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8 people found this review helpful
194.3 hrs on record
Great way to enjoy learning the basics of Javascript. Truly the definition of "learning to play while playing to learn". Great game so far. Haven't made huge progress with the "master/slave" scripting so I've ran into a bottleneck but I learned a lot along the way. Would recommend for anyone who enjoys coding.
Posted May 2.
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8.8 hrs on record
One of the GOATs in gaming. A masterpiece. A game that has infinite replay value through mods and new maps. Think and stratagize while actually having fun. One of the golden games from Valves golden era of game design. Highly recommend.
Posted April 21.
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4.9 hrs on record
This game is a classic of epic preportion. Anyone who's played Age of Empires and Age of Empires II remembers the little repeated noises and all the ambient sounds. It's like ASMR for my teenage strategy gaming sessions.
Posted June 28, 2023.
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0.0 hrs on record
These skins look like a$$ plz don't get them! The normal skins are all better except for maybe the VAL imho.
Posted April 25, 2023.
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106.7 hrs on record (103.7 hrs at review time)
Will post when I have more hours logged.
Posted April 18, 2023.
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83.4 hrs on record
I absolutely LOVED THIS GAME. This is why I game, this type of game right here is why I love it so much.

This started out as a mod for Half Life 2. To recreate all of Half Life 1 with the new Source engine and to polish things here and there.

To see this game slowly come into fruition after all these years, all these times checking it out while it was in beta, all these times hoping that Crowbar get's the funding and is able to go full game with this to THEN find that Valve stepped in to make it happen <3 I mean does it get any better than that?

If you liked any of the Half Life series do yourself a good service and play this game! It's a masterpiece. I was blown away and am so excited to see Blue Shift and Opposing Force come out too to replay the whole thing all over again.

I even bought all of Half Life 2 (again) on Steam so I can play the whole thing from beginning to end. Please buy this game. Please, you'll love it. The ppl that give the Xen area a down vote must not play boss like games. Bc yea, the bosses were hard af but man it was a beautiful environment with a different atmosphere to each level you get into.

The nostalgia with this game was through the roof. I've never had a game take me back to "way back when" as much as this did.

A+++++ Crowbar Collective. A modding masterpiece.

Posted December 29, 2022.
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65.8 hrs on record
I would love to give this game a good review since I played Odyssey and I enjoyed the story with this game even more than with that one.

HOWEVER. After an event that happens very early on in this game my game immediately would crash after a cutscene. After trying to get a refund (Ubisoft wouldn't let me) and being denied due to having gameplay over 2 hrs. (had to play over 2 hrs. to get to cutscene and try a million different tweaks to try and get over the crash), I had to scour the internet to find on some stackoverflow like forum that this game only worked with a heavily downgraded graphics card driver. Like a 3 year old one iirc.

So what ended up happening? I played for about a week with a very downgraded graphics driver, battling Windows from forcing an update, almost editing my registry before I said F this and decided to just not finish the game. Along with DLC's that I purchased too.

This is not just a problem with this title. It's a problem with Ubisoft games in general. I've had crashes happen with Far Cry games too (both Far Cry 2 and Far Cry 3 had crashing issues). They just don't understand what "optimization" means over there I guess?

So many other gamers online had issues with Far Cry 2 crashing and Far Cry 3 crashing and this title crashing that I feel bad for so many people spending all this money on AAA titles only to have them randomly crash too late in the game for them to get a refund. Or just crashing at all and getting a refund. It's lame.

I'm not a fan of Ubisoft anymore. I've been cheated out of too much money. They make games for their shareholders and not their audience. F- would not recommend purchasing this.

Really sour gaming experience with a great game too! I could totally tell that this game was going to be great but I COULDN'T PLAY IT unless I wanted all my other games to look like crap, Windows and AMD constantly trying to tell me to upgrade my graphics card driver, and this is how many years after it's release? At the time I think it was 3+ years? Just pathetic.

