Homeworld Remastered Collection

Homeworld Remastered Collection

Homeworld Remastered Players Patch
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Cloaked  [developer] Sep 25, 2018 @ 8:31pm
Troubleshooting Help / Bug Reports
If your having problems, let us know and we can help. Or if you see a HWR bug that you'd like us to fix, let us know.

Steam Troubleshooting Steps
1. Do not load game saves from other versions/builds of HWR, just play any mission from the start based on your current progression.
2. Using Mission Difficulty values higher than 1 may spawn too many enemy ships which might cause crashes while loading missions.
3. Note that HWR is not the most stable game. Some intermittent crashes are typical, especially while loading campaign missions or while playing online multiplayer. While some players rarely crash, other players frequently crash. Its often easiest to just restart the game and accept this reality. Otherwise proceed as follows:
4. Make sure HWR is working without the patch first. Run HWR with no mods, and see if the issue occurs. If you are experiencing general HWR problems see the Master Troubleshooting Guide.
5. Run HWR with only the Players Patch, and see if the issue occurs. This patch is currently not known to cause any additional problems.
6. Sometimes Steam workshop items don't download correctly or get corrupted, causing an instant "Access Violation Error" crash most of the time while loading levels. Corruption can be caused by closing the mod launcher while its loading (If you've subscribed to many mods, the mod launcher can take a long time to load). Follow these steps to resolve the corruption:
7. Open Steam (not your web browser), and unsubscribe from the Steam workshop item.
8. Exit Steam, completely close it down.
9. Delete the folder containing 2.3PlayersPatch.big located here (note, sometimes unsubscribing automatically deletes this): C:\Program Files
10. Delete the cache folder containing 2.3PlayersPatch.big located here: C:\Program Files
11. Restart Steam and resubscribe to the Steam workshop item. Hopefully this resolves the issue.
12. If your still having issues, you can try deleting your player profile as these also sometimes get corrupted.
13. You can also check the bottom of your HwRM.log file immediately after a crash for clues. Note this log is over-written each time you play. First enable tracing also enable default persist fleet files incase they got corrupted:
14. Go to your Steam Library and right click on Homeworld Remastered Collection. Click Properties, click Set Launch Options, and add in the following: -luatrace -persist
15. Run HWR with only the Players Patch. Immediately after a crash, open the log file located here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Homeworld\HomeworldRM\Bin\Release\HwRM.log
16. Post your HwRM.log file using https://justpaste.me or https://pastebin.com in this Troubleshooting Thread. Note your operating system and describe what occured prior to crashing.

Epic and GOG Troubleshooting Steps
1e. Do not load game saves from other versions/builds of HWR, just play any mission from the start based on your current progression.
2e. Using Mission Difficulty values higher than 1 may spawn too many enemy ships which might cause crashes while loading missions.
3e. Note that HWR is not the most stable game. Some intermittent crashes are typical, especially while loading campaign missions or while playing online multiplayer. While some players rarely crash, other players frequently crash. Its often easiest to just restart the game and accept this reality. Otherwise proceed as follows:
4e. Make sure HWR is working without the patch first. Run HWR with no mods, and see if the issue occurs. If you are experiencing general HWR problems see the Master Troubleshooting Guide.
5e. Run HWR with only the Players Patch, and see if the issue occurs. This patch is currently not known to cause any additional problems.
6e. If your still having issues, you can try deleting your player profile as these also sometimes get corrupted.
7e. You can also check the bottom of your HwRM.log file immediately after a crash for clues. Note this log is over-written each time you play. First enable tracing also enable default persist fleet files incase they got corrupted:
8e. For Epic: Go to the Epic Games Store settings. Under HWR check Additional Command Line Arguments and add the following: -luatrace -persist
9e. For GOG: Right click on each of your Players Patch shortcuts and click properties. Add the following at the end of each shortcut's Target: -luatrace -persist
10e. Run HWR with only the Players Patch. Immediately after a crash, open the log file located here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Homeworld\HomeworldRM\Bin\Release\HwRM.log
11e. Post your HwRM.log file using https://justpaste.me or https://pastebin.com in this Troubleshooting Thread. Note your operating system and describe what occured prior to crashing.

