Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

Gloomhaven - Fantasy Setup (Scripted UI)
 Bu başlık sabitlenmiş, muhtemelen önemli bir başlık
How to Keybind Swapping Hands while Playing Solo
Looking for a way to easily swap hands playing solo and don't like using player color Black to see all cards but with no hand at all?

You can create a game in Hotseat mode and bind a hotkey in the Console to End Turn. This button will cycle between each player's hand in order by player number, allowing you to see the hand properly for each character without having to click to swap or use the Black player color which doesn't have a "hand".

Open the Console with ` or the ~ tab on Chat box.
Type and enter
bind YourKeybind hotseat_end_turn
Replace YourKeybind with any keybind you want to use, like Mouse3, example:
bind Mouse3 hotseat_end_turn

Want this hotkey to always be available when you load the game?
Enter in the Console:
edit autoexec
Type in your bind YourKeybind hotseat_end_turn command from above to the autoexec window and hit OK.

You can also add any spectator_screen or spectator_window commands to autoexec you usually use for Picture-In-Picture or a 2nd monitor so they are always there when you load your game. See this guide for more info on using Picture-in-Picture or a 2nd monitor.

Want there to be less delay to the hand pulling up after you hit End Turn? Don't like the camera resetting on End Turn?

Menu -> Configuration -> Interface tab -> Misc. Settings
Scroll down to:
"Hotseat: Delay Between Turns" and put the slider to 0.0
You can uncheck "Hotseat: Reset Camera On Turn" here as well.