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1 person found this review helpful
406.6 hrs on record
It's a game that's kind of lost it's way.

Company does mediocre work and gets away with it because other similar games just basically failed.

New game modes are made with little thought.

Killers get tons of power creep- Survivors ♥♥♥♥♥ and moan.

This isn't worth your time- trust me. There's so many other fun games to play with friends instead of this.
Posted February 11.
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22.1 hrs on record (21.5 hrs at review time)
I'm gonna leave a quick few bits here about the game, before I delve into my opinion down the road. I look to try and 100% the game and go from there.

1.) This game isn't for the faint of heart, and despite looking kid-friendly, it really isn't for them- at least, not alone. This is something I feel most 20-40+ year old players would enjoy most. This is Zelda meets Dark Souls, with lots of Hyper Light Drifter thrown in for good measure. Combat is tricky, puzzles and gameplay are cryptic, and your goal isn't to just fight monsters- it is to decipher as much of it as you can. While you don't need to understand the language to do the majority of the game, you do need to understand that the game gives you as much as it can to try and point you in the right direction. Trust your instincts- this game is best when you only consult a guide when you are truly clueless for a few hours- and you should be careful to make sure you only get the information you need and nothing more.

2.) This game has combat that, while not too hard, can be difficult. If you aren't a fan of Souls gameplay, this might not be in your wheelhouse. That said, I dislike Souls games- but found this to be really approachable. In my run, I died about a dozen or two times total- never really struggled. If you put in the work to master your character's abilities, fight enemies to acquire funds upon which to use to upgrade your character, and discover many secrets and take the game slow, you'll likely have no issue. Some fights are very challenging- try different approaches as you acquire new tools. While this game starts out as a hack-n-slash, you can quickly change it into an isometric tactical shooter with the right items and equipment.

3.) This game is worth the money. I got it on sale for the holidays from a friend for my birthday- but having played it, I wish I had paid full price. This game is a masterpiece. These Dev's know what they are doing. There is magic here. There is a world here. If you enjoy classic gaming experiences, this is it. The gameplay revolves around using the in-game provided booklet to understand it. It's just like waking up on Christmas Eve, opening up your brand new Super Nintendo and trying to understand what the hell you are supposed to do next in Earthbound. You have to explore, you need to backtrack a lot, and you have to try and take note of key things that seem interesting. There is something about this game, where you can tell the people who made it are proud of what they made, and they should be.

Overall, Tunic is maybe what some people wanted Breath of the Wild to be. This is a new-age interpretation of classic gaming. You might not like every aspect of it, but this game rewards you for understanding it- working with it. It's lighthearted and dark. It's incredible in scope, yet so very small. It's a perfect little world- and I highly recommend you give it a chance.

Note; many people don't like the end-game of this game because there isn't just a difficulty spike- there is a fair amount of back-tracking and learning involved. There is a point where you go from being like...25-30% aware of the plot and what's going on and what you need to do next, then it just spikes to 45-50% out of nowhere- only to go 70-75% before you're even done processing any of the previous stuff. You'll have plenty of time to figure stuff out- just don't give up. This game starts throwing you critical stuff as it feels you might need it. There are hundreds of directions you could go. Not everything needs done in order. There's so much to do.

Be brave, young Ruin Seeker.
Posted December 26, 2023.
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20.0 hrs on record (7.3 hrs at review time)
It's not Jet Set Radio- it truly is its own thing.

If you enjoyed Lethal League and you're a Team Reptile fan- give this a shot!

If you enjoyed JSR, JSR:F, Hover, the Tony Hawk/Skate series, or even just Parkour games like Mirror's Edge, you'll fall in love with this game really quick.

The real thing this game needs are QOL improvements- specific things could be pointed out to the player a bit better, there's some control choices that could be changed which would be sick, and several other things.

The mod potential for this game, being in Unity, also gives me some real confidence that someday, we'll be able to add our own music and other stuff.

