ARK: Survival Evolved
Pet Res
Servers Running This Mod.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย DovahkiIT™; 23 ส.ค. 2016 @ 3: 02am
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กำลังแสดง 1-11 จาก 11 ความเห็น

• eröffnet am 1.9.
• RolePlay Server
• Custom Primitiv (nicht der Offizielle Mod)
• TheCenter Map
• Tag 50min, Nacht 10min
• Gamma "an"
• Spieler Lv 98
• Wilde Dinos Lv 150
• Gezähmte Dinos sind 10% schwächer als Wilde
• 20% mehr Ausdauer für gezähmte Dinos
• 50% lansameres Hungern
• Strukturenzerfall "an". 6-20 Tage abhängig vom Material
• Kein Quetz Platformsattel

Server IP:

• x3 Exp
• x4 Sammeln
• x5 Zähmen
• x3 Brüten und Wachstum

• Pet Resurection
• Poisened Weapons
• Spit Slingshot
• Multi-Tool Mod
• Cute Hair
• Personal Beacons (nur für Events)

• Kein ausnutzen von Glitches/Exploits
• Keine DinosaurierTor Reihen. Ihr wollt eine Mauer bauen? Macht es auf normalem Wege.
• Kein sinnloses verteilen von Fundamenten/Säulen
• Werft keine Dinos, speziell Fleischfresser, in andere Basen

Was ist Primitiv?
Primitiv bedeutet schlicht den verzicht auf alles neumodische.
• Keine Metall Strukturen
• Kein Fabrikator und alles was darin gebaut werden kann

Okay, und was ist Custom Primitiv?
Wir haben entschieden die Original ARK Items + kleinere Mods zu nutzen anstatt den Primitiv+ Mod.
Der stärkste Strukturen Typ ist Stein.
Und um raiden schwerer zu gestalten ist der Quetz Platformsattel ebenfalls raus. Niemand will fliegende Ballisten.

Was ist RolePlay?
Kurz gesat:
Sei was du sein willst!
Zum Beispiel ein Pirat, ein Händler, vielleicht ein Dieb? Ihr entscheidest.

Server Events:
Hide&Seek, Schatzsuche, Rennen und mehr abwechslung bringendes. :)
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Ryo11129; 5 ก.ย. 2016 @ 7: 11am
[DE][PvE][ANDALASIA SE][Rates 5x][Mods][]

Server IP

Scorched Earth

Spiel Modus
PvE (23 Hours), PvP (1 Hour)

Server Settings
• Harvest: 2x
• Tame: 5x
• EP: 5x
• Mating: 1x
• Breeding: 20x
• Maturing: 5x

• Difficulty 34+
• Resource Stacks
• Resource Stacks Scorched Earth
• Homing Pigeon
• PvP Safe Zones
• Dino Racing:Evolved
• Admin Command Menu (ACM) V2.6.1
• Pet Resurection
• Stat Bars
• Personal Beacons
• Tame XL

• Einmal pro Tag wird für eine Stunde PvP aktiv sein. Wärend der 1-Stündigen PvP Phase fürfen keine Anfänger und keine passiven Dinos getötet werden.
• Kein übertriebenes zerstören von Basen (unlocked Vaults, Schränke und Craftingstations müssen nicht unbedingt zerstört werden.) Ausgenommen man möchte dort seine Mainbasis errichten, dies muss aber direkt im Anschluss des Raids passieren und diese muss dort mindestens 7 Tage bestehen bleiben.
• Die Artefakte in Höhlen müssen für jeden Spieler frei zugänglich sein (ohne Schaden von Turrets zu bekommen)
• kein unnötiges zubauen von Hauptressourcen (Metal, Kristall, Obsidian)
• die 3 Arks (rot, blau, grün) müssen ebenfalls für jeden Spieler frei zugänglich sein. (ohne Schaden von Turrets zu bekommen)
• Keine rassistische, beleidigende oder erniedrigende Äußerungen gegenüber Mitspielern.
• Deutsch oder Englisch im Global Chat!

Die Admins erstatten keine Dinos, Gegenstände oder Strukturen die durch Fehler während des Spielverlaufs abhanden, verloren oder verschwunden sind.
Die Admins behalten sich außerdem das Recht vor Spieler die gegen die Regeln verstoßen zu verwarnen, bestrafen oder gar zu bannen, dies liegt im Ermessen des jeweiligen Admins.

