
Recensioni recenti di Kyton19k

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5 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
11.1 ore in totale (6.5 ore al momento della recensione)
Plays like a Russian novel. I've never had a game stress me out and fill me with dread as much as this game does. Dripping with tension and atmosphere. Not for the feint of heart. 9/10, IMO. Everyone should try this game, although this game is most certainly not for everyone.
Pubblicata in data 8 dicembre 2019.
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11.3 ore in totale (10.4 ore al momento della recensione)
MUST-BUY. The new free DLC took this game from a 7/10 to a 10/10 for me. Now you get lots of great guns right out of the gate with each respawn, eliminating the mildly boring elements of restarting the gungeon after dying. Amazing twin-stick shooter roguelite with beautiful pixel art.
Pubblicata in data 21 luglio 2018.
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82.3 ore in totale (25.6 ore al momento della recensione)
Recensione della versione ad accesso anticipato
10 out of 10. Basically Dwarf Fortress set in the universe of Firefly, with an extremely user-friendly interface. Very intuitive compaired to anything else in the genre. If you are a fan of DF this is a MUST BUY. If you've never heard of Dwarf Fortress, buy it anyway - definitely more than worth the $30.

This game may be in early access, but I would NEVER have guessed that was the case unless I had been told - I have not once seen a bug, or felt that any content was "missing".
Pubblicata in data 1 gennaio 2018.
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23.2 ore in totale (21.1 ore al momento della recensione)
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This is truely fantastic game. At it's core it's a "metroidvania" roguelike, with an appropriatly steep learning curve and the obligitory no-extra-lives, death = restart Roguelike mechanics. Also, via it's roguelike roots, it has proceedurally generated dungeons, enemies, and item drops. What makes this such a fun experience is the way the items are implimented; the gear you aquire doesn't just contribute to a pool of bonuses and modifiers; many of them are truely game-changing in nature, totally changing the way you fight and traverse the level, sometimes in very unexpected ways. This has the effect of softening the blow of restarting after death, in that you'll still be excited as to what your next run will bring. Its four classes also bring with them a diverse set of unique playstyles which keep things fresh even after dozens of hours of play.

10/10. Don't pass this one up.
Pubblicata in data 30 luglio 2017. Ultima modifica in data 11 agosto 2017.
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6 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
19.7 ore in totale (4.9 ore al momento della recensione)
Don't recommend. Would have returned it within the first hour for a refund, but my 3 year old likes to sit on my lap and play it with me; it's the only reason I have any time at all invested in this game. Simply put, this game is a thousand miles wide, and an inch deep.
Pubblicata in data 25 marzo 2017.
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67.8 ore in totale (18.1 ore al momento della recensione)
Great Game. Clearly built on the blueprint of Left 4 Dead, and shamelessly so, but that is NOT a bad thing. It adds a deep persistant loot system that rewards repeat playthroughs and conqureing of higher difficulty levels, something which left 4 dead sorely lacked, while maintaining the rich and rewarding fast paced multiplayer action that it pioneered. It makes excellent use of the source material, and in keeping with the fantasy setting, you'll have a choice of melee-heavy classes, archery, steampunk-inspired gunpowder weapons, and spell-slinging magic users to choose from. They all do an excellent job of standing out from one another, while remaining well balanced; unlike many games featuring classes, I find myself switching often between the classes, rather than sticking to one and mastering it, because of the variety it adds. Highly recommend picking it up; most definitely one of the best games of the year.
Pubblicata in data 4 dicembre 2016.
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9 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
1 persona ha trovato questa recensione divertente
0.2 ore in totale
This game should be retitled "State of Frustration". There may be some truth in it when people say that video games cause violence, because this game makes me want to punch a baby. I work in IT, so when I have trouble getting a video game to work properly on my beast of a machine, that means something. I hear it's not bad when you get it to work, but this is a buggy mess.
Pubblicata in data 1 novembre 2016.
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9.6 ore in totale
Highly recommend this game. Very different from anything else out there. If you're sick of the typical genre tropes of mainstream gaming, check it out. This game isn't about reflexes, memorizing weaknesses of units, or finding a cheap tactic that will win every round; each match turns out differently, and the only way to win is to manipulate your enemy into putting money into your pocket. I'd go so far as to call this a must-buy. I can't believe how little attention this game gets.
Pubblicata in data 22 ottobre 2016.
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17 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
27.4 ore in totale (16.3 ore al momento della recensione)
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This is THE BEST GAME I have played in years. It is a unique specimen, clearly influenced by such early games as The Oregon Trail, and very heavilly influenced by the Roguelikes of old. It has an incredible depth of gameplay, uniquely implimented and engaging, and a strong sense of atmosphere and narrative. After staying up all night playing this game the first night I purchased it, I sat back and pondered the adventure my party had had, and although the narrative was one essentially driven by my decisions, rather than by any pre-written storyline, it felt worthy of any film or novel. And even though my four hour session had ended ultimately in disaster, with my party running out of supplies in the depths of the jungle, slowly losing our minds and dying off one by one in varied and disturbing ways, I felt very satisfied, as if I had just read a very good but tragic novel.
Yes, it is quite difficult at times, but it is not the rage-quit worthy, seizure inducing difficulty that comes with twitch reflex games such as Volgarr the Viking, or the early Mega Man games. Every expedition, whether successful or horrificly failed, will have a unique story to tell, and you will learn valuable skills as a player that allow you to progress that much farther the next time you play, as any Roguelike should. DO NOT PASS THIS GAME UP. You will be missing something very special. **also, at the time of writing this is in early access, but I would never have known this if not for it being displayed on the game's steam page. It is deep, bug-free as far as I have seen, and exceptionally replayable.
Pubblicata in data 8 giugno 2016. Ultima modifica in data 13 giugno 2016.
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2 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
1 persona ha trovato questa recensione divertente
28.7 ore in totale (25.0 ore al momento della recensione)
This is a truely fantastic game. Don't let the retro pixel-art fool you, this is no mere throwback title. There is a depth to the gameplay that is rarely seen these days, and the scale of the game has given me that old feeling of the thrill of exploration and excitement in discovering new sites that I haven't felt since I first played Morrowind. A true sandbox game. This is simply the best game I have played in years. If you pass this game up, you'll be missing something very special.

It's like if Diablo, Dwarf Fortress, and The Elder Scrolls had a sweet little 8 bit baby.
Pubblicata in data 10 maggio 2016. Ultima modifica in data 11 maggio 2016.
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