Я| Armaros
Planning to take over:   Illinois, United States
Apparently I'm good at games or something

Previous owner of the only 2007 A39 Barberarot BMW E66 760Li in the US
Read this it's important I guess

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● I do not accept private, level 0 or VAC/Game Banned profiles.
● Randoms begone. I only accept requests from people I know or have played with recently.
● I don't trade items anymore. I'll come to you if I'm desperate for money.

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Discordapp.com : Я| Armaros#1710
Battle.net : WindedTuna1#1181
● Uplay: Armaros_.-_.-
● Xbox: Armaros1037
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Review Showcase
5,287 Hours played
Leaving a thumbs down not because I hate this game, but because I love it so and expect better from the company behind it. Thousands of vehicles, great visuals, and fun (albeit repetitive) gameplay, but Gaijin refuses to fix many of the core issues plaguing the game. While the economy in-game has never really affected me outside of two or three times, just because of how I play the game, that hasn't stopped many, many other players from experiencing the issue. Naval has so much potential, but it's a bot-ridden mess due to SL farming because of the economic issues, Chinese bots run rampant across naval and aerial gamemodes, and new players can hop in a brand new shiny top-tier vehicle and essentially feed the enemy team kills. I agree that F2P games need revenue streams, but Gaijin is going about those in completely the wrong way, and as one of the biggest whales in my squadron, I'd gladly pay even more than I already have been if Gaijin gets their ♥♥♥♥ together and takes what potential this game has and makes it a reality instead of beating the playerbase over the head with ignoring the core flaws War Thunder has had for the past half decade. I joined WT Just before 1.79 "Project X", and I plan to stick with WT for many years more, but I refuse to be stepped on repeatedly and just accept my fate.
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2.9 hrs on record
last played on Apr 11
Achievement Progress   0 of 172
45 hrs on record
last played on Mar 27
322 hrs on record
last played on Mar 25
Doy Man Nov 16, 2020 @ 6:43pm 
a man wat the hopwd i get here
King Deluvium Aug 21, 2020 @ 11:37am 
4k hours on War Thunder. Jesus Christ get help.
ein May 29, 2020 @ 6:04pm 
hi can i buy your 7 seriers