Linux / Proton
Getting HWRM and mods to work correctly on Linux / Proton / SteamOS can be a challenge, some users have had success while others have had issues. If you've got it working, please post your version and any tips that may benefit others. Note that HWRM works best on a Windows PC.

HWR Bug Reports
If you see a HWR bug that you'd like us to fix, let us know. As of December 2024, the Players Patch is not known to cause any additional bugs/issues over HWR v2.303.
Last edited by Cloaked; Jan 5 @ 10:50pm
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Showing 1-15 of 237 comments
Mach5 Sep 28, 2018 @ 1:52pm 
Hi, so about the crash i mentioned in the comments: I tried capturing a video, I unfortunately couldn't capture a video. -luatrace also probably didn't produce anything useful, but I can provide the error log it generated and also a screenshot of the error displayed after the crash (it just says "Access Violation" in multiple languages).

I replayed mission 2, built multiple Salvage and Heavy Corvettes, never skipped any of the cut-scenes, destroyed all enemy fighters and captured all enemy corvettes. At some point the game just crashes immediately after issueing the command to salvage the next enemy corvette.

Running the vanilla game using the same savegame does not seem to crash the game when doing the same actions.
Cloaked  [developer] Sep 30, 2018 @ 8:13am 
Mach5 - I just replayed mission 2 again as you described, and captured every corvette via right-click without crashing.

If you'd like, you can also upload these 3 files online and I'll take a look at them:
1. HwRM.log: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Homeworld\HomeworldRM\Bin\Release\HwRM.log
2. Persist2.lua: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Homeworld\HomeworldRM\Bin\Profiles\Profile1\Campaign\HOMEWORLDCLASSIC\Persist2.lua
3. Game Save:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Homeworld\HomeworldRM\Bin\Profiles\Profile1\

The HwRM.log gets over-written every time you play, so its only good if you made a backup copy.
Last edited by Cloaked; Oct 31, 2020 @ 4:19pm
Mach5 Oct 10, 2018 @ 1:16pm 
Hi, apologies for the delayed response. I finally got around to repeating the crash and getting a save file right before it happens. Please see if you got an email from brcdbr6(at)gmail.com.

So basically with the save file I provided, I attack all the currently visible fighters with my corvettes (built ones and captured ones) and send my salvage corvettes to capture the 3 incoming enemy corvettes. Generally the game crashes on giving the command to capture the third corvette. I give this command before the first one is even captured, meaning I send the whole group of salvage corvettes after the first one, and then pick random salvage corvettes from the group and give them new orders to capture the 2nd one, and other random salvage corvettes from the first group to capture the third one (at which point the game crashes)

I hope this helps in some way. I will check out the ReadMe.
Cloaked  [developer] Oct 10, 2018 @ 6:59pm 
Thanks for sending the files over. Using your game save I was able to reproduce the crash on the Players Patch, and then twice on v2.1.

The problem is you have all your salvage corvettes in one wall formation, while trying to issue multiple separate salvage commands. This bug has likely been around since the game's release, but I don't think anyones pinpointed the exact cause until now. :)

To avoid the bug, just don't give a salvage corvette formation or strikegroup more than one salvage target. Make separate formations, or don't use formations at all for salvage corvettes.
Last edited by Cloaked; Jul 26, 2023 @ 9:33pm
Mach5 Oct 10, 2018 @ 9:04pm 
Ah ok, that is one weird bug. I always used wall formation because it was easier to pick out the amount of salvage corvettes I needed for the job. It is weird though that I only came across it in two missions, since I would have thought that I would have done the same throughout the whole campaign.