• Once a day, PvP will be active for 1 Hour. During this PvP Phase it is forbidden to kill Beginners and / or Passive Dinos.
• no overraged destroying of Bases (unlocked vaults, storages and Craftingstations dont need to be destroeyed.) You can do this, if you want to build your Mainbase there, but you need to do this immediatly and ur Mainbase need to stay there for more than 7 Days.
• Artefacts in caves must be avialable for everyone (without taking turretdmg).
• No blocking of Mainresources (Metal, Crystal, Obsidian).
• The 3 Arks (Red, Blue, Green) must be avialable for everyone (without taking turretdmg).
• Rassism or insulting is not tolerated
• Only German or English in the Globalchat

The Admins wont replace any Items, Dinos or Structures.
The Admins will warn, punish or bann People if the breaking the Rules.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Sherry Fino; 22 ก.ย. 2016 @ 6: 54am
[ENGDK] RGC - Modded - Discord - 18+

We're a very new player friendly server, we do not mind helping people get started, the community by itself is very friendly as well, with mature players, our average age is around 25-30.

We have one main rule, which is to have fun and do not ruin other peoples fun!

Server name: [ENGDK] RGC - Modded - Discord - 18+
Map: Scorched Earth
Max Players: 100
Discord: RGC Discord[]
NAME: Annunaki Wonderland (PVP,Lvl-1000-20G,50T,100XP)

MAP: The Island


PORT: 17617


-Gather- 20x
-Tame- 50x
-Level- 1000 (For players and dinos, Whatever level you tame a dino is plus 1000 levels before max)
-XP- 100x
-Egg Hatch Speed 50x
-Baby Mature Speed 50x
-Platform Structure Limit- 500
-Custom Player and tamed dino stats to help
-CrossHair enabled
-Gamma Changes enabled
-Allow Hit Markers=True
-Allow Raid Dino Feeding=true (Titan is keepable, currently doesnt level though)
- Non Permanent Diseases=true
-All ingrams are learnable over time
-Wild Dino level avarage - 100/300
-No Wipe

-Scorched Earth Tabula Rasa
-Cute Hair
-Ultra Stacks
-Castles, Keeps, and Forts Architecture
-Beacon Enhancer
-Tactical Tek Armor
-Pet Res
-Bulk Crafters
-Pet Finder
-Death Helper
-Seven's Tranq Kit
-Mini Vault
-Haven Behemoth Walls and Gates
-ARK Fog Remover
-Egg N Poop Collector N Incubator
-Hidden Caves
-Reusable Plus

-Gigantic Floating Island
-Oasis Island
-xTcR Island
-Haven Islands - (request island placeable anywhere on the map)

RULES: Dont Greif, Dont Use (Haven Islands/Buildable Redwood Trees) To Block Caves Or Peoples Bases, Use Common Sence
☬ Crow ☬ (ถูกแบน) 16 ม.ค. 2017 @ 6: 06pm 
3 Official Map Cluster - Island/Center/SE - Items+Dinos transfers on!
Personally owned server - No hosting costs = Years of uptime. US West
Increased Tame/Gather/Babies/Daytime/Crops
No griefing or pillar spam! - Family Friendly - Adult Admins
Nearly 600 years since the end of life on Earth, humanity has found a new hope..

Planet Kepler 22b, otherwise known as "Terra-Dracos"

Choose your role from multiple ideological societies and decide how the future of humanity will progress. Peace or war? Technological advancement or balance and harmony with nature?

You decide!

Draconis (Island) - PvPvE
(Drops enabled)(PvP night to morning w/ NORP)(SE Dinos) 4xT/G/Exp

Bloodlands (SE) - PvP
(Drops enabled)(Item upgrade station/Special item/ammo table) 6xT/G/Exp

Sophiros (Center) - PvE
(No drops enabled) 2xT/G/Exp

Many customization features!

Full player economy support mods - Sell dinos/food/items while offline!
Ressurect dead pets with life crystals obtained from cave raiding artifacts
Primitive engrams only with tech drops on.. if you dare hunt them..
Pet group management mod for better use of dinos
Wild Baby dinos
100's of added primitive & alchemy extras
SE Creatures tamable on the Island
Egg collecting Ovi Raptors
Several dragon species with saddles!
Play PvE or PvP or do both! Playstyle support for everyone on this cluster!
Much, much more!

