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148.6 hrs on record (87.2 hrs at review time)
After ~90h and the main story finished, I believe I can deliver a proper review.
TLDR : it's not as bad as people tend to say, not amazing though. Probably wait untill the Creation Kit is out.

Gameplay :
Nothing extraordinary. if you have played one of the 3D Fallout, the gunplay is similar. The jetpack is a decent addition for mobility (only vertical though) and the powers you get are Lidl version of Skyrim's shout. Weapons and armor have a rarity system, with each rank of rarity give the objet a small bonus (ex : +10% damage vs robots). Space battles are fine, with the added ability to target specific ship module.

Story :
Go get the MacGuffin, things happen, fight some baddies, question yourself. There is 4 (totally optional) factions that you can join, only did one so far and I believe you can join all 4 at the same time (the one I joined had 0 interraction with the other 3). A good thing is that the game offer a New Game + system where you keep all of your xp and skills, lose eveything else but you arrive in a slightly different universe. There's a bunch of variations and every time you NG+, you get a nicer gift. You can also skip most of the story if you want to speedrun in NG+.

Graphics :
The game is far from ugly and some of the creatures you come across might come straight out of Spore (if you remember that game). Don't stare to much at the NPCs.

Exploration :
Yeah, this one is not that great. Unless you have a mission to do, there is little to no reason to explore a planet or a moon. Most of them are empty (especially moon, but that's to be expected) and if there is something, it's usualy one of the several pre-built structure you can find a copy of everywhere. You can scan the available ressources and the wildlife to get a nice bonus of xp and money.

Crafting :
Weird segment but the game has several crafting aspect.
- The ship construction is fine, you basically build a Lego ship. It's just a shame you can't see the interior until it's finished. It only cost money, so it's a great.
- Weapon/armor/meds/stuff crafting. Identical to Fallout 4. Each weapons and armor have the same-ish upgrades. You can also craft your meds and other specific crafting materials.
- Outpost building. Much like Fallout 4, you can craft several bases. At least, you don't have to manually wire everything and the game give you a much needed eagle-eye view.
My main problem with the crafting is the million of different crafting materials (there is basically the whole periodic table + materials + components). Each has it's own weight and unlike Fallout, you don't have infinite storage. You can harvest or mine them, but you'll most likely make a lots of trip to the store to gather what you need. (or use console command. It's the pretty much the same engine as Skyrim/Fallout, so if you know how it works, go wild)

Mods :
The Creation Kit isn't out at the date of this review so for now, it's basically some QoL stuffs, some recolors and whatnot. It should arrive soon-ish, expect thing to go a little crazy once it's out.

In conclusion :
While some of the point mentionned previously are bleak, the game isn't that bad. You can expect some Bethesda shenanigan with the NPCs but it's still one of the least bugged game they have offered. People had their expectations way to high regarding this game (which is reasonable, considering how long this game has been in developement).
Personally, I enjoyed it.
Posted December 26, 2023.
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307.2 hrs on record (46.5 hrs at review time)
This is the kind of game that you'll come back again and again with the mindset "c'mon, just one more run" until you unlock eveything.
And since the game cost pretty much nothing, it isn't that bad.
10/10, would spend ~50 hours again
Posted January 1, 2023. Last edited January 1, 2023.
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118.8 hrs on record (113.9 hrs at review time)
Gameplay is way better than the previous ones (lots of QoL impovements, characters are all quite versatile, etc...), story is not as good as they want to emulate Handsome Jack with the new villains but they're not nearly as good, just anoying (To be frank, pretty much everyone in this game act as a jerk). The 2 story DLC so far are quite good (still 2 to come).

Overall, I'd say if you liked the other games of the franchise, you can get this one (wait for a sale though). If this is not your type of game (looter shooter), pass.
Posted April 21, 2020.
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22.1 hrs on record
Mix Uncharted/Tomb Raider/Prince of persia exploration/parkour, a sprinkle of Dark souls save system (the part where if you die, you lose exp unless to get the thing that killed you), some parts of Sekiro's combat mechanics and the Star Wars universe and you'll have this pretty good game, even though it's rather short (22h in, story completed and about 80% of stuffs unlocked).
While there is a lot of cosmetic stuff to find (Lightsaber parts, paint for the ship and the droid and pochos...lots and lots of ponchos), most of them are are kinda crap. But at least, you don't have to pay for it dispite the "EA" in the title.
Posted December 4, 2019.
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47.6 hrs on record (35.0 hrs at review time)
This is how to make a Kickstarter right.
If you enjoyed Symphony of the night and the other Castlevania games released after (not the 3D ones), you'll have a blast with this game.
Also, David Hayter.
Posted July 7, 2019.
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18.8 hrs on record
While the game looks good and it's nice to have some character that aren't usualy in a fighting game ("DRAW! MONSTER CARD!"), the gameplay and the balance is a bit poopy (why is it a 3vs3 if health bar are shared?)
The story is cheesy (but that was to be expected, it's an anime fighting game after all) and the animation is terrible : in battle, it's fine but in cutscenes, characters only have 2 expressions (Happy or angry) and move like if they're action figure).
The character creation is okay at best : You can pick male or female, 3 fighting style (You either fight like Goku, Luffy or Naruto), the body type (big, skinny, tall, short and ofc, a titty slider for female) and all sort of facial features (and since it's anime, you have to pick each eye individualy). For clothing, you'll have to earn most of them but it's mainly clothings of other characters (plus some recolors) and they rarely match.

