Alonia Bloodsteel
Trans Femme (She/Her), Roleplayer (Mostly freeform, but enjoy tabletop stuff as well), modder, and gamer. I enjoy playing through different games, regardless of genre, so long as I find the story to be decent (or just enjoy the game-play, duh).
Currently In-Game
Project Zomboid
Favorite Game
Hours played
Modding - General Link(s) - Trading
Some of y'all might know me from Discord or Nexus as the modder Lovelace. I currently provide support for my mods via Nexus, although when I get my first Wabbajack compiled (or at least finished enough for me to release a 1.0 initial version) I'll most likely open a Discord for ease of use, and add a link here when I do. I currently don't run a Patreon or anything else, but if anything changes in the future I'll add links here.

Nexus Mods Link. []
Items Up For Trade
Items Owned
Trades Made
Market Transactions
I trade duplicate cards on a 1:1 basis for ones I don't have predominantly, as I'm not trying to make money, simply crafting badges. Feel free to contact me in regards to trades, 1:1 only!

Same Set Only
Avengers: W #6. H #2
SYNTHETIK: W #8, #12. H #7 x2,
Warhammer - Sanctus Reach: W #5, #8. H #3, #7.
Lethal League Blaze: W #5, #8, #9. H #2, #10 x2.
Melvor Idle: W #2, #4, #10. H #5 x2, #7.
M&B Warband: W #1, #3, #7. H #2, #4, #9.
Shellshock Live: W #3, #7, #9, #11 H #1, #2 x2, #10.
Slay the Spire: W #1, #3, #5. H #4 x2, #7, #9.
Jackbox Party Pack 2: W #1, #2. H #4, #5.

Misc Dupes (for sets I'm missing cards from):
Saints Row 3: #5
7 Days to Die: #7
Death's Door: #6, #8
Cyberpunk 2077: #1
Would really like a Stardew Valley #3 (Sandy) to get the second level of the badge.
Recent Activity
212 hrs on record
Currently In-Game
981 hrs on record
last played on May 30
0.6 hrs on record
last played on May 29
Lizard Mar 28 @ 10:15am 
Eleonora Falcon Jan 26, 2021 @ 3:50pm 
😸😸😸😸😸 MEOW💜😸😸😸😸😸
Attack_on_Hyrule Nov 18, 2020 @ 6:31am 
10/10 would be friends with the Unabomber again.