To begin your journey, click here!
Server: LoveFistPokemonEvolvedPVE/PVP/25X
Map: The Island
Mods: Pokemon Evolved, Stackables, Pet Manager, Structures Plus, Auto Torches, Stargate, Bridges, Death Finder, Pet Res, and Upgrade Station.
Info: West Coast server. Map location enabled. 3rd person enabled. Gamma enabled. Active admins. 25x.
Ruleset: PvE - PvP optional.
News: New hardware coming soon! New mods! Shopping mod had to be let go - Compensation provided if needed.

Extra Info
Will do everything in our power to avoid a wipe.
AutoDestroyOldStructures is enabled at 1.25.
Tribe war abuse will lead to ban and rollback.
Server shop available for easy materials.
59 Pokemon currently in-game. (46 working properly.)
Stargates around the map for fast travel.
Public Pokemon stadium at South 2 'Stonehenge'.
Server shop at Red Obelisk.
Increased tamed level cap (100).
Increased EP gains. (750~)
Increased player weight gains.(2.5x)
Increased player craft speed gains.(10x)
Reduced Food/Water drain for players and Pokemon.(35%)
Reduced Stamina drain for players and Pokemon. (35%)

Tribe Wars PVP info ->
To challenge a trainer to poke battle bring up radial menu on player and choose Declare tribe war. Agree on a time with the player based on minutes (Minimum 1 minute). Wait for battle to begin.
To challenge a friend
-> Option A) Kick from tribe, unclaim the pokemon, battle, re-invite to tribe.
-> Option B) Alliance with friends, kick from alliance, battle, re-invite to alliance.

Known mod issues ->

Pokemon Evolved - ALPHA - Active Development

Stone pick learned from Pokemon Evolved engram near bottom of list (0 points) then crafted through Pokemon terminal.
Standard torch currently removed - Auto torch mod helps with this.
Glyphs currently placeholder - Can craft but doesn't do anything.
Rare candy also a placeholder.
Many Pokemon are incorrect in size.
Many Pokemon don't spawn naturally.
Some Pokemon attack much slower than they should.
Land mounts glitchy - Jump then press E or press E and whistle "Move here".
Pokemon can't pick up pokemon - Disabled due to game-breaking bug.
All flyers, Houndoom, Blaziken, Machamp, Tyrantrum, Xerneas, Venusaur, Giratina, and Rapidash have targeting issues.
Lugia alt attack broken.
Charizard fire animation not displaying.
Mew, Mewtwo, Gyarados, Scyther, and Rayquaza currently must be force fed food capsules.
Mew can not be tamed.
Giratina & Arbok inventory can not be accessed.
Credits currently given every time player respawns/bed transfers.
Two inventories shown when examining a corpse, user's items are in RIGHT HAND inventory.
Several "T1 building" pieces are broken. Will not place.
Breeding some of the pokemon results in dinos being born.
Blaziken spawner broken.
Lugia & Zapdos spawner missing.
Stat gain bug on server restart, affects each pokemon differently and only once.
Pokemon knock out animation broken.
Pichu stats broken.
Arcanine spawns in tiny and wild from purchased spawner.

Pet Res
Broadcasts pokemon KO to server.
Does not keep inventory.
Too many pets dying at once results in missing tombstones.
Pet sometimes gets shrunk, killing it again should fix it.

Structures +
Occasional clipping issues, try mixing vanilla pieces where you have trouble.
Auto gates/doors don't detect Pokemon - Use lowest follow distance or set to manual.
Too much S+ usage will lead to FPS drops.

Pet Manager
Changing name outside of pet manager overlays new pokemon over old pokemon - Restart fixes.
Logging out with Pokemon in team leaves remnant of pokemon stats - Re-add pokemon to team.
Teleporting through stargate may bork the team. Re-add to fix.

