Portal 2
Self Reflection
댓글 47
Reika 2024년 3월 17일 오전 1시 12분 
Not sure I did this one as intended, by standing on the light bridge input/target panel around the portal to be able to move the light bridge output while being "on" the bridge .
tanger2b 2023년 4월 8일 오후 9시 23분 
Andy T 2022년 6월 8일 오후 11시 25분 
Enjoyed it, some Red Herrings but not many so I can solve it after few bumps.
johannes 2020년 11월 16일 오전 5시 26분 
Great map
s36e175 2020년 7월 16일 오후 6시 27분 
First try, 20 minutes without success, although I did learn some stuff. Tried it the next day with fresh eyes and it was all done in under a minute. Strange how that happens. I think we've all had that experience on some maps.
SkyGlass 2019년 12월 20일 오후 11시 22분 
Art Therapy is beautiful, and this is one of my favorites. The main puzzle is fun to solve, and the hidden room was a Challenge to find. It's awesome when the rest of the map is used for more than decoration and parts can be explored. Thanks for the fun... its a fantastic map:)
Mâché 2018년 8월 13일 오후 3시 14분 
Mâché 2018년 8월 13일 오후 3시 14분 
bullfrog 2018년 5월 9일 오후 12시 05분 
srs bsnss  [작성자] 2018년 5월 9일 오전 8시 50분 
@bullfrog Hmm weird, there's definitely a way to do it that you shouldn't get blocked. Where does the blocking happen?
bullfrog 2018년 5월 7일 오전 1시 06분 
Good puzzle, which became much easier once I realised the conversion gel was in fact reflection gel - note to self: READ THE DESCRIPTION or at least understand the title! Question, if your still out there: I tried to get to the hidden secret room using the light bridge and taking the cube with me, but I was blocked by an invisible barrier; am I doing something wrong?
nock 2018년 3월 19일 오전 7시 44분 
Sort and sweet - Nice work

Blind Run: https://youtu.be/2aqRLBWP3Aw
cochetmichel49 2017년 5월 11일 오전 2시 50분 
NICE §§§ Thanks for creating
Petutski 2017년 1월 25일 오전 3시 31분 
Nice dual use of the light bridge! Thanks!
jandlml 2016년 9월 22일 오후 6시 42분 
good one!
lfairban 2014년 6월 6일 오후 1시 11분 
It was pretty easy once I figured out what the white jell was for. It sould be a different color, like yellow maybe.
quotevg 2014년 5월 17일 오후 1시 37분 
I spent too much time wondering why I couldn't place portals on the gel. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
kimist108 2014년 5월 17일 오후 12시 33분 
HA! Funny when Glados asked me if I was going to blatantly cheat. Was looking for a way into the secret area when she said that. Success getting into the secret area by careful hopping and placing portals.
quatrus 2014년 4월 22일 오후 4시 38분 
Another Excellent map....thanks
GraveNoX 2014년 4월 17일 오전 3시 08분 
Nice and easy.
Malfaction 2014년 1월 27일 오전 9시 23분 
Upon reflection, I liked it! Thumbs up!
wildgoosespeeder 2013년 12월 13일 오후 10시 04분 
Read my profile before reading the rest of my comment!

Great test for reflection gel. The only thing that annoyed me is two different rotations for the portal redirection of the light bridge. I didn't think that would happen.

Try my SP map?
Try my COOP map?
Edjentheous Ovedheadrascal 2013년 10월 26일 오후 3시 20분 
Once I master hammer, art therapy is the only style i'm making.
The Sojourner 2013년 9월 20일 오후 8시 03분 
I was able to solve it using the light bridge coming out only on the top end (an info_placement_helper can correct any intentions you may have) :P Thus I found a non-solid prop "bug."

