Item Restrictions
DankBoi69 Oct 16, 2023 @ 9:08am 
oh my bad, sorry for bein r3t4r-ded
[2Low] LBmaster  [author] Oct 2, 2023 @ 10:41am 
did you read the How to uninstall: section ? You can't just remove a mod, which has to save data in the persistence files without breaking them. That's how DayZ works and there is nothing I can change than to even implement a method to install and uninstall the mod without breaking the persistence files, which is not trivial
Renkyz Jul 23, 2023 @ 12:59pm 
I've just tried this mod and after adding a lot of items to the restriction list to test, I noticed that in the user interace you access with U, it is not possible to scroll the item list and the map seems very buggy and can only be interacted with on the far right side.
BearHunterZ Jul 15, 2023 @ 1:50pm 
Hy. Wir hatten die Mod vor der Advance Group auf dem Server installiert gehabt. Funktioniert anfangs einwandfrei. NAchdem wir Advance Group aufgespielt hatten, zählte Item Restriction nicht mehr richtige die Teile, die verbaut wurden.
CraKy Jun 5, 2023 @ 7:25am 
Is it possible to limit per group instead of player?
HannibaL=GR= Nov 10, 2022 @ 6:18am 
work the first vtime normaly after server restart stop working
JustAddGames Sep 30, 2022 @ 5:51pm 
Is this mod allowed to be used on a monetised server.
[2Low] LBmaster  [author] Jul 11, 2022 @ 3:19pm 
From what I heard, it's still working alright
diegojesua Jul 11, 2022 @ 11:49am 
Hello, is the mod currently working, or is it outdated?
basti2208 May 1, 2022 @ 1:20pm 
@[2Low] LBmaster Hi. Can I use your mod on my server? Greetz Basti
Dungeon Mike Feb 16, 2022 @ 1:23am 
will this mod be updated to 1.16. many client crashes with it now
Diesel Oct 19, 2021 @ 9:56am 
No whitelisted items list or anything?
Crackpot Sep 13, 2021 @ 2:36pm 
Can you make the panel bigger or items list scroll, I have too many items to fit in the space
warlordblak Apr 29, 2021 @ 5:04am 
@LB you still around or no?
warlordblak Apr 22, 2021 @ 6:30pm 
for some reason, items placed resets at restart.. anyone else has this issue?
3ntr0pia Feb 26, 2021 @ 11:36am 
Munghard item dont work... any advice to solve this?
Gr3yW0rm Jan 19, 2021 @ 8:33am 
Actually, any way to find the coordinates that the item was placed down?
Gr3yW0rm Jan 19, 2021 @ 8:15am 
Thank you!
Just had a look and that does indeed appear to be the case :)
Good enough for me, thanks again!
[2Low] LBmaster  [author] Jan 19, 2021 @ 5:40am 
I think they are printed on startup into the Script Log. Not 100% sure though
Gr3yW0rm Jan 19, 2021 @ 4:17am 
Is there any way for an admin to be able to see ALL items placed down and by whom?
Or could we select a user/SteamID/GUID and see which items they have placed on the in panel map?

Only reason I ask is that some times we hear things like 'My allowance for tents (or fences) etc has been used up but I definitely have not placed any down'

Admins have no way of knowing if they truly have placed items down, and just forgotten, or if its a glitch with the mod.

Or if you can point me to a location/file to check items/item counts against SteamIDs/GUIDs that would also be just as good.
[2Low] LBmaster  [author] Dec 15, 2020 @ 6:57am 
already placed objects are not counted, since the Mod has no chance of knowing who was the builder of the object.
warlordblak Dec 15, 2020 @ 5:45am 
hello again! how does this work if I was to add this now on the server? will it start restricting from that point or is it possible to count what I already placed.
SixxGunZ Dec 14, 2020 @ 6:58pm 
@Darn223 - you don't need to restrict codelocks - you only need to restrict how many gates / doors / hatches etc etc etc players can place. Can't keep placing codelocks all over if there aint enough doors...
Darn223 Dec 8, 2020 @ 2:14pm 
-.- When will you have that ready!?
[2Low] LBmaster  [author] Dec 8, 2020 @ 1:55pm 
no, only placeable items ATM, but would be a nice idea
Darn223 Dec 8, 2020 @ 9:56am 
Does this work with codelocks?
[2Low] LBmaster  [author] Nov 23, 2020 @ 4:44am 
All items that need to be placed with the place Object Action can be restricted. E.g. Tents need to be setup before they can be used. They can be restricted. On the other hand Barrels, Wooden Crates etc. can't be restricted, because you can just drop them and use them
Gr3yW0rm Nov 23, 2020 @ 4:24am 
Hey LBmaster,

Firstly, thank you for all your work on this so far, and the work you will be doing in the future.
Quick question for you:-
Is there any way to restrict crafted items from being placed?
For example the new Shelters in 1.10 (ShelterStick, ShelterFabric and ShelterLeather)?
Also thinking of items from other modpacks like Gunwalls?

