Arma 3
SU-35 Flanker E
212 σχόλια
spinosarousguy88 26 Μαϊ, 14:45 
Does anyone know how to guide the KH-25, I have tried for HOURS and I don't know how too.
Axle 11 Απρ, 23:32 
Just curious what codes for the top radar ui for the flanker? I'm attempting to remove it, but I don't know if it's in the scripts or config.
Aliasalpha 24 Ιαν, 3:12 
I'm not sure if it's useful data or not but the damage on takeoff/landing only seems to happen around the 240kph mark, anything below that seems to work fine.

I did also try a brute force fix of copying the wheel config from the csat shikra and changing the bone names but, somewhat predictably, the fix isn't that easy.
Ace 21 Ιαν, 10:40 
Fair enough, apologies. To rephrase, I wish there were more non-NATO aircraft on the workshop. There aren't a lot of mods that do Russian or Chinese planes, and the handful that do are rarely of such quality as this one.
TeTeTe3  [Δημιουργός] 21 Ιαν, 9:05 
@Aliasalpha - on the bouncing the class Wheels is foremost responsible for this. The current setup in the SU35 is age old and more or less experimental in nature. No surprise if it's rough around the edges.
TeTeTe3  [Δημιουργός] 21 Ιαν, 9:02 
@Ace, please no discussion of other mods in this thread, especially not on Pooks efforts, who has helped me a lot with modding in general. I would ask you to either edit or remove your comment.

I have uploaded a test version to with the fix in, as presented by Aliasalpha. I will update steam later during the week. I usually don't update 'production' mods on the weekend as this interrupts player ops probably.
WalkerGMS 21 Ιαν, 2:18 
@TeTeTe3 your mods are awesome! i would love to see more aircraft especially the new Сухой Су-57 Felon! <3
Aliasalpha 12 Ιαν, 17:10 
Any time mate.

It does also seem to kinda bounce a bit on runways when at speed which can cause damage when taxiing or landing, I can't see the cause for that though. I was thinking maybe the vehicle weight but I've never been sure how that works in Arma
TeTeTe3  [Δημιουργός] 12 Ιαν, 11:19 
Thanks for the bug fix, will change it with the next update. No ETA yet.
Aliasalpha 5 Ιαν, 2:12 
I just realised I kinda know how configs are written now so I pulled it apart for a look and found the problem.

In 'class JS_JC_SU35', you've got 'soundLocked' and 'soundIncommingMissile' both at 0.1 volume rather than 1. I repacked it (after changing classes from uppercase to lower because PBOProject is weird about that) and with that volume change it's perfectly audible, should be a nice easy fix the next time you update.
Aliasalpha 5 Ιαν, 1:45 
Is it intended that there's no missile warning sound? The one in your F-18 works perfectly but this is dead silent
Aurora 25 Νοε 2023, 16:20 
@mateo Welcome to Russia bro
>Larper 25 Νοε 2023, 13:14 
why no hmd ????
Ace 15 Νοε 2023, 9:08 
I have gotten so much more use out of this jet thanks to your recent change to make a proper Russian variant more easily available. Thank you again.
гордей утюг 27 Οκτ 2023, 23:06 
this could work in 2035
C.710 27 Οκτ 2023, 20:46 
Can this be packed into a server mod pack with proper credit?
TeTeTe3  [Δημιουργός] 27 Οκτ 2023, 13:01 
It's the way it was modelled back in the day. If you disable 'Ambient Occlusion', it will look better.
INSPECTOR CKELET 24 Οκτ 2023, 13:14 
Why is there "Image Noise" on the left display in the cockpit (with a white-gray background)?
TeTeTe3  [Δημιουργός] 24 Οκτ 2023, 4:39 
no plans currently, I usually focus on configs and scripts.
Obamacare189 24 Οκτ 2023, 3:36 
curious are you going to update any of the modeling for the aircraft like the interior
TeTeTe3  [Δημιουργός] 23 Οκτ 2023, 5:20 
I changed the crew for CUP Russian faction to CUP_O_RU_Pilot with today's update.
Ace 13 Οκτ 2023, 10:12 
You are a gentleman! Thank you. For the vanilla and CUP factions, it definitely works. Unconfirmed for RHS since I don't use it.

The only teeny tiny tweak I'd suggest is replacing the CUP Su-35's default pilot with a CUP Russian pilot. Classname for that is CUP_O_RU_Pilot or if you want there's CUP_O_RU_Pilot_EMR if you prefer Russian green digital camo scheme on their uniform. Either would be good.
TeTeTe3  [Δημιουργός] 13 Οκτ 2023, 3:31 
Ace, just pushed a change for faction support of Spetsnaz, CUP and RHS Russian. Let me know if it works for you.
Ace 11 Οκτ 2023, 6:37 
I would actually suggest adding it first to the Spetsnaz faction that comes with the Contact DLC. You could add that to the mod as-is without any dependencies. The Spetsnaz faction is the "vanilla" Russian faction, and its name gets turned to Russia in many mods such as Aegis.

However, having an RHS or CUP version would certainly be good for scripts that automatically read from an entire faction. For me personally, CUP would be what I am using, but I wouldn't want the RHS people left out if I can avoid it. For that however, to be in the same mod, you'd have to make a soft dependency like what is done in the D2X crossover mods.
TeTeTe3  [Δημιουργός] 10 Οκτ 2023, 1:35 
Ace, quite possible, which Russian faction should I use for this, e.g. which mod providing Russian forces are you using? RHS? CUP? Anything else?
Ace 9 Οκτ 2023, 16:58 
Could I trouble you for a small addition to this mod? No new assets, just a little bit of script.