Anyway, thanks for all the effort on this patch! It finally made my playstyle possible. Here's hoping they will make a Homeworld 3 one day!
Fanthomas Oct 12, 2018 @ 1:32pm 
So, I encountered a few things (mostly small issues) while playing HW1R mission 2, 3 and 4. Here they go:

#1: After the salvage corvette detaches from the Khar-Selim, it goes right through the ship's remains:

#2: After the Turanic carrier is gone, the battle music still keeps playing instead of turning back to the default music at the start
#update: mission 4 also has this problem

#3: Likewise, the target is still marked on the map, although there's no carrier there anymore:

#4: The 7 base scouts were kept docked into the mothership until the end of the mission. They were assigned to group '1' (only they were in the group, in claw formation). After launching them at the end, I couldn't select them by pressing '1', even though when I manually clicked on them, the game still recognized them as group '1' as you can see here:
I had to designate them to group '1' once again to be able to select them with the '1' key again.
#update: this happens with all docked units after they get launched

#5: Still in mission 2, even when my resource collectors weren't attacked at all, they still couldn't collect all the resources on the map in one go. The dust clouds around the Khar-Selim always needed another 'harvest' command to collect them as well. Otherwise the resource collectors are happily sitting beside the mothership, like they are done with their job. This happened to me in all 3 separate mission attempts.

#6: In mission 3 at the start, when the fleet intelligence was informing me about the attack on the cryo trays, I've changed the view to the world map (hit 'space'). After that, I couldn't go back to normal view and the report froze as it was:
I had to reload the last savegame.
#update: after having a second thought about this, it could be that I left the game in 'paused' mode which I took as a downfreeze...

#7: Mission 3: the rest of the enemy assault frigates beside the 1st one should be all capturable instead of being retired right away.

#8: Mission 4. When the ambassador returns from the Bentusi ship, the captain within the mothership (or whoever he is), cofirms the return of the ambassador. Upon this short speech, the shown conversation icon is of a Hiigaran carrier (from HW2):
Please change the icon to something more related to the timeline of HW1.

#9: Mission 4 as well. The offered technology from the Bentusi should be for the ion cannon technology as in HW1 classic and as indicated by the little picture down below:
And yet, it's for plasma bombs technology which should come in mission 5.

#10: When the player has run out of RUs, sometimes the '0' value is displayed as it should be...
...and sometimes it's not displayed

P.S.: Sorry if any of these was already addressed...
Last edited by Fanthomas; Oct 16, 2018 @ 8:05am
Cloaked  [developer] Oct 15, 2018 @ 8:42pm 

1. LoL, ya i've noticed that before. Don't think we can fix it though.

2. In general a certain amount of time must pass after battles have stopped etc, before the music changes back. However if the music is manually changed in the mission scripts, its something that can be improved.

3. Possibly something that can be improved.

4. If I'm understanding the situation correctly, this is not fixable.

5. Collectors are kinda dumb, and only search so far for ru on their own. I forget if this is tunable or not though.

6. I'm thinking this is rare, but not something we can address regardless.

7. We attempted some quick fixes here, but sadly no luck. :( May be possible however with more extensive scripting.

8. LoL, ya that should prolly get fixed... Perhaps Echo can look into this.

9. Added to the to-do list to look into. Last time Echo tried M4, I believe he got offered ion cannons. Could be a random element, need to look into.

10. Not something we can fix, afaik.

If you really pay attention to detail, you'll definitely find more flaws in HWR's hw1 campaign. Generally we've been focused on the larger bugs/problems and haven't dug into the fine details. HWR is a completely different engine than hw1c, so its far from identical to the classic.
Last edited by Cloaked; Oct 15, 2018 @ 8:42pm
Fanthomas Oct 16, 2018 @ 8:16am 
Thank you for your replies, I really appreciate them! ;) I don't know what kind of issues you can fix and what not, therefore I wrote down every little oddity I could find while doing the HW1R campaign. Just for raising attention to small details that perhaps you guys didn't notice so far.