If it was only this game I would understand but this is a problem with Ubisoft in general. They are known for having horrible "crunch culture" and shoving games out too early to satisfy their investor shareholders.

That's not how you make great art. Also Far Cry and Assassin's Creed are so in need of a rehaul of the same. exact. gameplay. loop. that they are just not enjoyable anymore. Yet Ubisoft is perfectly fine churning these games out bc they make some rich shareholder money who couldn't care less about gaming.

Assassin's Creed Online? Really. You're going to microtransaction THAT beaten dead horse of a gameplay loop? Doubt it will work out but we'll see. I'm sure it'll make money but doesn't mean it'll be a work of art, which imo great games are.

I recommend giving your money to a FromSoftware game or any other developer that cares about it's audience and not JUST it's revenue stream.

PLZ DON'T GET unless it's for console! DO. NOT. RECOMMEND.
Posted December 29, 2022. Last edited May 14, 2023.
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39.7 hrs on record
From the people that recommended this game to me by saying it's the best of all the Far Cry series - I'm pretty close in agreement! It has a different feel than 1, 2 and 4 but imo Far Cry 5, if it didn't have such a horrible story and that silly "get shot to death and dragged off somewhere" mechanic for it, THAT game would rival this in terms of gameplay (not story). There's just more hashed out gameplay mechanics at use in Far Cry 5 but the story ruins that game, unlike with Far Cry 3.

Story and characters is where Far Cry 3 really excels, along with the "Blood Dragon" expansion witch could have been a new release all on it's own. That unfortunately wasn't purchased through Steam though so I can't review that, although it's just as good as FC3 imo.

If you are into the FC series and want to play one that has a great story with great acting then this title is for you. It has the infancy of all the great mechanics that came into the other games but also has obvious work into a great story, which the other Far Cry (2, 4, 5 , 6) games seemed to completely forget to do. Note: I haven't played FC6 I've just heard that story is non-existent in that title also.

So typical Ubisoft, not a big fan of that company - they find out a gameplay loop that people enjoy and they barely do anything to it except change up locations and some mechanics here and there. After awhile that loop is so bored into your mind that you become bored with it (hehe, pun...). Also they are horrific at optimization. I fully expected I wouldn't have those problems due to how old it was. Unfortunately I was wrong. There was a crashing issue that I had to find a fix for through the community forums which for a game this late? Omg how incredibly lame. I had to edit game files in Notepad++ and debug the issue on my own. Many ppl couldn't even get this fix to work so imagine getting this game, playing for about 4 or 5 hours in (that's when the crash happens) and then it crashes and there's nothing you can do about it.

This EXACT SAME PROBLEM happened with Assassin's Creed: Origins. I got up to the point where my kid is stolen by Amun or whatever and the game crashed. Another time I had to find a fix by scouring the internet. If i wasn't so tech savvy I'm sure many don't find the fix at all and it ruins the game experience. The fix for Assassin's Creed: Origins? I had to DOWNGRADE my graphics card driver to play the game. So in other words, I just stopped playing it bc it made all my other games look like S***. Ubisoft isn't really worth it anymore due to these horrible optimization issues. I try hard to avoid their games just because of this one problem.

So, if you do decide to get this game then try and play as much as possible before the 2 hr. mark to see if you can get a return. I did this with Assassin's Creed: Origin's and it was the first time ever Steam couldn't give me a refund. After arguing with them long enough I found that it wasn't in their hands but Ubisoft. So tbh I had fun with this game but it also once again made me lose faith in Ubisoft and I'm weary of getting there games in the future.

Altogether I'd give it a 7.5/10.

Worth playing if you are into FPS's and the Far Cry series but I wouldn't go out of your way like I did to check it out unless you really feel like you'd enjoy even MORE Far Cry but with a decent story.
Posted December 29, 2022.
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863.9 hrs on record (59.9 hrs at review time)
One of the best games I've ever played, an amazing masterpiece. This kind of game is why I love gaming.