You have skins for Russian Su-35s in the base mod, but there are no Su-35s in the Russian faction. By default, these aircraft will spawn with CSAT skins. Now sure I can just change them in Eden editor or with scripts for one-off custom missions, but if you had a version that spawned with the Russian skins already applied, it would allow me to slap this into game modes like Liberation or Antistasi or more easily spawn it with Zeus and not have the incorrect skin when I want a Russian skin.

Basically what I'm asking is can you add a class of the Su-35 that starts with Russian skins already applied?

If not, I can probably figure out how to do it myself, but I'll have to make another mod with this one as a prerequisite. But I figure other people might want this without having to download yet more mods for one tiny change.
Ace 23 Σεπ 2023, 15:41 
Oooooooooo, update. AWS support? Aww ye. Nice.
razlognepoznat [Reason Unknown] 12 Σεπ 2023, 12:10 
Glad to see this is being worked on. All time favorite!
TeTeTe3  [Δημιουργός] 12 Σεπ 2023, 1:18 
No idea what is broken with the radar. Care to join our discord and explain what's faulty?
deltipili 11 Σεπ 2023, 10:36 
any plans for fixing the radar and adding the su-37?
Black ops mobx 9 Σεπ 2023, 8:50 
He's back guys.
TeTeTe3  [Δημιουργός] 8 Σεπ 2023, 23:17 
Please test the latest update with Firewill's AWS missilebox.
Ace 30 Αυγ 2023, 13:50 
It's compatible in that you can have AWS and Firewill loaded and not have everything break. This aircraft isn't a Firewill plane, however, and is definitely not balanced for it. It appears to be balanced more with vanilla planes in mind. Mobility of the aircraft is no match for Firewill, for one. The weapons this mod includes may be better or worse than Firewill. They may or may not clip wrongly with the aircraft.

Still a gorgeous plane, however. I don't know if there's any plans to ever update it again, but even as it is, it's really nice.
TeTeTe3  [Δημιουργός] 6 Αυγ 2023, 11:30 
Back in the day it was, not sure if AWS is still backwards compatible.
GaziKula17 6 Αυγ 2023, 11:28 
is it compitable with firewell
Vano 3280 26 Ιουλ 2023, 4:57 
Can you do su 27 please.
Gentleman 31 Μαϊ 2023, 1:14 
its sad that it is not possible to make thrust vectoring system in arma 3, because in dogfights it would
Scaryspikes 7 Μαϊ 2023, 12:25 
TeTeTe3, got it. So sorry for super late reply. I will check and see if I can get a tpod from Firewill to work. Although, do you think in a future version you might include one on this aircraft? That would really be cool :) But I understand if you can't, as I can see how that might be a lot of work. Thanks again for your dedication to this, I do still love this aircraft :)
JakubV2 29 Απρ 2023, 1:14 
Yes, it happened with the r77, I was locked onto a SU-25 and I was flying around 700km/h
TeTeTe3  [Δημιουργός] 28 Απρ 2023, 15:53 
Do you lock the missile on a target first?
JakubV2 28 Απρ 2023, 8:24 
I seem to have a problem whenever I fire a missile, it hits my aircraft. I have to do a really big pull when firing to make sure it doesnt hit me. Any help?
TheBastard 3 Ιαν 2023, 19:58 
Hey, I know you probably don't want to do this but..... Take this with some cosideration. A Sukhoi Su-30SM or a MIG-35 a modernized MIG-29.. Just looking for these on the workshop, I'm not good at moding so I gave up trying to create these models. Your Su-35 is incredible.
TeTeTe3  [Δημιουργός] 22 Δεκ 2022, 7:51 
Congrats, great work!
Rocketman_02 22 Δεκ 2022, 5:03 
Okay I figured out that the problem was that the scripts weren't getting packed into the pbo. I've managed to get it working now.
Rocketman_02 22 Δεκ 2022, 4:14 
I've tried making the eventhandler run a separate script that then executes the default Su-35 init script and then after a second executes the script to remove numbers, but for some reason it doesn't work properly because when I fly the aircraft the afterburners and MFD doesn't work, and the I-TGT user action from FIR AWS also isn't available.
TeTeTe3  [Δημιουργός] 22 Δεκ 2022, 1:37 
You need to delay the blanking out until the original script has been run, use a spawn with sleep 0.1 in it before blanking the textures, that will do the trick most likely. Good luck
Rocketman_02 21 Δεκ 2022, 19:08 
Hey there! I'm working on some skins for this aircraft as part of a WIP mod, and I was wondering if there's a way to prevent the randomised numbers from appearing on the aircraft. I've attempted to create my own eventhandler to set the numbers to blank but they keep getting overwritten by the original init eventhandler. Any ideas on what I should do?
TeTeTe3  [Δημιουργός] 7 Δεκ 2022, 6:29 
Thanks @Ace, I tweeted about this and maybe someone knows DreamRebel.
Ace 7 Δεκ 2022, 4:41 
Sorry for the delay, but according to the files I pulled out of your mod, compared to this template, it appears to indeed be intended for use with this very model!

I've moved the files to my dropbox and will send them to you for download via a discussion post. Note that you should save and re-upload the files since I cannot promise they will remain available through my own hosting.
TeTeTe3  [Δημιουργός] 21 Νοε 2022, 1:10 
Ace, no, I do not know of DreamRebel, sorry. Does the template work?