Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Containing item: "The Warbreaker"
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Showing 1-13 of 13 entries
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The Trench Soldier Set
Collection by JPRAS
A set of 4 items for the Soldier: 2 Misc items; 1 Secondary Weapon (Shotgun); 1 Melee Weapon (Wirecutter).
The Mercs Essentials
Collection by Aura
Just my collection of items that I think would be a nice addition to be added in the game. Mostly misc items such as clothing and oddball accessories and Items I'd love as weapons.
The Fancy and Casual Merc Pack
Collection by peters
I didn't take anytime on that poster A whole Pack full of Team Fortress 2 Models that are fancy, stylish, and cool. Christmas clothing Casual Clothing and Clothes from different time periods. *Only Clothing *No Facial Hair *Might have one to seven unique p
Broosevelt's Bully Favorites Collection
Collection by Theodore Broosevelt!
While a lot of these items are fairly current, many of these are excellent hats, miscs, and weapons just sitting in the back pages of the workshop collecting dust because Valve passed on them. This is a list of items, mainly from my favorites, that were mo
Winter Related Cosmetics
Collection by MONSTR_SAUCE
In this collection you should be able to find most things that would pass for a snowy theme
Team Fortress 2 Unique Collection
Collection by Gari
The workshop can be found of the best things together in one place!
Collection by Atom Noizyboy
it will be a all new gear for the spy. the knife will shoot.
Collection by Vinter
Der Mafioso
Collection by Phalanx
Collection by gray7733
Collection by PineappleProtein
team fortress
Collection by Ser. Franken
Collection by PROPERTY DAMAGE!
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