Sometimes causes frame loss, reduce ground clutter thickness/distance to fix.
Riding a pokemon through a gate sometimes launches you out the other end.
To lead pokemon through, stand behind gate then whistle follow/lowest, then enter after they've gone through.
Best to lead 2-3 pokemon through at a time to prevent loss.
If no control panel present, just press E on gate itself to activate.
If gate does not open, it means other end is busy.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Prince Vegeta; 13 ก.พ. 2017 @ 2: 22pm
Please join the discord and say hi!

MAP: The Center
CORE MOD: Pugnacia Dinos



Here at Arcadia we strive to make a fun and challenging server. We have obviously boosted stats, but with a touch of extra grind in the start once you get going it's very fullfilling. Please stop by and give it a chance and definitly check out the Discord!

Max player lvl 420
Max dino level after tame 1250
Max wild dino level 840 + 500 after tame.
แก้ไขล่าสุดโดย Limbo; 30 พ.ค. 2017 @ 8: 42am

A new server released for Spanish people and everyone else who wants to join this exciting experience!

Server Information
Server title: [ESP] ARKADIA PIRATA |TheIsland|PVP|*x10|MERCADO
Steam link: steam://connect/

Visit our community at and browse through the site to find more interesting info. (English and French site translation is in construction...)

Links to vote our server

General server features
  • Map: The Island
  • Playstyle: PvP
  • Max. player level: 200
  • Max. wild dino level: 150 approx.
  • Max. tamed dino level upgrade: base dino level + 100 levels.
  • Experience multiplier: x10
  • Taming multiplier: x10
  • Resource harvest multiplier: x10
  • First person view: enabled
  • Third person view: enabled
  • Crosshair: enabled
  • Map location: enabled
  • Structure decay: enabled
  • Friendly Fire: enabled
  • Server capacity: 50 players
  • Max. playes in a tribe: 8

Addiional server features

...and more!. You can check all the mods running in our server by visiting our collection:

Also in our forums you will find more info about everything.

🌟🌟🌟 Thanks for join the ARKadia Pirata! 🌟🌟🌟

Hemos estrenado un nuevo servidor Hispano y para cualquiera que quiera unirse a esta prometedora experiencia!

Información del servidor
Link de Steam: steam://connect/

Visita nuestra comunidad en y navega por nuestra web para encontrar más información de interés.

Enlaces para votar nuestro servidor

Características generales del servidor
  • Mapa: The Island
  • PvP
  • Maximo nivel de jugador: 200
  • Maximo nivel de dino salvaje: 150 aprox.
  • Maximo nivel de dino domesticado: nivel base + 100 niveles.
  • Multiplicador de experiencia: x10
  • Multiplicador de domesticación: x10
  • Multiplicador de recursos: x10
  • Vista en primera persona activado.
  • Vista en tercera persona activado.
  • Mirilla activada.
  • Punto de localización en el mapa activado.
  • Descomposición de estructuras activado
  • Fuego amigo activado
  • Capacidad del servidor: 50 jugadores.
  • Máximos jugadores en una tribu: 8

Características adicionales

...y mucho más!. Puedes descubrir todos los mods que tenemos en nuestro servidor viendo nuestra colección:

Además, en nuestro foro puedes encontrar mucha más información de interés sobre todo

🌟🌟🌟 ¡Gracias por unirte a La ARKadia Pirata! 🌟🌟🌟
PvPvE with a lot of awesome mods

New Since 31/10 (Well, only me (owner) played for a few days and I don't participate in PvP)

All modifiers x10 (Exp, Taming, Baby Growth, Health Regeneration, Food & Water (drain x10 slower), etc.)



Map: Ragnarok

- Extinction Core
- Pet Res
- Death Recovery Mod
- Death Helper
- EZAce
- Dragon Gods
- All Dinos Allow Guns
- Awesome Teleporters
- HG Stacking Mod 10k
- More Narcotics & Tranq-Arrows
- Super Spyglass
- Classic Flyers
- Offline Guard System
- Upgrade Station
- Meat Spoiler
- Structures Plus (S+)
- GlassMetal
- Automated Ark
- Boosted Fabricator+
- RP Visual Storage
- Fister's All Fog Remover
- Blessing of Unicorns
- Reusable Plus
- Utilities Plus
- SuperTek
- Editable Server UI

No rules, build whereever you want. Just don't harass others in global chat.
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กำลังแสดง 1-11 จาก 11 ความเห็น
ต่อหน้า: 1530 50