I loved Tenchu as a kid and remember playing hours of it on weekends at a friends house so this game brought back a LOT of nostalgia :)

With the amazing mods the replayability goes so far! I'm fortunate enough to have found a list of mods that others recommend you add as you keep continuing the game so it feels like you're still earning "skills" even after you've achieved them all. So like after the first playthrough I added the "Spirit of Ashina" mod that made the map more detailed and designed better. I added "Art of Tomoe" to give a new combat loop in the katana swings, making the game feel fresh all over again. I could go on and on, just the mods are GREAT for this game.

If you like fast paced action where you have to "stay calm through the chaos" then this game is definitely for you. If you DON'T like a sometimes stressful gaming experience then this game will feel like straight cancer; there have been boss battles that I tried for what had to be over 50+ times to win. I love that kind of challenge but I can easily see where other people would despise it.

Has a sort of "Doom Dance" kind of activity when you get good enough that's similar to Doom Eternal where you can get into a "flow of motion" and movement and deflects to the point that it feels like you're playing a song, or doing a dance, or just in a sort of "artistic flow". Idk how to put it but Doom Eternal and this game are the only 2 games I've played so far that had that kind of experience. If anyone reading this knows of other games that have that kind of flow that are single player plz lmk! It's a fantastic feeling. These 2 games brought back single player gaming for me and I'm so grateful for it bc mutliplayer is just stale af rn imo. It's all just knock off's of Counter-Strike FPS's and in need of a new way of multiplayer experience.

It takes practice though, so this game is definitely not for everyone. Ironically I actually use this stressful game to destress lol, idk it's a unique game that's for sure...
Posted November 25, 2022. Last edited April 7, 2023.
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515.7 hrs on record (60.4 hrs at review time)
This is such a work of art much like the original game & franchise. I loved Doom 3 but it was a survival horror with a heavy back story and after it came out to not so great of a reception the Doom franchise took a break. It's taken forever for another Doom game since then but it's finally here.

This has a mashed together story with a lot of lore that is hard to keep up on but the "gameplay loop" or "doom dance" as they call it in this game is incredibly fun when you get the hang of it. Story sux - gameplay is awesome. They added new weapons, new demons and new movement mechanics. Game engine is solid with the maps having solid framerates until you get into heavy chaotic DLC territory. The visuals are A+ even on low settings, as Id Tech engine by now is finely tuned. Highly recommend if you enjoyed the 2016 Doom or very chaotic FPS titles with a goth/hell like theme.

Imo the DLC's are worth it but I'd get them when they go on sale, although $20 is still a pretty good deal. They are short campaigns but both of them deliver new content that definitely enhances the "Doom dance". So, on sale anywhere under $20 I'd get them for sure to have the full Doom Eternal experience. Play Horde mode and then you'll get why you would want to get the DLC's. Horde Mode adds a great but small multiplayer experience with it's leaderboards.

The Doom Eternal Battlemode multiplayer imo is a horrible failure. It was so bland! A jump fest, you're crammed in with 1 or 2 other people who usually wipe the floor with you. It's just such a silly idea when Co-op Doom Eternal would be so much more fun. WHY DIDN'T THEY GO CO-OP?! I'll never understand... The single player and Horde Mode is way more fun.

They added a bunch of cool skins behind accomplishments and milestones but the skins that are being developed on NexusMods look much better. I look forward to getting back to this title after it's been out for awhile to enjoy those in all their glory. Rn they are all mostly a WiP except for a few.

All around a wonderful reboot of the Doom franchise. A+++++ Great to see ID back again too.

Edit: Really, really bummed about the b.s. Bethesda has pulled with Mick Gordon. With "crunch culture" being so pervasive and such a problem at Bethesda I'm inclined to believe Mick. Either way - you don't out your dirty laundry like they did to Mick. Typical 2020's dev gaming industry b.s. that makes me just want to play older games. I don't like thinking I'm assisting in crunch culture. When it's not used you have great games. F*** shareholders trying to make cash cows you simply can't do that with art like video gaming.
Posted November 18, 2021. Last edited December 29, 2022.
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