8.5/10 - it's hard to find a gem quite like this nowadays, and this game wears its heart out there for all to see.
Posted August 20, 2023.
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236.6 hrs on record (0.7 hrs at review time)
I've put about a thousand hours into the game via the Battle.net client- there's tons of people with the whole "low hours, bad review" thing going on; don't be dissuaded. The game is getting the current rating because it's deserved- it isn't trolls or people from the Team Fortress 2 community- it's real Overwatch players from around the world, who sure...they might not play anymore, but they hate what the game has become, and their opinions and reviews matter just as much as the person who continues to whale for all the skins and content.

Here's the thing: as a consumer, you have a choice. Yeah, this game has a ton of negative reviews- it is, in a sense, being "review-bombed", but it's justified. Blizzard has become a shell of the things they used to be. Even Innovators in the industry's past can become today's trash when they allow corporate consumerism to dig deep into their processes and development cycles.

Is OW2 a bad game? Depends on the angle and lens you look at it through. The game-play isn't abysmal, the modes aren't terrible, but this game has a variety of other problematic things going for it.

It's owned and worked on by a company that silenced Free Hong Kong, promises and under-delivers frequently, has several sexual harassment lawsuits going on, and refuses to pay their league players at the correct times. The game has one of the most entitled and toxic communities online, next to League of Legends. It's streamers defend the game frequently, and constantly act as if the game should be praised for the few mediocre things they manage to do right. The game is heavily over-monetized with micro-transactions in every medium that matters- a premium battle pass, now a paid-in PVE system that isn't remotely finished, and skins that individually cost a base-line of $5...some of which go as high as $20.

I don't mind playing with friends, but the most I can stomach of OW2 when playing by myself is a few games- then I just simply can't after a bit.

The PVE was what I signed back on for, but it's a laugh. Just watch the cutscenes online- you'll be glad you did. The creative processes of the game and it's work put in there just screams love and adoration- it's those people who are likely underpaid for the work they do.

Overall, don't play this trash- if you do, don't pay for a single ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ thing. Don't give them a dollar. The skins are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and don't help you. You get nothing. Save as much in-game currency up as you can, and then use that to buy the season pass- that's how I got the Season 4 Battle Pass. But don't forget, it took me almost 3 full seasons of saving up to redeem for a single actual pass- and half the skins I wanted still weren't even in it, so Cleric Lifeweaver and Bard Lucio are just lost to me, despite loving Dungeons and Dragons.

I rave a lot about bad game design because it irks me, and this game irks me in all the worst ways- the game part isn't all that bad, it's everything else stapled to it that just makes me wretch.

This game gets what it ♥♥♥♥♥♥' deserves- a dead Murray out of 10.
Posted August 16, 2023. Last edited August 16, 2023.
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14.3 hrs on record (4.7 hrs at review time)
I'll update it when I'm done with a full review, but I'm rating this up now because this game deserves it. It's got a ton of polish, the levels are easily an hour long in most of my cases (only three levels in so far), the music and combat is excellent, and it feels like a triple AAA title.

Honestly, if you are looking for a beat-em-up with some style and flair with a little bit of fun thrown in the mix...you should pick up this game. It isn't a casual one though; you might find Hard to be too challenging at points. A warning that it isn't so bad if you select Normal on your first go. I'm not regretting Hard yet, but I have died a few times due to not being careful or being overwhelmed by enemies and not tackling them fast enough. You'll want to use all the tricks the game teaches you to get by.

Absolutely fantastic; will say more later. But it's worth it. Trust me. The hype is real- the reviews don't lie. The game will go far on its accomplishments and polish; but further if you get it, play it for yourself, and rate this game up.
Posted February 4, 2023.
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359.6 hrs on record (334.1 hrs at review time)
I play it occasionally as a F2P person, mainly for things where Light-Level isn't too huge of a deal. The PVE and PVP sections of the game are great, but there's a lot of Cons. I wanted to write a review, in hopes of possibly discouraging people from giving this a chance. If you are willing to forego whatever I say below, go for it and play, but frankly, I think it's worth at least skimming each first sentence of what you see below.

