67 ratings
Item Restrictions
Type: Mod
File Size
811.738 KB
Jun 10, 2020 @ 3:06pm
Nov 4, 2020 @ 6:25am
11 Change Notes ( view )

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Item Restrictions

Copyright 2020 LBmaster. Es ist nicht erlaubt, dieses Element auf Steam zu veröffentlichen, außer durch den Steam-Account LBmaster
Copyright 2020 LBmaster. You are not allowed to publish this Object on Steam. Only the Steamaccount LBmaster is allowed to do so !
You are not allowed to repack / modify / reupload this mod or parts of it !
The use on Monetized Severs is only allowed with explicit Permission given by Me !

Send me bugreports via Discord (LBmaster#7173), don't post them in the comment section, if they can be abused
If you have suggestions on things I could add, feel free to drop a comment

This Mod must be installed on Server and Client side.

  • Tracks builders of all Items configured in the config
  • Limits the amount of items that can be placed by a specific player
  • UI Shows the Position of the restricted items on a map (press U to open)
  • UI shows the amount of placed items of every type and also the max amount
  • Ability to change the keybind for opening the map
  • Only Items that need to be placed to have an inventory can be tracked (Tents, FenceKits ...) Barrels, Seachests will not work, since players can just drop them !!
  • Option for Server owners to disable the Map Menu (default: allow)
  • Option for Server owners to disable Player shown on Map Menu (default: allow)
  • Open Map in a zoomed state and at the players position
  • Config List of admins without the restriction
  • Option to disable rendering of icons on the map for certain items e.g. for Fences
  • Color coding in the UI. Green Item means 1 or more are left to build. Orange means no items left to build. Red means the limit was exceeded
Planned Features:
  • 3d Markers at the positions of the Placed items when in range and enabled in the Menu or by pressing a Key
  • Option for Server owners to display / hide the Distance to that object
  • Option for Server owners to disable 3d marker view (default: allow)
  • Option for Server owners to disable crafting of Wooden Crate since it can't be controlled by the Mod
  • Option for Barrels, Seachests etc. to work too, by blocking users with exceeded limit to pickup those items (not ideal, but doesn't work in a different way)
  • Option for Server owners to check who built a certain item
  • Option for Server owners to remove the Builder from the selected item
  • Option for Server owners to assign an item to a specific player
If you feel especially lucky and thankful and want to support me for my work, consider donating via PayPal[]. Thanks <3

