Travis Masonheimer   Tulare, California, United States
:steamsalty:Call me turbo//
soup jún. 10., 7:33 
↓↓↓ schizophrenic racist is talking, listen and learn
Joey jún. 7., 10:09 
Tell your coward friend 'TorQSicK 'plz: Looks like the rest of the Internent was right about you being stupid, you can't tell that the other guner is cheating, you don't know that the act of sealing the hole will generate a big bulk in the map, and you are even stupid enough to think that a 1k hour player would not know such a trick
Even you Indian friend don't think there's anything wrong with a TK teammates.
It is true that India is a sleeping maggot and the whole world will be disgusted when it wakes up.
stonephone 2023. jan. 4., 18:52 
lol what? what's up
iChooseYouEevee 2023. jan. 4., 8:47 
Best captain until he tried to make me follow through on my discord kitten duties
Cognomen 2022. nov. 16., 20:47 
Great arcade racer!
dill 2021. dec. 10., 23:44 
awesome guy