Other than these though, I haven't encountered any major game-breaking bugs so far (on mission 5 + just did the extra 'Raider Retreat' mission). And I enjoy the game quite a lot regardless! So congratz guys, it's already a big improvement over patch 2.1! ;)


More things I noted while playing HW1R campaign:

11. After each restart of the game, the tactical overlay (indicaters for each ship's class) is always defaulting to 'ON' upon loading a savegame, regardless that I left it 'OFF' the last time I played.

12. Resource collectors can't be forced to drop the collected RUs on the mothership (only on resource controllers). When clicking on the drop-off bay, collectors take up this kinda weird formation:

13. Research ships can't be built one after the other (until 6). You have to build each hub one by one. Even when selecting to build 2 in a row, after the completion of the first one...
...the remaining one's construction batch gets cancelled after displaying it to be constructed for a very short time (couldn't catch the short moment with a screenshot, only a bit afterwards)

14. Also, upon completing the 6th hub of the research ship, the mothership says: "New utility class ships available for construction". While there isn't anything getting unlocked upon such occasions. Only that the option to build more research ships turns red (as it should be):
Last edited by Fanthomas; Oct 16, 2018 @ 12:09pm
Cloaked  [developer] Oct 16, 2018 @ 9:08pm 
11. Ya, it was never saved in hw2c either.

13. Trebic actually found a way to allow that, but it was kinda hack-ey and had some negatives so its not part of the Players Patch.

14. Possibly fixable.
Fanthomas Oct 23, 2018 @ 12:30pm 
Hi! Here are more things I encountered while playing mission 5 and 6 in HW1R campaign. Some may be known to you, some may be not. If these can't be fixed, it's not a problem, I just wanted to raise attention if it wasn't done so far.

15. Mission 5. While capturing the frigates, the defenders guarding them in sphere formation did not shoot my salvage corvettes at all. None of them (3 frigates had defenders guarding them). Even if they were perfectly aligned for shooting, they did nothing beside turning around with the frigate or turn outwards if the frigate stopped.
This behaviour persisted even when I was pulling the frigates back to the mothership and all the defenders were facing towards and were not shooting at all.

16. Destroyers are randomly changing colors to mine after getting captured:
Sometimes some parts on destroyers keep their original color (the cannons this time):

17. Repair corvettes are sometimes following my salvagers in weird ways (turning backwards & sideways, while moving forward):

18. I shot down the engines of certain destroyers to separate them and have a chance at capturing all of them (had 6 on the map). However, I noticed that as long as the rest of the enemy destroyers in the background could still get aggroed back to my salvage corvettes, my salvagers could not move the captured destroyers much, so the aggroed destroyers could happily shot them down before they could start towing the captured ones back to the mothership. On the other hand, if I waited a little longer for the rest of the destroyers to get lured away further, then the salvagers had no problem at turning the captured destroyers into position and move them back to the mothership. I don't think that this has to do anything with the engines of super capital ships being shot down or not (engines were in bad/destroyed states all along), as after latching on, it's the salvage corvettes that move them, not the ship's own engines.

19. Even after capturing the 2 resource collectors, the mission objective still marks them as units to destroy. All the way to the end of the mission:
Likewise, the captured enemy carrier is also marked as target to destroy even after it became mine:

20. While my salvagers were bringing the enemy carrier to the mothership, one of the repair corvettes had its repair beam pulled out all the way to the mothership, while the targeted salvage corvette on the screenshot did not need any repairs:

21. After capturing the enemy carrier, it launched all the scouts that were stocked within it as enemy units. How is that possible, I mean why did it happen after getting captured and released from the mothership?

22. at the end of the mission, the 2 captured resource collectors were hyperspacing along with the rest of capital ships instead of getting docked into the mothership:
But at the start of the next mission, they were launched from the mothership

23. Mission 6. Everything was working fine until the Bentusi arrived... When I attack the Bentusi vessel before accepting the trade, these messages are displayed instead of the text and audio warning that I remember from HW1 classic:

24. When purchasing the trade offer from the Bentusi, again (like in mission 4), the wrong tech is shown on the icon: ion cannon technology instead of drone frigate technology:

25. The mothership says after purchasing the upgrade: "New research available. New frigates available for construction". The first part is unnecessary as there isn't any further technology unlocked after purchasing drone frigate techology. Also, because of this...