1.) This game isn't F2P, it's a Demo, and Bungie is lying to you. It's not that it's a bad Demo; it's more like, there's a very limited amount of stuff you'll get access to, and you'll have to deal with it. This includes the PVP modes of Crucible and Gambit, and also Vanguard. If you were hoping for a juicy campaign with missions to sink your teeth into, you can't. Any and all of the Legacy content from the first years of the game is gone. This leads into point two...

2.) The story is very confusing...awesome, but confusing. There's so little to understand what's going on. Almost all of my friends who just play the game instead of looking up information on it know nothing. Legacy content that would have at least explained some of it simply doesn't exist anymore; instead, you get a crappy time-line giving you a paragraph summary of all of the content DLC's and major Seasons up to this point. It's little more than a middle-schooler's last minute attempt at finishing their final essay. Vanguards and other PVE content is mostly just leftovers. When you play them, you'll be so lost on where you are, what you are doing, any general time-line of when and how stuff is happening, and you'll be lost for words. You'll get to sections where you meet new characters, yet, they aren't new; you totally know them, from this thing you haven't done, and they just expect you to kind of follow along.

3.) The gun-play is spectacular; but it's very, very unfavorable. With the inclusion of "sunsetting" weapons, you'll need to work every now and then to replace your gear. As the Light Level (effectively, your character's level) increases, and new things come out, old items will be unable to go higher. This will stop you from being able to do a whole lot with a weapon you liked in new content. New Vanguards and other than the PVP modes require your Light Level to be constantly increasing, and those missions will wreck you. I stopped playing in the tail end of 2020, only to start playing again just recently. I can tell you, realizing anything I invested in was now worthless made me quite upset. I had broken down so many weapons and armor pieces, all because they were "Legacy" content now, and it just sucks. It's a totally unneeded mechanic. Instead of bug fixing weapons or rebalancing them, they'd rather just remove them from the equation entirely. Sure, for diehard players who invest in Season Passes and DLC content every time it comes out, I imagine that it's relatively easy to get new gear upgraded quick that you like, but...this takes me to the next point.

4.) Good luck understanding anything outside shooting stuff. The game will not explain anything outside of it. Upgrading your equipment and items? No. Outside the basic "infusing", to up something's Light Level, you'll be so out of it. Most people who are F2P don't realize weapons and armor can have Mods, and get improvements. Most don't realize why the item's elemental affinity (Solar, Arc, Void, Stasis, etc.) even matter. They sometimes don't even know they can change their Element, or that they can change how their jump works, or how their grenades function. There's so little telling you how to do anything, and it's really just left there for you to figure out. You might just play this game and just walk and shoot, and that's fine, but there are some really fun ways to build your character; around certain Exotic items, and unique weapons, you can build your character in a variety of fun ways that emphasize how you want to play...yet, the game tells you none of this. Speaking of just "walking and shooting", my fifth point, which will loop back into my 1st point...

5.) The basic Vanguards, heck, even the original Legacy campaign content; it's too easy. They have certainly improved it. Vanguards and other things have difficulties and such, with new enemy types and things; that's fine. But just...walking around exploring areas? It's a cake walk. Go to Mars, the Moon...hell, the EDZ or anything, it's a joke. Nothing will challenge you. Enemies shred like paper in a shred pin. Nothing will give you any difficulty, which is a shame, because the old campaigns on harder difficulties would have been a blast to play with some friends new to the game. I remember having to find an NPC when New Light came out to play them; and that NPC was quite hidden away, almost as if they didn't want people to try those missions out. They were fun, but not challenging; I can only imagine how easy it would be for a F2P person to invest, if they had some strong and challenging campaign missions to play with friends for free. Sure, you could argue people would just take that and go...but I doubt it. That's a ton of content. Had it been kept in the game and made more challenging with difficulty adjustments similar to what the Vanguard tried, it could have sold a lot more players.