Overall, I wouldn't recommend it at full price. And since it's too early for the DLC characters, I can't tell if they are worth the price (Altough, there is rumour that one of them is Seto Kaiba so that's a win for me)
Posted February 24, 2019.
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54.8 hrs on record (48.3 hrs at review time)
Just FYI, this is the first Far Cry that I've ever played.

Far Cry 5 is a game about rednecks shooting drugged rednecks.

TL;DR beautifull game, but not the best. A Ubisoft Game in a nutshell.

Graphics and sound

While the game is really beautifull, there is often some clipping. The characters models are very detailled and each character of the main cast are believable but the random NPC and enemies lack of diversity. That's because they are randomized from the character creation tool which isn't great. The textures were very detailed and the game was very colorfull. The scene was mostly farms, forest and mountain. A beautifull game.

I'm not fan of the musics of the game but since it only happen while driving (and you can mute if you want) or during specific mission, I only listened ambiance noises and those were great. What I really liked was the gun sound effects : unlike many games, those weren't loud bangs but more like a firecracker sounds.

Story and game lenght

You play as a cop and you're investigating about some cult happening. While arresting the leader of that cult, things goes wrong fast and you're sepparated from your buddies. Your job now is to rescue your buddies and try to stop that cult from kidnapping and killing everyone in the name of their father. For that, you need to confront each messenger and contact the local resistance.

Each time you rescue someone or complete some side missions, you fill a "resistance bar" for the region. There is also several outpost to capture (This give you more mission) and cult properties to destroy to help you fill the bar. There is 4 stage of the resistance bar going from "you're new here, everyone hide" to "gunshots every 50 meters". At each step, you meet the messenger of the region. Once the bar is full, it's the final confrontation. After that, the region is free and you'll see little to no cultist. When the 3 regions are free, you have to kick the father's ass. Each messenger and the father are the only characters with some personalities and stories, as most of the resistance member are forgettable and are there mainly to give you a quest or two (if you're lucky).

spoiler time
The first messenger I've encounter was John Seed. I felt that he was legit creepy. Each meeting with him was great and I was really happy to put a bullet in his head (or a paddle, more on that later). His last fight was kinda disapointing as it's just a dogfight, wait for him to land with a parachute (which takes forever) and kill him like a normal NPC).
The next was Faith. Her story arc was the best IMO even if you could see where it was going for miles away. Faith herself was not that great but each step of her story had a real impact. I cared about those NPC, damnit. her fight was okay but it was too easy to cheese (a few paddles)
Lastly was Jacob. His story arc made no damn sense IMO. Yeah, he can trigger some sort of PTSD that turn you into a killing machine with his music but at no point in the story they explay why that thing work and how he implanted that thing into you. His story was also very predictable and his boss fight was also bad : a simple "get to that sniper on top of the hill by hiding behind rocks from times to times".
The father himself was kinda great but not amazing. Each time he talked, he talked for nothing but at the same time, he was imposing. His fight was tedious as you have to fight your buddies and revive them but if you're not fast enough, he revive them himself and you have to face them again. At first, it's 3 buddies wich is managable, but at the end, it's 12 buddies to manage and they are pretty much down in one hit.
The main ending was a big surprise and not what I expected at all. The other 2 ("bad" and "secret") were ok at best.

Regarding the lengt of the game, it's rather good but nothing exceptionnal. You can pretty much free each regions without doing too many mission (or any, if you just like free roaming as there is always something nearby that can fill your resistance bar). Expect a 15~20h if you play casually, +40h if you try to finish everything.

There is also the arcade which is a map creation tool so if you want, you can also play some of the player-made levels but so far, there is not that many great levels.
Some DLC are in the way, hopefully adding more stuff.

The way you control your character is what you expect from any shooter : you can run, you can crouch (or slide if you do both), etc... The game offer you some tool to help you explorate : you can grab most ledge but jumping, you can use zip-line (they are everywhere and make no sense in most case), use a parachute or a wingsuit.

The driving is great and you really feel when the vehicle you drive isn't adapted to the terrain you drive. The only odd thing is the way you fly with a chopper as you have the ability to lean the chopper but it only affect aiming.

The gunplay was okay but not that great. You don't have many weapon to choose and the weapon customization is minimal at best. My main problem was how OP melee was. While the mooks takes one or 2 bullets to kill, throwing your melee will one-shot pretty much everything. The other big problem is how stupid and blind the IA is. The game encourages you to play in a stealth manner with, the ability to put silencer on pretty much every weapon and bigger reward by capturing outposts without the alarm ringing but you can also use a chopper and mow down everything in a matter of seconds and still get the reward.

