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16.1 hrs on record (5.9 hrs at review time)
Despite being a mixed crop of genre, this harvest is bountiful with hectic fun, farm, and fall out.
Posted December 29, 2020.
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35.7 hrs on record (2.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Don't let the name fool you, this has great potential as among others of it's kind and a quest you'll want to finish.

Plays smooth and the music rocks while your rolling out the lead (rockets, energy, steel) carpet.
Weapons feel, look, and sound good (still some tweaks desired but nothing serious)
What you pickup can matter but aim and mobility is the majority of what you need.
Abit short but it's early access and can only get better. (Keep up the great work.)
Posted October 11, 2020.
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12.5 hrs on record (7.9 hrs at review time)
A combined genre (rhythm/roguelite/fps) you don't see too often and it rocks in all the right places. Can be a challenge if you can't hold a beat though but they have an option for that. However it feels a little short and the final boss is lacking at the end.

8/10 (Birb shopkeeper is genuinely cute and has a catchy tune)
Posted September 18, 2020.
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3 people found this review helpful
9.7 hrs on record (3.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Supergiant...you did it again. Through character interactions you create a feeling of wanting to skip the fights and hear if just a tiny bit of story or personality from the characters. Now the combat is tried and true but sped up in a good way. Planned moves and decent reactions will go along way so it can be abit punishing but it will grow on you. Only ankle deep and It's hard to put down, keep up the amazing work. And have one 'Hell' of a time...
Posted January 22, 2020.
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7.8 hrs on record (5.9 hrs at review time)
If you have anger issues: Don't play this game. (All sorts of stuff happen)
If you have bad internet or no server near you: DO NOT play this game. (Ping ruins both melee and ranged. 100 or above you notice either late hits or miss entirely which results in the statement above.)

It is good and worth a buy but if you have issues with the things above do not get it.
Posted June 7, 2019.
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66.9 hrs on record (24.5 hrs at review time)
An amazingly fun top down shooting with decent graphics, multiplayer, various playstyles based on the guns and effects. It can be brutal at times but it has crazy moments that make it worth. 9/10
Posted November 11, 2018.
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4 people found this review helpful
4.1 hrs on record (4.1 hrs at review time)
Changed seems like a work in progress game at first and sure it has some translation issues but there's a heartwarming story here. Doesn't matter if you're a furry to enjoy this game. Some of the puzzles/sequences can be aggrivating as you mostly have to figure it out by trial and error or dumb luck (you cry for joy seeing a save machine). For a 6$ game it feels decent but not perfect.

7/10 +8-bit music sounds nice
-Difficulty (suggest using a guide for some parts just to get the story going)
+lovable characters (10/10 puro)
Posted May 26, 2018.
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34.1 hrs on record (21.0 hrs at review time)

Aside from the hilarious patriotism this game feels like a top down shooter done right. I didn't play the ps version but it will get more love from the pc community anyways. ;)

Gameplay: At first it feels like a pseudo-stealth/ topdown shooter which then escilates into a struggle to survive against not only your enemies but you're...*squished by friendly drop pod* (IT WILL HAPPEN!) There is voice chat in game but please remember to turn it to push to talk when you first join. It's set to always on at first which is odd but considering it's a port, oh well. It's possible to win but finding friends to paly this with you will make the experience so much easier.
Graphics: Not really a person who cares about graphics so much.
Options: Some graphics options for you potato users.

Feels like an 8 or 8.5. Extra?: The events are community driven. small bugs here and there but not too noticeable. New charater lines would be welcomed because it gets boring fast. Intense action, hilarious mess ups, flood of enemies fromt time to time. Yeah, You are really diving...B) into hell...
Posted December 6, 2015.
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13.3 hrs on record (6.9 hrs at review time)
This is a game which you don't want to look up hints or anything about it. Really, don't look anything up about it. Just buy it and try to do a long play session, at the end of it you will thank me and feel that much better. I don't even want to write anything else because this game has that effect. Just buy it and play it...You'll thank 'Us' later. oh and use a headset with good sound quality. ;3
Posted November 21, 2015.
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21.6 hrs on record (12.7 hrs at review time)
Still in beta, prone to change

To be upfront it feels familiar to left for dead but with medieval weapons and special items. With that out the way this game feels decent in regards to gameplay. Nothing revolutionary but a mix that feels comfortable and somewhat playable with people other than frends (Rnjebus is neutral but can still bend you over anytime). Sound is actually on point and one of the high points of this game. USE HEADSET! Can't stress this enough as it really does help to listen when it could save either you or a fellow players life. Don't have to know the lore to have fun or understand what's going on which is nice but also entices to find out more about the series as a whole.

Graphics are moderate but hopefully with the end of beta or sometimes very VERY soon they can fix a few framerate plummets that make certain moments aggonizing. With a few bugs and in beta...I feel it is a 6.5/10 but has potential to be an 8 if certain key issues are fixed.
Posted October 20, 2015.
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