6.) Exploration is worthless. You do missions. Want to explore the planets? Patrols and other content, like Lost Sectors, are worthless outside of achievement points. Frankly, there is little reason to travel anywhere in the old areas of the game at all. They offer too little to waste your time on. Running Crucible, Gambit, Vanguard, and other stuff, is a far better way of getting the stuff you need to improve your character faster. You'll travel to worlds sometimes to gather some stuff and do some things, but rarely does any of that matter as much as the PVE/P modes. You are more or less wasting your time exploring and trying to see the world they so carefully crafted a few years ago.

All in all, I'd give the game a solid 6/10. Destiny 2 does so many great things, but it's like your Dad who left your Mom a couple years ago. Your Dad says they'll make improvements, and that they will be around more; that you can enjoy the old memories as much as the new ones you'll make. But a better question is this; why stick around for your deadbeat Dad to make more empty promises when you could just live a good life with your Mom who never stopped investing in you? Destiny 2 is like this dilemma in so many ways; no matter what you do, Bungie will make promises and do things to "improve the game experience", but coming back a full 2 years later, hoping for real change...no, it simply does not exist here.

When New Light came out a few years ago, after Bungie broke away from EA and went standalone, I was hopeful. Year ago, Bungie gave us amazing technological masterpieces. They were a masterclass in how to do right by players, and stay faithful. There was hardly any companies that truly could hold a candle to what Bungie could accomplish and did. I'm starting to think I see a trend here with the company, and it's that their Light has faded, to use a joke from Destiny 2. The company that once stood tall and proud in an ocean of similar companies, they now stand feeble and below most others. They remind me of the Pokemon company, Game Freak; in recent times, new Pokemon games have failed, mainly for the lack of innovation and "samey-ness". They've taken mediocre steps forwards (and in some cases, steps back) to try and remedy things, and that's why some people are having a hard time staying on with Pokemon. Thankfully, it's a multi-billion dollar workhorse with a legacy going for it.

Destiny 2 at this rate is about to be like it's respective old content. "Legacy'd", and thrown in a vault; to be forgotten and as useless as my Wicked Recluse and my Subtle Calamity. I've never been more distrustful and disappointed of Bungie.
Posted September 16, 2022.
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11 people found this review helpful
25.1 hrs on record (23.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I should start by saying the game is fun, but it has a lot of problems that make it feel unpolished and for the price tag (and how little is in the game), I can't recommend anyone buy this, let alone spend any money on *any* DLC they release. Until this game is out, you shouldn't spend money on it. This is the truth for any game. These Dev's don't deserve more money until they deliver the full product.

- The game is really poorly optimized. There's little you can do to improve or change graphical options that would improve the performance without making the game look *really* poor. There are a variety of issues with FPS drops (I've got a really low-end card, I've got friends with high-end cards experiencing the same issues, even on medium settings). The particles and other effects look really bad in some spots and the shadows in some spots are very buggy. Every update, we get everything but massive performance improvements for a variety of systems. I can't support a game that lies about it's system requirements.

- The gun-play is good and methodical. It's the game's only real saving grace. You need to think and plan. Rushing rooms will not likely yield good results. Playing with friends makes this even better. Debating on who brings what is amazing. That said, you really can't play this game alone; you just don't get enough supplies and you are so fragile on your own that you'll struggle to get even halfway through a level without any injuries. It's just realistic, I get that...but there should be improvements.

- Enemy AI is a very weird thing. Sometimes it is good. Sometimes it is great. Sometimes it is bad. It's hard to make the nonlethal options feel valuable amongst all the lethal options. Having someone bring one or two is a good thing, but it can be challenging to get them out and use them in time in the chaos of some situations. I don't think enemies also react very well or do things according to common sense. Four people armed to the death with AR's on target, and they will go for a knife pull. This isn't about if they take too much or two little damage, this is just about behaviors.

Overall, this isn't a bad game; but I'd think twice before spending your money on this. It's an Early Access game; people should know by 2022 what they are stepping into. "Because we have achieved a viable product that players want to play and is fun" is subjective. This is an incomplete product. It is unfinished. It shows really poorly here. You have to be willing to stomach that, otherwise, you might want to refund this after a 2-hour trial.

