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Recenzii recente de Lambdabnuy

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29.8 ore înregistrate (28.9 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
I had been anticipating this game for years, and it's rare when a game I've been anticipating for that long not only meets my expectations, but exceeds them. It is phenomenal, the visual style, gameplay, and soundtrack are all 110% on point, and I had a blast with every single minute of it. Team Reptile really did a fantastic job, and it makes me happy we now have such a worthy successor to the games this one was inspired by.
Postat 21 noiembrie 2023. Editat ultima dată 21 noiembrie 2023.
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you're mom bwl
Postat 9 iunie 2023.
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3.5 ore înregistrate
still better than overwatch 2
Postat 5 octombrie 2022. Editat ultima dată 22 noiembrie 2022.
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17.0 ore înregistrate (11.9 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
good game. lots of layers, secrets and things to discover. also, new kaycee's mod expansion is more of the best part of the game (arguably) so that's cool. definitely worth $20.
Postat 16 ianuarie 2022.
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26.1 ore înregistrate (3.3 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
A good return to form for the series, as far as multiplayer goes anyway. The battle pass and performance on lower end systems is questionable, but I think if you're someone who grew up with the Halo series, you can still have fun with it. I also think that an open world campaign is a good idea for Halo, and I can't wait to play it. I might update this review once I play the campaign.
Postat 25 noiembrie 2021.
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16.5 ore înregistrate (7.4 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Recenzie acordată în perioada accesului timpuriu
Not a game I ever thought I'd want in my life, but now that I have it, it's become an instant favorite. It's a little limited right now because of EA, but what's here is still more than worth it in my opinion. The devs are listening, and are patching things, so hopefully it grows more and more into a fully-fledged game. There's already mountains of potential with this concept, can't wait to see it realized!
Postat 26 iunie 2020.
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This game is always evolving, and you can tell the devs love the hell out of it and really give a damn about what they do with it. Such an awesome concept, who would've thought dwarves can fit into a sci-fi environment and still be total badasses? Whether you're drinking yourselves blackout-drunk in the space rig or grinding up bugs deep below the surface of Hoxxes IV, this game will give you some of the best experiences ever. Get some friends to play with and it's the best co-op game this side of Left 4 Dead or Vermintide.
Postat 23 februarie 2020. Editat ultima dată 26 noiembrie 2020.
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702.0 ore înregistrate
Do better Valve.
Postat 21 februarie 2020. Editat ultima dată 7 iunie.
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23.8 ore înregistrate (21.5 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Since the game is $20, now would be a perfect time to try it if you haven't already, before Eternal comes out. As long as you have the specs to run it, it's a fantastic experience, one of the best FPS of the now previous decade.
Postat 18 februarie 2020.
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49.1 ore înregistrate (38.0 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
just a good game to come back to and play for a little bit really
Postat 27 ianuarie 2020.
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Se afișează 1-10 din 19 intrări