26. ...the following dialogue's start gets overlapped with the end of the above report:

27. The Bentusi vessel jumps into hyperspace way too fast. The animation is much faster than the sound of entering hyperspace. The two should be in sync, if it's possible to do

28. Resource collectors can reach out to asteroids that are way beyond the map's borders:
But for the even too far asteroids, they turn back before getting to them, move back to the inner side of the map border and stop there:

29. Mission 7 (Gardens of Kadesh): after getting past the meeting with the Kadeshi, if you load back a previous save where the Kadeshi wasn't triggered yet by resource collectors, the message of their arrival will be proceeded within a few seconds, no matter what you do (even if you don't send out any resource collectors). The only way to restore this to normal is by reloading the end of the previous mission and starting mission 7 from there.
Last edited by Fanthomas; Nov 2, 2018 @ 2:23am
Cloaked  [developer] Nov 1, 2018 @ 5:58pm 
@Fanthomas - your attention to detail is intense! =) As you play through the campaign, feel free to just add to your posts and make a long list for us to reference. Our to-do list is already quite long, but hopefully we'll be able to address some of these HWR issues in the future.
Last edited by Cloaked; Nov 1, 2018 @ 5:58pm
Stock Nov 4, 2018 @ 2:18pm 
HW2R Mission 15: The game crashes with "Access Violation" right on the loading screen for Mission 15. Can be reproduced every time.

Steps: I made a savegame right before Mission 14 ends.
Then there is an ingame cinematic how the core is being ferried.
Then there is a video.
Then comes the loading screen for Mission 15.
Then it crashes to desktop with "Access Violation"

Edit: I found the location for the .mdmp and I could also upload my savegame.
Last edited by Stock; Nov 10, 2018 @ 1:43am
Cloaked  [developer] Nov 9, 2018 @ 9:31pm 
@Stock - I'm unable to re-produce.

A few possibilities:
1. HW2R M15 has a TON of ships, which can lead to crashes. Try setting the Mission Difficulty scalar to 0 to spawn less enemy ships. Then completely restart HWR and see if M15 it loads.
2. Its possible a file may have gotten corrupted when steam downloaded the workshop content (happens sometimes). See the troubleshooting steps in the ReadMe.
3. Otherwise its something unique that you've run into, that we haven't seen before.

If you'd like, email me these files and I'll take a look.
1. HwRM.log: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Homeworld\HomeworldRM\Bin\Release\HwRM.log
2. Persist#.lua (send 14, 15, and 16): C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Homeworld\HomeworldRM\Bin\Profiles\Profile1\Campaign\ASCENSION\Persist15.lua
3. Game Save from Mission 14 if possible:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Homeworld\HomeworldRM\Bin\Profiles\Profile1\

The HwRM.log gets over-written every time you play, so its only good if you make a copy after the crash. FYI, I don't need the .dmp dump file.
Last edited by Cloaked; Jul 2, 2021 @ 12:04am
Stock Nov 10, 2018 @ 1:11am 
I'm verifying file integrity first,
then I'm gonna load the savegame one more time,
let it crash
and gather the files.

Edit: Yep. Crashed like clockwork. I got the files rdy and sent you a friend request.
Last edited by Stock; Nov 10, 2018 @ 1:44am
FirstOfficer_86 Mar 29, 2019 @ 7:16pm 
Hello! Don‘t know if this is already known, but in the HW1 Campaign a captured Taidan Destroyer Changes Colours between the missions. Sometimes it has the Kushan-Random colours (which i use in the campaign) and sometimes it has the Taidan-Random colours EXCEPT the Turrets! They Stay in Kushan-Random.... I thougt there was a fix for that in the past? Not sure....
Last edited by FirstOfficer_86; Mar 29, 2019 @ 7:19pm
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