point Dead by Daylight is at best a casual party game to play with your friends.

What to expect: Infinite loading screens, numerous lobby bugs that make getting into a lobby as Survivor a complete pain. This isn't much of a problem if you play Killer (but of course, there are still issues). Low and poor FPS regardless of how good your computer is, especially on new maps and even more so on Killer for whatever reason.

The balance is completely broken. If you play survivor at the start expect to get your teeth kicked in for weeks while you struggle to learn everything in this extremely obtuse game. Once you finally "git gud" expect to be running circles around the killer and having boring easy games. If you play Killer expect every game to be a laughable cakewalk until you get to the top end of players and get taken for a ride constantly. This is all assuming the matchmaking system works at all which it hasn't for months. Often rank 20s will just be thrown up against rank 1 killers to be roflstomped while dragging down their rank 1 teammates.

You can also expect the game to devolve into one of petty frustrations. If you ever get caught as survivor you'll most likely get camped to death, most likely by a Trapper. If you ever play killer you'll either have all your hooks sabo'd so you can't hook anyone or be gen rushed so the games almost over by the time you catch one person.

Finally it is clear - the developers have no idea what they are doing at this point. I play Killer as much as survivor so I wasted 7 dollars on the Of Flesh and Mud DLC. What an atrocious waste of money that was. The Hag is by and far the worst killer in the game and only good at camping. Every map they add to the game is broken and progressively worse. Numerous pointless nerfs or changes that make the game less fun for everyone (traps changes, chainsaw changes, overdone vault changes for examples) every aspect of the game has been going downhill for months.

In summary: This game used to be imperfect for sure, but it held a ton of potential and was very unique and novel. The shine wore off and it's being run into the ground. If they ever manage to get back on the right course I'll revisit the game and this review but for now: Look elsewhere.
Publicada el 23 de enero de 2017.
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220.1 h registradas (45.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Is this game worth buying at it's high price point? Well that's up to you. If you're like me and know you're going to get many hundreds of hours out of it then probably. If you're really only interested in hitting up the main quest and some sides and maybe trying some DLC then you're better off waiting for a sale.

This is very much another "Bethesda RPG" in the vein of Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Skyrim. If that doesn't appeal to you, try Fallout: New Vegas which is much more "Fallout style" for a modern RPG.

+The graphics, animations etc. are much better than Skyrim, occasionally janky or missing textures but not very often
+The new character creator is amazing, probably the best I've seen, normally I wouldn't fiddle with minor details
+Your character has her own voice! Something I think has been missing from the series
+The new perk tree is similar to the old but in a stylized format. The major difference is your SPECIAL distribution has a much larger impact
+For the first several hours of the game Stimpacks and Ammo are scarce, I found myself using chems I normally wouldn't and weapons I normally wouldn't to survive
+Voice acting is overall much better than previous installments of Bethedsa games
+The main plot and your characters backstory is interesting and has interesting characters
+The new UI is overall an improvement but of course they changed around all the buttons again to mess with us
+The new modding/crafting section is much better presented and more enjoyable

*Only occasional bugs and only 1 crash (for me) better than other Bethesda games but still there
*Town crafting/leading is cool but gets annoying quickly
*A portion of early quests are obviously "Dynamic" quests but of course entry level things is expected at the start of factions and the "Dynamic" quests are better than Skyrims

-The Dialogue tree is obviously made for console and very annoying, occasionally I've given responses completely opposite to what I mean
-Persuasion and Charisma has been dumbed down and is almost useless. Really should have taken a page out of Obsidians book (You can complete FO:NV with 0 people and creature kills), feels like my initial 6 Charisma investment is wasted
-No Hardcore mode
-Your character is a little too locked into Bethesda's pre-determined character
-The main story of hunting down a family member is a rehash
-There's not as many options to develop your character's personality

Overall everything has been improved at the expense of RPG elements, it's still a good game and time - DLC, Mods etc. will make it better. Unless you're hardcore into these kind of games you're probably better off waiting. But still, I'd recommend it and enjoy it. Bethesda definately could have learned a lot from Obsidian and I hope they get to do another installment in the future.
Publicada el 11 de noviembre de 2015. Última edición: 11 de noviembre de 2015.
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6.8 h registradas (3.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
a practice simulator for never leaving your house aka my life 10/10
Publicada el 19 de octubre de 2015.
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468.0 h registradas (452.3 h cuando escribió la reseña)
feels much more like a real fallout game than 3 does
good game with lots of moral gray area rather than just shoot the bad mans
you can be gay which is pretty progressive. all the dlc is good and shockingly they make survivial horror (dead money), religious exploration (honest hearts), 70s scifi shclock (old world blues) work. dont ask me about lonesome road i didnt do that one yet ok
Publicada el 17 de agosto de 2014.
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4,222.6 h registradas (219.0 h cuando escribió la reseña)
"lets all take our shirts off and kiss... what?" - the ranger at an all girls sleepover
Publicada el 16 de enero de 2014.
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16.9 h registradas (16.0 h cuando escribió la reseña)
oh god... what if im the bad mans?
Publicada el 27 de julio de 2013.
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0.0 h registradas
this ga me blows u dont even shot anyhing
Publicada el 18 de julio de 2012.
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25.9 h registradas (24.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
a nice man bought me this game and it a fun game thank you nice man
Publicada el 12 de febrero de 2012.
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9.3 h registradas
haha i pull a sleepy man on to another sleepy mans crotch
Publicada el 11 de febrero de 2012.
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2,531.4 h registradas (921.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
2003 - present, tale of a dota prodigy
Publicada el 23 de enero de 2012.
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