749 人が評価
[WOTC] Better Armory Item Stats
257.945 KB
2018年8月22日 16時14分
2019年1月3日 8時46分
11 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )
このアイテムを使用するには、 DLC が必要です。

[WOTC] Better Armory Item Stats

Mr. Nice 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Mr. Nice's Workshop - War of the Chosen
17 アイテム
This mod improves the stats display of weapons, utility items and upgrades in the Armoury, including adding display of Critical Damage, Armor Pierce and Shred for all appropriate weapons.
List of Changes
  • Adds display of Critical Damage, Armor Pierce and Shred to all appropriate weapons (including heavy weapons)
  • Fixes bug which meant that the Aim bonus of melee weapons was not being displayed
  • Fixes bug which meant that the Aim bonus of the Shadow Keeper and the 'Tactical Legacy Pack' swords were shown as an overall bonus
  • Standardized appearance of upgrade/breakthrough bonuses to always be to the right of the base value, where it exists
  • Standardized the display of the percentage sign when appropriate
  • Hid the display of the "Clip Size" statistic of heavy weapons
  • Included the "Shredder" ability bonus as part of the Shred statistic, plus the bonus shred from the "Weak Points" Order. These can be disabled via the .ini or with Mod Configuration Manager

Surprisingly, the text "Critical Damage" was not available as already localized text. "Bonus Critical Damage" was available, and was used as the basis of the shortened form for localization. So if there is an error in a non-English language, please get in touch. The Mod Config Menu option screen is not localized.

This mod overrides no classes, so should be compatible with most other mods

Other Mods by me:
  • WOTC Compatible (non-WOTC versions also exist if appropriate)
    • Cinematic Rapid Fire, which gives Rapid Fire and Chain Shot their cinematic camera back which was removed in the patch ages ago. Also gives the Reaper Banish ability the same improved look.
    • Variant Power Armour Arms, which unlocks some variant Wraith and Warden armour arms parts which were hidden by Firaxis.
    • Less Overwatch Lock Ups!, which attempts to fix the visualization lockups during complex Overwatch/Reaction fire situations.
    • Weapon Fixes, Which fixes a few issues with weapons and their upgrades, especially if you use mods which allow upgrades for (auto)pistols.
    • Chosen Info Controller Support, adds controller support for bringing up the Chosen Information Screen mid mission.
    • Peter's Grenades (and other TLP Fixes), which fixes some loadout, ability progression and UI issues with Legacy Operations.
    • Better Demolishing!, which gives range, weapon and upgrade based aim buffs to the 'Demolition' ability.
    • Better Grappling!, fixes issues with Grappling targeting in certain world geometry.
    • Shaken Scars are Back! The name says it all, but to those who weren't around for the first couple of months of XCom2, a feature was bugged out in a patch and never fixed, which randomly scarred shaken soldiers. This now means some, but not all, gravely wounded soldiers, not the "new" WotC shaken fatigue status.
    • Trainable Sparks (and other Buffs) WotC was one step forward, two steps back for SPARKs. As well as allowing training, also gives them access to breakthroughs for their weapons, an ammo pocket (ammunition only utility slot), and some hack progression.
    • Train from Armoury allows normal soldiers to jump straight to training from the armoury, just as faction soldiers can. The Training Center is still required to be built first of course!
    • Ability Interaction Fixes, which fixes up "Death from Above" and "Serial" not proccing from second shot kills of "Chain Fire"/"Rapid Fire" and some other ability interaction issues.
    • Original High Hit Dodge Behaviour, which restores the pre-patch behaviour where Hit chance over 100 gradually eliminated dodge chance, not immediately made dodges impossible once Hit chance is 100 or more.
    • In conjuction wtih sebkulu,WOTC - Extended Information!, an enhanced, rewritten version of Perfect Information. Includes full list of enemy abilities as well as a stat list, as well as the classic features of the "shot bar" and stats in flyovers.
  • Non-WOTC Only
人気スレッド 全て表示 (1)
2020年6月25日 9時11分
Traditional Chinese Localization (正體中文翻譯)
35 件のコメント
Dęąth Viper 2022年10月19日 16時52分 
Just finished a campaign with about 685 mods, this one included, and had no major issues! Thanks for putting this up.
alkurte 2022年1月13日 17時38分 
is there an vanilla version of this?
Riekopo 2021年12月19日 4時28分 
Can make version that just has the 2 bugfixes in it?
Sauron Baggins 2021年12月5日 9時32分 
- Included the "Shredder" ability bonus as part of the Shred statistic, plus the bonus shred from the "Weak Points" Order. These can be disabled via the .ini or with Mod Configuration Manager

this just displays the combined shredding stats and does not change actual gameplay abilities right?
XpanD 2021年8月27日 8時43分 
Just finished a campaign with about 280 mods, this one included, and had no major issues! Thanks for putting this up, absolute must-have as far as I'm concerned.
☠Солевая Кобураϟ 2021年6月15日 13時06分 
@roomby Yes, its already compatible in my experience :steamthis:
Mr. Nice  [作成者] 2021年3月8日 14時07分 
@roomby: No (well, more precisely, seriously doubt it)
Dragonlord 2021年3月5日 15時32分 
Anyone tested with LWOTC?
roomby 2019年4月4日 6時23分 
works with vanilla (lw2)?
Lex 2018年10月25日 15時45分 
After taking a look it's pretty inconsistent in some places. There is a krit-chance and somewhere else it's kritchance. I guess that's because of some automated process they used to translate.