How to Install:
  1. Make a backup of your Persistence (backup storage_x in your mission)
  2. Add the Mod to your Server
  3. Copy the Keys into the keys folder of the Server
  4. Make sure there is no folder named LBmaster in your profile folder ! If there is one, you can delete it or edit the mainconfig.json and set "installed" to 0
  5. Start the Server
  6. The Server should create a folder named LBmaster inside your profiles folder
  7. Edit the configs to your likings (example and how to use below)
  8. Make sure the Server runs for at least 5min to write all persistence files
How to uninstall:
  1. Don't just remove the mod without proper uninstallment !!
  2. Create a Backup of your persistence files (see above)
  3. Set "uninstallmode": 1 in your mainconfig.json
  4. Start the Server and wait at least 5min for it to save all persistence files
  5. Stop the Server
  6. Remove the Mod
What to do when restoring older backups:
If you want to restore a backup that was created before you added the mod, you have to do the following:
  1. Stop the Server
  2. Edit the "installed" value in the mainconfig.json to 0 -> This will tell the Mod, that it is not installed and it will automatically install itself
  3. The Server must run at least 5 min
  4. Check the Config if the value "installed" changed from 0 to 1. Otherwise check your Admin or Script log for more information
Keep in Mind:
  • Removing items from the list of restrictions ! doing to will lead to all builder information of that item type being wiped. If you plan to add it back again, all builders previously set will be gone. Everything else should be fine (no loss of items)
  • Installing or uninstalling the Mod is not trivial. (See above instructions on how to do it)
  • My Server starts, but I get corrupted stream in my crash log ("String CORRUPTED - FIX OnStoreLoad()") and items on the Server are not in the state they should be ?
    1. Stop the Server
    2. Delete the LBmaster folder from your profiles folder
    3. Restore the Backup created in how to install
    4. Start the Server again
  • I added the limits to the json, but they don't work
    1. You probably have a json error in your file.
    2. Search for "json verifier" on google or install the notepad++ extension to check for syntax error in your file
How to edit mainconfig.json:
  • "hasMapWidgetShown". 0 -> disable MapWidget on the Restrictions UI. 1 will enable the MapWidget (default)
  • "canOpenIngamePanel": 0 -> disable the option to open the UI ingame; 1 will enable the option (default)
  • "canSeePlayerMarkerOnPanelMap":0 -> disable the option to see the own player on the map of the UI; 1 will enable the option (default)
  • "canSeePlacedItemsMarkersOnPanelMap": 0 -> disable the option to see markers of all items in the UI; 1 will enable the option (default); disabling only certain items is possible through the itemrestrictions.json
  • "canSeePlacedItemsMarkers3D": 0 -> disable the option to see markers of all items in 3D; 1 will enable the option (default)
  • "canSeeDistanceOf3DMarkers": 0 disable the distance counter; 1 will enable the option (default)
  • "marker3DDistanceToDisplay": -1 will disable the min distance to the marker to appear (not recommended); other values greater than 0 will set it to this distance (default: 100.0)
  • "disableCrateCraftingRecipe": 0 -> will not disable the crafting recipe of Wooden Crates (default); 1 will disable the crafting of Wooden Crates
  • "uninstallmode": 0 -> does not set the Server into uninstall mode (see How to uninstall for more information) (default=; 1 will set the Server into uninstall mode. Be careful with using this option !!
  • "installed": 0 -> Only used as an internal indicator if the mod was installed properly. Altering the Value can break your persistence !
Example config:
Found in @LBmasterItemLimitations\examples\LBmaster
How to edit itemrestrictions.json:
  • "itemName": Item Name of the Item, that has the Builder stored and which will be displayed in the UI of the Player
  • "alternativeItemName": Item Name of the Item that places the Item from above. Is required e.g. for Fences to work. Items that don't transform into a new item Like Tents, don't need this and it needs to be blank
  • "max": The Maximum amount of the item a players can place
  • "showOnMap": Disable / enable the Marker on the Map of the UI (e.g. for Fences, since they clutter the Map)
  • "show3D": Disable / enable the 3D Marker
Example Config:
Found in @LBmasterItemLimitations\examples\LBmaster
Popular Discussions View All (4)
Jan 18 @ 9:09am
Bug Report - ServerCrash
Der ohne Hände
Sep 20, 2023 @ 12:39pm
Bug Report
Jun 7, 2021 @ 8:34pm
To Mod Creator LB:
Lady Nevermore
DankBoi69 Oct 16, 2023 @ 9:08am 
oh my bad, sorry for bein r3t4r-ded
[2Low] LBmaster  [author] Oct 2, 2023 @ 10:41am 
did you read the How to uninstall: section ? You can't just remove a mod, which has to save data in the persistence files without breaking them. That's how DayZ works and there is nothing I can change than to even implement a method to install and uninstall the mod without breaking the persistence files, which is not trivial
Renkyz Jul 23, 2023 @ 12:59pm 
I've just tried this mod and after adding a lot of items to the restriction list to test, I noticed that in the user interace you access with U, it is not possible to scroll the item list and the map seems very buggy and can only be interacted with on the far right side.
BearHunterZ Jul 15, 2023 @ 1:50pm 
Hy. Wir hatten die Mod vor der Advance Group auf dem Server installiert gehabt. Funktioniert anfangs einwandfrei. NAchdem wir Advance Group aufgespielt hatten, zählte Item Restriction nicht mehr richtige die Teile, die verbaut wurden.
CraKy Jun 5, 2023 @ 7:25am 
Is it possible to limit per group instead of player?
HannibaL=GR= Nov 10, 2022 @ 6:18am 
work the first vtime normaly after server restart stop working
JustAddGames Sep 30, 2022 @ 5:51pm 
Is this mod allowed to be used on a monetised server.
[2Low] LBmaster  [author] Jul 11, 2022 @ 3:19pm 
From what I heard, it's still working alright
diegojesua Jul 11, 2022 @ 11:49am 
Hello, is the mod currently working, or is it outdated?
basti2208 May 1, 2022 @ 1:20pm 
@[2Low] LBmaster Hi. Can I use your mod on my server? Greetz Basti