Overall, I am unimpressed. It's not bad, but it isn't very good. Hopefully the Devs facilitate improvements for performance and quality of life upgrades over making more half-baked levels and other useless AI changes. If they do, I might change this...but frankly, I don't see it happening. Since I got the game a couple months ago, there has only been a single update that *really* helped performance. Those gains were lost one update later. I don't have high expectations for the game.

It's a 6/10 from me.
Posted September 3, 2022.
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26.2 hrs on record (12.2 hrs at review time)
I'm not incredibly far in the game, at least, from what I can tell.

Basically, I'm about 12 hours in, and I'm well-past where you defeat The Prospector, The Angler, and the
Trapper. I'm also finished with the first 8-bit section of the game, and I chose the Stoat/Robot guy to try and replace, as I felt he had an ulterior motive.

Is this game worth purchasing? Yes. Very much so.
Is it everything it set out to be? For the most part.

If you are buying this game, expect to fail a lot and often; if that isn't your cup of joe, this might not be for you. This game is so much more than just a rouge-like card game, in the vein of things like Slay the Spire and the like. It's incredibly tricky, as there are also clues to pick up, secrets to unravel and investigate, along with horrific undertones and incredibly complex battles. Sometimes, you may find yourself dying in the same spot repeatedly. While your skill is incredibly important in these games (mostly with making the right decisions), you might find yourself stumped just because luck doesn't seem to be on your side.

Don't worry; some of these fights are rigged.

How do you win? Well, I won't go into a lot here, as this is a review and I plan to do a full "Tips & Tricks" guide later once I've completed the game and tried a few strategies, but I'll give you some pointers for those reading these reviews in advance to see if they are deciding to purchase the game.

1.) It's a rogue-like card game. There are bound to be things you can exploit to get incredible advantage. You must learn to recognize these things, and go for it.

2.) Depending on where you are at in the game, your play-style and game mechanics will change. You not only need to adapt, but you must recognize the new flaws in the system you are playing with. There is a lot to this game you may not readily understand as you play and that will be your demise; don't worry. These moments can be mitigated by paying attention and staying focused.

3.) Acknowledge your best cards and how to play them. All of this game is timing focused; when and how. You have to be willing to do more than just create endless combos and look for broken tools. Sometimes, you won't get these and the fights are about pacing yourself and your resources. Think about *everything* your cards can do. Even just throwing stuff under the bus to block in a moment of need can be critical.

4.) Final tip; this game is longer than you think. You have to really dig deep and look around. Many runs, you won't just get better stuff; you will get better tools. Each major obstacle you overcome gives you impressive new abilities, along with knowledge of the world around you. You also have the knowledge of the previous play-through, and you know what it will take to reach victory. While there are random elements to every encounter, specific hurdles you must overcome have a pattern; acknowledge it so that you can proceed.
Posted October 21, 2021.
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2 people found this review helpful
48.2 hrs on record (26.7 hrs at review time)
This game is great. I really enjoyed it.

It's getting a negative review from me after 20+ hours because the people who are being ♥♥♥♥♥♥ over by the constant problems the game has deserve a voice.

This game has a ton of issues when it runs for many users; I had the issues up until I forced the game to run in Administrator mode, and that literally fixed all of my problems. I haven't had a crash since day 1; on Day 1, I had three crashes. I found the suggestion from a user who had tried making sure the game ran in Administrator and it fixed all of their issues.

I have friends suggesting that the Kyoto boss area is basically unwinnable right now, and it has a crash right after that you can't get past. I'm looking to try and see if that happens to me, as I'm a few in-game days away from that particular date.

This game is great, the port itself needs some tweaks, but apparently Atlus nor Koei Tecmo plan to do ♥♥♥♥ about it.

I've lost a lot of respect for Atlus, and now I'm not sure if they deserve any more of my money past this point; Persona 4 Golden was a beautiful port, and it was patched with the majority of its issues solved within days.

It's been almost two weeks from this game's release and not a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ word of anything getting changed or improving. Dev's want to sweep this under the rug and get away with it.

If you can, and you also reviewed this game, swap it to negative and get this game noticed by the Dev's so they do something.
Posted March 7, 2021.
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