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Big Yikes Boi K U U O M Λ MLG V z 109

I prefer to use Playnite to Steam's library. I just use Steam as a social site and one of the many ways to obtain PC games nowadays.


Terrible things happen to good people. I guess if you don't care about things that good is evil.

Prophet of Regret.... FΛK you bud. [Still feel this way]

YAP YAP GANG :secrectorder: :MCCHALO:


Halo Aliases :
Offline Halo Gaming (04-07) Downwarrior (07-09),
Bear The Noble (10-13), Kuuoma (19-onward).

Halo 2 Stats :


23 Games Played.

181 Kills. 193 Deaths. 29 Assists.


Halo 3 Stats :


Time Played : 7.16:00:50. Games Played : 3,619

11,965 Kills [4182 Ranked, 8133 Social]. 12,679 Deaths [4546 Ranked, 8133 Social].

EXP - 650- 237 = 413. Major Grade 2. Lone Wolves 41. Team Swat 34.

(Bear The Noble)

Time Played : 15:16:10. Games Played : 311

633 Kills []. 458 Deaths [125 Ranked, 338 Social].

EXP - 20 - 13 = 7. Private Grade 2.

Halo Reach Stats :

(Bear The Noble)

[343i didn't preserve the OG Halo Waypoint Data. I have to boot up the 360 for some stats.]

8,032 Kills. 10,921 Deaths.

EXP - Brigadier []

Halo 4 Stats

(Bear The Noble)

Time Played : 3.6:19:00 Games Played : 508.

2,744 Kills. 2,307 Deaths.

EXP - SR 98 and a CSR of 11 in Swat.

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GeT MoN3y w Cracker476
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Created by - Larsen
This is a guide to Dark souls II railing, which is a big part of the gameplay in Dark Souls II, and it's community! If you haven't railed yet, check out this guide!
Review Showcase
Halo : The Master Chief Collection is an excellent compendium of the games we have been waiting for.

My short and sweet version :

It has Halo CE, 2, 3, ODST, Reach, and 4 all included in this pack for 40 $. There is enough content in that 40$ to last you a life time. I firmly believe that. If you really want to know how, grab it and play through an epic collection of games about Master Chief and later The Arbiter and everyone who helps them along the way fight the good fight.

Then jump into one of the most addicting multiplayer games I have ever played and make friends while doing it. Be warned we still are on Xbox Live. Someone might talk about your mom.

But if you want to know why I am always playing it and will keep playing it. Read the history section and play some custom games with some buddies. Halo is great.

The Complaints :

I love Halo and I am just sad with their decisions. I need to put my piece into the community too.

I was very excited for the MCC to come to PC. I was very active in the community until Halo 4's release. I have been taking a break because I am just disappointed in the direction of the game.

( I want to say I don't consider myself a pro, or even a competitive player. I just really love Halo. )

Halo has always been one of those games about playing and the community to me. I have been playing since Halo 2 on Xbox and CE LANs before that. With their seasons I was greatly worried one day we would hit LE and LT content. I have concerned myself with my maps and just playing until the Anvil season.

The Anvil season really put a bad taste in my mouth.

I can ignore LE skins ,( Im looking at you Winter Camo BR from Recon Slayer) I really hate it but I can ignore it. Just let everyone be able to unlock everything. I DIGRESS. My point is I was apart of the Halo Online/ El-Dewrito debacle. I personally did not write any code but I was one of the guys who helped it spread like wildfire. I posted it on /v/, and twitter and was streaming and distributing the content as much as I could.

I mean, Microsoft at this point had no intention of bringing Halo to PC. This was 2015. But after about 2 weeks of spreading the word... My twitch account was banned and all content on my account was deleted. I was in the wrong, but I feel that me and many others in the community felt like if they weren't going to sell it to us; at what point do you say " I guess I'll just do it myself " . That is just what El-Dewrito did. They stuck the middle finger at the guys who we had been begging for this game for years. I support their decisions and I wouldn't change a thing because it paved the path to this game being released.

Then we land at Jan 27, 2021. 1 year and 1 month after the games began releasing on PC. 6 years since the community took a stand demanding the game they have been waiting for. 14 years after a mainline Halo title had dropped on PC.



WHY IS THERE ALL THIS ADDITIONAL CONTENT BEING MADE FOR CLASSIC GAMES YET FULL FLEDGED FEATURES FROM HALO 3 AND REACH ARE STILL MISSING??(Screenshot,Movie and Map sharing. We all are still expecting this stuff to come out prior to infinite!)

