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Dual Wield Melee
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Dual Wield Melee

En 1 colección creada por Musashi
Musashis WotC Mods
29 artículos
Dual melee wielding

When you equip a melee weapon in the secondary weapon slot and the primary weapon slot (using the "Primary Secondaries" mod)
this mods converts your soldier to dual wielding melee.
You can use and combine any melee weapon (either from the game or from a mod) except the skirmisher claws and the templars psi gauntlets because these are technically already dual weapons.

Dual melee does two slashes per attack.

The primary weapons slash will do full damage, the slash of the secondary weapon will do half the regular weapons damage.

Supported classes by default:
- Ranger
- Samurai
- LWOTC Shinobi
- RPGO Soldier

How to support custom classes?

add allowed weapon type to the XComClassData.ini of that class mod.

+AllowedWeapons=(SlotType=eInvSlot_PrimaryWeapon, WeaponType="sword") +AllowedWeapons=(SlotType=eInvSlot_SecondaryWeapon, WeaponType="sword")

- Over 250 custom animations made from scratch
- Full support of the photobooth
- Custom poses and animations on the starting screen and the skyranger drop-in sequences.
- Dynamic reposition of the sword sheath position (moved to the hip)
- Support of other weapon mods

Robojumper for support patching the shell screen and dropship matinees.
Iridar for the animation tutorials and tweaks/fixes
CX for feedback and support

Mod troubleshooting

Have look at my work in progress and infos on my mods at my patreon page.
Your really like my mods and would like to help me have more time for modding? Consider become a patreon :)

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454 comentarios
Kokorocodon 13 ENE a las 16:10 
It is a bug and it happens often, it's both goofy and a bummer
Eversor 21 NOV 2023 a las 18:57 
I noticed that sometimes a soldier with two swords prefers to run on his knees)))) Actually, this is a bug.I'm not sure, should I report?
STEVEO46 5 NOV 2023 a las 9:49 
Thanks for having such a detailed description! I just got back into this game, and I couldn't figure out why the animations were not working when I have two melee weapons. The fix was pretty simple upon reading the mod page (custom classes). I must have done this last time I played too, but I couldn't remember.
rin 9 SEP 2023 a las 4:25 
I played with this mod quite a lot and realized that it is very unbalanced. (dealing 20 damage to opponents turns even the most difficult opponents into weak ones) Those who want some kind of challenge, do not download this mod
Thorke 14 JUL 2023 a las 23:02 
deprecated or missing revision for LGWOTC.
TheRAAM 15 MAY 2023 a las 10:20 
Can this be added mid game or does it require a new save?
pedronasc 13 ABR 2023 a las 8:57 
@musashi is it possible to use it with the LWOTC combat knife? It only appears on the secondary slot for me.
zin 6 ABR 2023 a las 6:29 
Compatability with Iridar’s Stormrider Class would be sweet!
Teserax 30 MAR 2023 a las 17:33 
It isn't working in regular campaign mode either
Teserax 30 MAR 2023 a las 16:16 
I think this mod bugs Legacy Mode. The Templar no longer use their gauntlets when I try it. I was messing around with the character creator, and found that I can't equip any conventionally secondary weapon as a primary weapon from there. It's just empty. The option to strike with your gauntlets is gone completely. I'm running over 200+ other mods, mainly just Christopher Odd's season 7 mod amalgamation. But after adding this is when this bug occurred.