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103.5 hrs on record (67.7 hrs at review time)
Pretty damn fun, technical issues and questionable optimization aside. A bit easy even w/ loop stress (difficulty) set to maximum, and I do dislike how there's only one possible sequence of events to achieve the "golden loop" where you actually get to kill all Visionaries, but it's very fun regardless. It's sort of like Dishonored with more guns and no chaos system to punish you, and even has the Blink power but renamed to Shift.

With the right trinkets or slabs, I've been running around kicking people off ledges, teleport-kicking people off ledges, telekinesis-blasting people off ledges, sprinting into people to ragdoll them off ledges, or even sliding into people to make them ragdoll off ledges. The ragdoll physics are really good and occasionally funny. I like Deathloop's kind of aggressive stealth where it's more about sneaking around stealth-killing everyone. The "ghost" kind of stealth where you must leave zero traces of your existence behind isn't for me, and thankfully Deathloop does not do that.

Even after ending the game, you can still keep playing. Go back and get the Slabs/Trinkets/Weapons you've missed, for example. This game has some decent replayability. It's not perfect, but the amount of fun it has offered me is enough to overlook its flaws. Wish it got a sequel or an expansion.
Posted January 27. Last edited January 27.
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4.3 hrs on record (1.5 hrs at review time)
a short but sweet teaser for what Intravenous 2 has in store. only two missions long that take an hour and a half to beat, but it's really good.
Posted January 20.
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0.0 hrs on record
Better than the basegame. Only about two and a half hours long, but it's pure combat without the BS in-between that the base game had, like being forced to walk around a massive base at a snail's pace.

Has some neat QOL improvements too, like being told actual stats for equipment (ex. being told that you'll do +30% DMG against shields instead of vague descriptions) and perks (ex. being told that you'll do +20% DMG against flanked targets instead of being given vague words)

A bit more difficult too, since you're limited to ballistics only until near the end. A bit easier too, since your agents start out at a higher level to compensate for the increased difficulty.

Short but sweet. XCOM Declassified deserved better. I would have loved to see another third-person shooter installment that took upon Declassified's flaws and improved on them.
Posted November 8, 2023.
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39.6 hrs on record (33.9 hrs at review time)
A decent cover-based third-person shooter that tries to adapt the combat of Enemy Unknown into a third-person, cover-based shooter. Difficulties with babysitting the friendly AI aside, it's pretty decent. Interestingly, being in cover provides damage reduction while being flanked increases damage taken. If enemies seem bullet-spongy, that's because you're not flanking them or flushing them out of cover. You'll do around 200% DMG if the enemy is flanked, and so will your squadmates if they're targeting anyone they have flanked.

I wish more shooters had "Battle Focus" like Declassified did. It feels like a pretty decent shooter/RTS hybrid. Battle Focus is slow-mo you activate so you can command squadmates to move, target an enemy, or use their abilities. Abilities are really good in this game, always be using them.

It's not perfect, it could be better, and it's only about 12 hours long, but it's a decent experience while it lasts. A flawed but memorable little oddball in the X-COM series. I kinda wish there was another Bureau-style game in the X-COM series but set during Enemy Unknown or XCOM 2, but I understand how out-of-place a third-person shooter is in a game series that is meant to be turn-based tactics. Maybe it shouldn't have had the X-COM label slapped onto it and just been its own original thing, then it would have been appreciated more.
Posted November 5, 2023. Last edited November 14, 2023.
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359.4 hrs on record (105.7 hrs at review time)
the videogame equivalent of cocaine
Fencer is best class because he can go FAST in one direction and controls like you're playing a mech game
This game also taught me that the cure to arachnophobia is committing high-velocity insecticide against giant spiders
Spiders are scary but when you've got a gun it's so satisfying to blow them into pieces
Posted August 11, 2023.
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60.6 hrs on record (32.1 hrs at review time)
Very neat mech game
Not quite Armored Core but it'll do until Armored Core 6 releases on Steam
Starts off a bit slow but it gets better once you hit Rank C
NPC Allies are pretty helpful, they struggle against Immortals but can hold their own against enemy Arsenals
Posted July 3, 2023. Last edited July 3, 2023.
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35.0 hrs on record (30.2 hrs at review time)
Damn good writing
There's not much combat unless you mean social combat and skill checks
Characters are nice
Setting is nice
Character dialogue is distinct
Skills are hilarious (ex. Rhetoric Skill + Communist Cop)
Skills are nicely written too (Inland Empire, Shivers, Volition, Espirit De Corps my beloved)
So many heartwarming moments, tragic moments, funny moments
over 20 hours well spent
I adore this game
Posted May 16, 2023.
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243.4 hrs on record (63.7 hrs at review time)
Good, addictive fun, very social game to play w/ friends due to the drop in/drop out nature and fireteam mechanics
Excellent PvE with some Halo Reach DNA (Ex. melee lunge and grenade throwing should feel familiar)
If you're getting BSOD on launch for Win11, update your drivers (including optional updates like display drivers!) in Windows Update and it'll stop the "Kernel Security Check Failure"
Posted March 1, 2023. Last edited April 3, 2023.
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26.2 hrs on record (18.2 hrs at review time)
Absolutely phenomenal side-scrolling arcade flight game, like Ace Combat or Project Wingman but even crazier in a good way. You can whip the plane around in midair and shoot down incoming missiles due to the unrealistic but really fun flight physics being more like piloting a plane in a low-gravity environment.

Good gameplay, good story, good bosses and enemy variety, good weapon and passive item variety. Be sure to start a New Game Plus after finishing the normal mode campaign! It's a lot more difficult, but it's how you'll unlock the rest of the modules and have even more fun.

Really hoping for a sequel. Sometimes when playing this I'm reminded a bit of ZeroRanger, and I like that feeling.
Posted January 27, 2023.
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35.7 hrs on record (21.2 hrs at review time)
Decent open-world sandbox with good gunplay, but does suffer from performance issues. Run at 1920x1080 or a lower resolution, you're going to need to.
Posted August 9, 2022.
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