What is going on for the sake of the game is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and if you guys just kept on the path you were headed for the first 8 months of this games released you'd be golden.

I am thankful for anyone who reads this entire rant and cares even remotely for m

The History Section (skippable) :

I bought each of these games individually as they came out over the years and played them on Xbox Live on the OG and the Xbox 360. Now I have been buying them each for 10 $ just to try and thank 343i for finally making this happen.

I played Halo CE after school ever day with my younger brother and our friends. 4 Player split screen until we literally got the console unplugged by our parents.

I played Halo 2 in the same manner until I learned what XBOX LIVE was.

I played Halo 2 online on the Xbox. Back when you plugged your mic next to your memory card. When you could have a controller, mic, and memory card all in the same hand walking to your friends house on a summer afternoon.

I played Halo 2, 3, ODST, Reach and 4 all on Xbox 360. (until Xbox Live 1.0 was shut off... RIP)

I used Bungie.net for my Road to Recon experience. I tracked my hotmaps and used overhead maps to step my game up.

I completed those damned Vidmasters and even played against Bungie on 7 on 7 back in Halo 3. I used to worship those with their heads lit aflame.

I TRIED to hit max level in Halo : Reach. I never made it. We DID make it into Halsey's Lab one night on Xbox Live. So many memories in one spot.

I went to the midnight release of Halo 4 at my local Gamestop and played until they sent us home. Then played until the sun came up.

And then I moved to PC. And I missed Halo. I missed it ALOT.

I played Halo Custom Edition some. But it had a very different thing going on than the games I was used to playing. Not bad, but as a console player fresh to PC. I didn't fit in.

I couldn't obtain Halo 2 Vista anywhere so I never got to try it !

Skip foward a few years.....

Finally getting Halo on PC:

Halo Online was announced ! ONLY IN RUSSIA.

I was upset. The PC community was upset. Everyone was upset. Here is a modified Halo 3 and I don't get to play it because of where I live.

Then Eldewrito happened... 2015 marked the community taking it into their own hands. Engineers from all over the internet, Halo fans. Flocked together to backwards engineer and give the community the game they'd been begging for for YEARS.

When Eldewrito hit my inbox on discord it changed my life. Halo on PC. Mods. IT HAD HAPPENED.

I was streaming every day. Making Youtube clips. Sharing news on Reddit. I felt like it was 2004 all over again I couldn't get enough.


Your Twitch account has been temporarily banned for the use of illegal software and distribution.

Microsoft DMCA'd Eldewrito and stripped all Twitch accounts and Youtubes of Halo Online.

They didn't make money off of it and they were SALTY.

(should have just sold the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ game but who am I)

A few days later we get an update from the Eldewrito Team saying this is the end of development but they would be working with 343 to bring a "Classic Halo Experience to the PC"

Fast forward 4 years and they announce the MCC for the PC.

It has been 8 years since I played Halo 4 and 8 years that I had been on PC. It had been 10 years since I played halo 3 , ODST or Reach. And 10 + years for Halo CE or 2.

And its all for 40 dollars. When I say I have been buying them for 10$ a piece to say thank you.

Thank you. Thank you 343i for preserving one of the largest parts of my gaming career on my favorite platform and keeping Halo alive. Thank you Microsoft for finally allowing it to happen. And thank you Bungie for making this franchise that has been bringing me together with my friends since I was in elementary school.

This is my first and probably my only ever real review of a game.

Because this game is the one that made me a Gamer.

Have you ever written a review and felt emotional? I have now.

Lazy Review Section.

4 hrs: yes (Launch)

97 hrs: yes (CE added)

217 hrs: yes (H2A added)

290 hrs: YES (Just finished Noble Season, 3 campaigns completed)

481 hrs: Just buy it already ( Just played the Halo 3 Flight. Buy it Now)

612 hrs: Halo 3 just got announced. Try and keep calm. One Week.

672 hrs: They shadow launched Halo 3 24 hr early. Praise 343i.

800 hrs: Thank you for bringing my favorite game of all time to PC.

913 hrs: Just finished Spark Season. STILL YES

1,186 hrs: Just finished Recon Season and the Halo 4 flight. Halo 3 ODST has been out and this game just keeps on giving.

1202 hrs: I just got halo 4 and will be playing it this weekend !
Completionist Showcase
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