The way you character evolve isn't tied to some exp bar but rather to perks you unlock by spending perk points that you get by completing challenges and finding perks magazine. Most challenges are really easy (for exemple, kill 10 enemy with a SMG) and only a few perks are really necessary.
You can choose to have up to 2 companions to help you fight but they follow the same IA as the baddies, so they are dumb a brick.

The game also suffer the Skyrim syndrome as it has some bugs that are visual and funny (mostly the game engine not knowing how to react to some things) but also some annoying bugs (crash or that one time the game not registering any key press). Another problem are the spawn/despawn of entities. Sometime, you can find a roadblock, destroy it, turn back to talk to a NPC, turn again and there is another roadblock or sometime an enemy plane spawn just above your head.
The quests were rather diverse and even the "collect 12 things scatter in all regions" missions weren't that tedious as you can buy map the locate each things to need to collect.

One of the big concern I had with the game was the "premium" currency that you could buy with IRL money but at no point you need it, everything that you can buy with it is also sold with in-game money and are cosmetic only (or unlocking a gun early, but you can still use in-game money for that). The game even gives you a large quantity of that "premium" currency by simply unlocking chest at most outpost.

Overall, good game, but certainly not a GOTY.
Posted May 30, 2018. Last edited May 30, 2018.
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33.9 hrs on record
Basicaly, the combat system of the Arkham series meeting with Assassin's Creed parkour system in the Tolkien universe.
Oh, and you can mind♥♥♥♥ orcs figuratively and literaly.
Posted July 3, 2017.
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11.8 hrs on record (6.9 hrs at review time)
"Are you ar real vilain? Have you ever caugh a good guy, like a superhero? Have you ever tried to disguise? Alright, I can see that I'll have to teach you how to be vilains"

Memes aside, Nefarious is a indie 2D platformer that was funded via kickstarter where you plays as Crow, the boss of a vilainous group, who kidnapp princess for a living and try to take over the world. The game is fully aware of the different tropes of the genre and fully play with it. Since you play as the bad guy, expect boss fight where YOU are in the giant mech.
While the game is good, it's far from perfection.

Graphically speaking, it's not very great. The differents backgrouds are nice and everything is well animated, but the rest is kinda meh (think of flash games you can find on newgrounds)

Gameplay wise, it's solid. Movement key, jump, punch, shoot and interact. Most level ask you to go and capture a princess, leave while using some power given by her then fight a good guy to end the level. Each boss fight is different and no level feel the same. With the money you get during levels, you can upgrade Crow by expanding his life and grenade count or change how his punch and grenades works. The game is rather easy since there is a lots of checkpoints and death is only a nuisance (you lose some money, you can get it back if you go where you died).

The game isn't that long but each level has 3 crown to collect and a vinyl (used to listen to the OST between levels), each level taking from 5 min to 15. There is 2 endings and a bunch of difficult achievement.
Speaking of OST, some are great, some are meh, the only big downside is that the music doesn't loop properly, leaving a blank of 2-3 second before playing the intro again.

The story isn't that deep (which is expected for the genre but still with some surprising twist) but some of the characters are well written (saddly, most of them are meh or haven't enough interaction to have any real personnality).

The game cost 15€ but I'd recommand to wait 'till it's on sale before buying it. The dev' promised some bonus content in the futur even if they haven't met any stretch goals.

Nefarious might not be vilain numer one, but it's still a good game overall.
Posted February 11, 2017.
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13.4 hrs on record
This little indie game of 2013 is a pearl on it's own.

Following the Metroidvania genre, this game is about rescuing a girl while punching skeletons (and some other things) luchador style. In order to progress, you'll learn a bunch of moves that help you navigate the world (a shoryuken to get some height, a ground pound, etc...). Each move can break one type of blocks and while those moves is good for traveling, they works really great for fighting as well.

While the game is mostly inspired by the mexican culture (from the design of the characters and background to the music), you'll find tons of references to other video games franchises. For an indie game, this is some of the smoothest animation I've seen of a 2D game, no movement feel clunky or out of place. Sadly, the different area are a little too cliche and don't expect a deep story, it's about the same level as a Mario game.

The game is filled with collectibles and optional challenges. The difficulty is well balanced (while the beginning seem quite easy, some enemies become tricky to fight and the platforming tight. If it's still too easy for you, you unlock hard mode once you beat the game (basically, enemies has double hp and inflict double damage). The game isn't that long but if you try to 100% it, it'll take some time (it took me ~10h to get all but one achievement : beating the game in hard mode)

You can play local coop in this game to make thing more crazy. There is even a workshop to download custom skins, without altering the gameplay. The sad thing is that the community isn't very active and there isn't that many skins to download (97 for the gold edition, 52 for this one).

Speaking of editions, on PC you can chose between 2 editions : The gold edition and the Super Turbo Championship edition.
The gold edition is the base game, a port of the original from PS3/Vita.
The STC edition is a tweaked base game with tons of stuff added (new abilities, enemies, areas, etc ...)
Since the price of the STC is just 1€ more than the gold edition, there is no real point to get the gold edition (unless you REALLY want those extra custom skins)

Overall, a really solid game, not that ambitious but with very few flaws. I still would recommand to wait 'till it's on sale though (it dropped below 5€ this last winter sale).
Posted January 6, 2017.
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