17 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 27.4 hrs on record (16.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: Jun 8, 2016 @ 5:48pm
Updated: Jun 13, 2016 @ 8:52pm

Early Access Review
This is THE BEST GAME I have played in years. It is a unique specimen, clearly influenced by such early games as The Oregon Trail, and very heavilly influenced by the Roguelikes of old. It has an incredible depth of gameplay, uniquely implimented and engaging, and a strong sense of atmosphere and narrative. After staying up all night playing this game the first night I purchased it, I sat back and pondered the adventure my party had had, and although the narrative was one essentially driven by my decisions, rather than by any pre-written storyline, it felt worthy of any film or novel. And even though my four hour session had ended ultimately in disaster, with my party running out of supplies in the depths of the jungle, slowly losing our minds and dying off one by one in varied and disturbing ways, I felt very satisfied, as if I had just read a very good but tragic novel.
Yes, it is quite difficult at times, but it is not the rage-quit worthy, seizure inducing difficulty that comes with twitch reflex games such as Volgarr the Viking, or the early Mega Man games. Every expedition, whether successful or horrificly failed, will have a unique story to tell, and you will learn valuable skills as a player that allow you to progress that much farther the next time you play, as any Roguelike should. DO NOT PASS THIS GAME UP. You will be missing something very special. **also, at the time of writing this is in early access, but I would never have known this if not for it being displayed on the game's steam page. It is deep, bug-free as far as I have seen, and exceptionally replayable.
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