Other than that, it's an awesome test, and yes, the art therapy style is underrated, probably because it's not listed on the developer's wiki.
| \_/ () 2013년 8월 7일 오전 3시 55분 
love the style! please make more in art therapy style, no matter what kind of a test it is!
srs bsnss  [작성자] 2013년 2월 2일 오전 7시 49분 
Replied on TWP.
BlumCoLe' 2013년 2월 2일 오전 2시 17분 
a little bit buggy and not difficult.

i think i found an alternative way.

look at twp forum for gameplay later ;)
daloboy 2013년 2월 1일 오후 5시 53분 
Easy...when you take the time to read the description!!!! Had fun anyway! Great looks!
Please try one of mine and comment! Thanks.
Sowbelly, Numen like Field-Snack 2013년 1월 31일 오전 7시 40분 
thanks man!
srs bsnss  [작성자] 2013년 1월 30일 오후 8시 58분 
@Seras Victoria Yeah, it's through the door. I'll give you a hint - it involves using the light bridge.
Sowbelly, Numen like Field-Snack 2013년 1월 30일 오후 12시 43분 
what is the secret area i have looked everywhere exept behind a door in the backround i cant get there
srs bsnss  [작성자] 2013년 1월 29일 오후 10시 14분 
@Tyronis Another nice run! I'm almost tempted to leave that route available, though I probably oughta fix it. I could add invisible clips, but that'd be a bit odd so I'll put some more scaffolding/squarebeams around the area. If it's still possible (which I doubt), I'll leave it.

@Stimich Ah, I'll have to fix that up too.

@Rhadamanthe Well, that's a shame.

@knight of empremphis Hmm. That's probably just a one-off.
Rhadamanthe 2013년 1월 29일 오전 10시 14분 
Nul et non avenu, absolument aucun intérêt !
Stimich 2013년 1월 29일 오전 9시 27분 
New unintended solution (Not Tyronis' route).
Cight 2013년 1월 29일 오전 8시 12분 
yeah 2 cubes they both fell out at the same time
Schmidli 2013년 1월 29일 오전 8시 01분 
Speedran updated version in 30 seconds
You need more player clips. Also there were some floating error signs in your map, might just be a problem on my end though. I really liked the GLaDOS quote you added there :)
srs bsnss  [작성자] 2013년 1월 29일 오전 5시 45분 
Ok, as cool as the speedrun route was, I've fixed it. Try it again, though, and you might find a small surprise waiting up above the cube dropper ;)

I also fixed the other route using the door as a ledge.

srs bsnss  [작성자] 2013년 1월 28일 오후 10시 16분 
Ah, I see. I might put a clip brush or something across the exit door when it's closed.
SkyRoots 2013년 1월 28일 오후 10시 13분 
I used the reflection cube and pointed it toward the area where I placed my final blue portal (see image). I then used the light bridge to get to the exit door. While still standing on that thin surface edge of the door, I made the blue and orange portals as shown. Exit door opens behind me.

srs bsnss  [작성자] 2013년 1월 28일 오후 9시 53분 
@SkyRoots how did you do that?

@Tyronis Nice run! I thought I'd put some player clips to stop that but apparently not.

@knight of empremphis 2 reflection cubes? There's only meant to be one.
SkyRoots 2013년 1월 28일 오후 9시 00분 
I solved this without using any gel at all.
Schmidli 2013년 1월 28일 오후 4시 14분 
Cight 2013년 1월 28일 오전 8시 20분 
ok thanks for clearing that up i just used the 2 reflection cubes to activate the exit
srs bsnss  [작성자] 2013년 1월 28일 오전 4시 33분 
@Berni Yeah, that was my main gripe on this map. It was the first time I usedreflection gel in a test so I wasn't very creative with it :(

@knight of empremphis Neither - it's reflection gel! Point a laser at it and see what happens ;)

@dante Thanks! :)
KodenejmBerni 2013년 1월 27일 오전 10시 39분 
Map looks just awesome! but test is little... too easy :)
Cight 2013년 1월 27일 오전 2시 04분 
good map but some problems with the gel is it converstion or propulsion either way it doesn't work
Nobody No-One 2013년 1월 26일 오후 12시 08분 
Really good!