Arma 3
WMO - Walkable Moving Objects
How cool would it be if you could just walk into the back of a Huron have your friend hover over the top of a building and jump no scroll wheel or nothing. I understand there is no need for it but it would be cool.
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
Bloodwyn  [developer] May 29, 2017 @ 11:05am 
Yes it would be cool. I already have a test version, where you csn do it, but it's messy. The problem is, that nobody is allowed or able to modify the vanilla models. They are not created to support this kind of stuff ;)
CommanderBoppo May 29, 2017 @ 5:17pm 
Originally posted by Bloodwyn:
Yes it would be cool. I already have a test version, where you csn do it, but it's messy. The problem is, that nobody is allowed or able to modify the vanilla models. They are not created to support this kind of stuff ;)

Oh that makes sense, So you would need to use a modded helicopter or plane. Cool thanks : ) Keep up the good work.
Gabenfoodle May 30, 2017 @ 2:02pm 
OP, check out the bigger helicopters in RHS USAF, they have more or less this
Hudnar Jul 1, 2017 @ 11:40pm 
With one of the C-17 Addons, you'd have the most realistic Paratrooper experience in ArmA 3, if you had the ACE mod, which lets you jump instead of vault.
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