I have tested attempting to restrict these crafted items but its not being reflected in the UI.
I assume it is the same issue as the crafted Crates but I could be wrong.
KaZaR Nov 11, 2020 @ 6:10am 
Hi, i tried to add sleeping bag from munghard mod but the menu says "no restriction yet".
Is there something wrong with my config :
"displayName": "Sleeping bag",
"kitItemNames": [
"useHologramAsKit": 0,
"countItemNames": [
"max": 1,
"showOnMap": 1,
"show3D": 1

Thanks for reading me
[2Low] LBmaster  [author] Nov 10, 2020 @ 2:14am 
Yes, you can use it on your Server
GreenLine Nov 9, 2020 @ 1:47pm 
Hi, GreenLine once again;) I sent you a friend request on discord as I can't send you any message because your link is not recognize.. Thks in advance for your ok.
GreenLine Nov 3, 2020 @ 5:00pm 
Hi, we have a monetised server, named Greenline. are you agree we used your mod will not be modified and I will not use it for any monetisation ? thks
[2Low] LBmaster  [author] Oct 26, 2020 @ 9:13am 
Yeah. You can use it on your Server
Viodugir Oct 24, 2020 @ 4:08am 
Would I be able to use this mod on my server? Sector 9 DayZ. It is a monetised server
[2Low] LBmaster  [author] Sep 28, 2020 @ 1:44pm 
Hey, The first thing is possible. Have a look at the itemrestrictions_v2-BBP.json. It's an example for Basebulding Plus, but you can do it how you want. Restricting for a Clan would always be circumventable and also not practical to implement, since there are some different group Systems out there
knutschie1000 Sep 28, 2020 @ 11:41am 
Hi LBMaster, is there a option to tell a player can build max. 20 Basebuiling elements and where is it not important what kind of element it is ?
And is there maybee a option to restrict for a Clan the items ? For Example i want have that a single player can build 10 Base Elements and a Clan for Example 100 ?
warlordblak Jun 26, 2020 @ 10:24am 
@LBMaster Hey bud you did it!!! I did a full wipe and now I can deploy and pickup, and deploy again.. IT's perfect.. I can't wait to wipe my main server now! It works flawless.. I will continue testing. thanks for your help!!!
warlordblak Jun 26, 2020 @ 6:01am 
I just logged on real quick to see if i can deploy and still no dice. I'm going to wipe everything completely and test again.. I'll update shortly.
[2Low] LBmaster  [author] Jun 26, 2020 @ 2:33am 
I've just updated the mod. Can you check if the issue is still present ? Should be resolved now
warlordblak Jun 25, 2020 @ 9:45pm 
Here's a video of what's happening:
Here's my log file:
Hope this helps.. Look at line 371.
warlordblak Jun 25, 2020 @ 7:33pm 
as i side note, the list reset, but I am not able to redeploy a tent atm.. I'll continue to test
warlordblak Jun 25, 2020 @ 6:55pm 
I picked the tent up the default way. I'll continue testing with other base items.. not sure atm what it could be.
[2Low] LBmaster  [author] Jun 25, 2020 @ 1:39pm 
They are always recalculated after Server Start. How did you dismantle the Tent ? Maybe a mod is overwriting my code and this makes it unable to register the item being picked up
warlordblak Jun 25, 2020 @ 12:08pm 
Hello again.. I have a couple of questions as I'm testing the mod. It's working as intended, so that's awesome. However, I removed my tent, but it's still registering as placed. Is there a cleanup check for removed items?
warlordblak Jun 25, 2020 @ 10:44am 
NVM... Thanks.
warlordblak Jun 25, 2020 @ 9:21am 
Hello, I don't see a ex config in the folder for Base furniture mod. Does the filename matter? I can just create and name a file and add classnames and it will register?
[2Low] LBmaster  [author] Jun 19, 2020 @ 10:57am 
currently not. Maybe with Expansion in the future, but the key would have some kind of GPS tracker on it, otherwise players would not like it when they loose their keys and can't get a new vehicle
Xcite Jun 13, 2020 @ 4:31am 
Is it possible to limit players to the number of locked vehicles they can own? Can you look and see if that is possible for using both Expansion and/or Dr. Jones Trader system? This would help curtail even more of the loot hoarding. With Expansion it's even more important because of the use of Helicopters and they are limited on most servers.
[2Low] LBmaster  [author] Jun 11, 2020 @ 3:08pm 
A new DayZ Version should not break the mod. Can't say for sure, because if something breaks, it propably breaks things for everybody. Regardless of if they use the mod or not
Texting the mod with Expansion will be done soon. I'll also upload a example config for Vanilla Items, BBP, Simple Base, Expansion, Base Furniture Plus and other Mods I can find. But this will take a while
Xcite Jun 11, 2020 @ 12:49pm 
Another question, will major releases of DayZ interfere with this mod?