Sneaky Stashes and Stuff
428 kommenttia
jest  [tekijä] 24.2.2023 klo 8.21 
Dante thanks for sharing a fix with some fellow community people, to fix that compile error all you'll have to do is delete the ActionDigUpGraveStash from your version of the pbo, and then in the file where new actions are registered make sure you remove the line where it adds ActionDigUpGraveStash :happymeat:
⎝⧹Honeydrip⧸⎠ 24.2.2023 klo 7.19 
(Server owner here)

@Heinrich Im getting the same error:

LSN-D3227, 13.11 2022 10:17:10
Can't compile "World" script module!
the good ol Multiple declaration of class 'Static_sink'

now what i did was i went into the .pbo file and manually erased that script which kinda fixed it but now i have another issue which is:

Can't compile "World" script module!
sneaky_stashes/Scripts/4_World/actiondigupgravestash.c(28): Unknown type 'StaticGraves'
Runtime mode

and im stuck here because im unsure of what to do
i already tried validating types.xlm but that didnt work
Miami_BaT 6.1.2023 klo 5.58 
it does not conflict.
ImPaKt_7 4.1.2023 klo 16.34 
Does this mod now conflict with the search for loot mod? does anybody know?
_Papaj_Chuligan_ 1.12.2022 klo 0.20 
Hi. This mod is not updated?
Heinrich 13.11.2022 klo 8.24 
Mod Conflict I am assuming?

LSN-D3227, 13.11 2022 10:17:10
Can't compile "World" script module!
sneaky_stashes/Scripts/4_World/sneakystaticloot.c(34): Multiple declaration of class 'Static_sink'
ANDAKIN 4.3.2022 klo 4.51 
Is there any way to set the quantity of items in the lootable stashes spawn? For example to spawn 3-5 rounds instead of full ammo stack (20 rnds)
MaNBeArPig 29.1.2022 klo 3.34 
Anything I make with this just despawns?
sanёk® 1.1.2022 klo 9.55 
hello.why can't I connect the logs? 2+2
babuka 1.9.2021 klo 16.15 
Toolbox invisible? cant craft it or see it.
Toolbench not working with blue print? any fix?
Sauwercraud 26.8.2021 klo 12.25 
Error while loading - even though it will work:
SCRIPT (W): @"sneaky_stashes/Scripts/3_Game/sneaky_config.c,113": Missing ';' at the end of line
SCRIPT (W): @"sneaky_stashes/Scripts/3_Game/sneaky_config.c,114": Missing ';' at the end of line
DR Max Evans 21.7.2021 klo 21.54 
Amazing!!! Cant wait to try it out on the server!
Miami_BaT 25.5.2021 klo 12.15 
yes it works.
oweff 23.5.2021 klo 14.57 
Has anyone tested this with 1.12?
Michael Griffin 19.3.2021 klo 11.31 
Looks awesome dude, should add a treehouse platform in those platforms :P
Miami_BaT 12.2.2021 klo 9.18 
Same question: How to make lumber/log piles?
[V] ToMaGuY 12.2.2021 klo 2.01 
Hi @creators ! Thanx for your amazing mods ! Same question : will you update for 1.11 ?
Dubínek 10.2.2021 klo 10.26 
Hey, will you update the mod for 1.11? :)
Wrath 31.12.2020 klo 16.54 
I don't mean to clutter or spam but I wanted to add a video of me try to make it. That way you have an idea of what I'm going through.
Wrath 31.12.2020 klo 16.04 
I can't make the lumber/log piles. It doesn't give an option when holding one and looking at another on the ground. I noticed there is an ability to stack logs up to 4 and it stated that it was removed because of issues. I believe if I am reading correctly. I have tried with single logs (non stacked)
Miami_BaT 31.12.2020 klo 4.59 
How to craft small lumber piles, I do see the recipe but its not working, what am I missing, what tool I need, Ive used a saw, hammer. but no prompt on making the small lumberpile anyone made this with no issue can help?
Ibsen 24.11.2020 klo 22.22 
Thanks for your work on this. I'm having trouble crafting the beds. Am I missing something? I have the mats.
Miami_BaT 19.11.2020 klo 10.11 
thank you :reawakened::cozyspaceengineersc:
jest  [tekijä] 19.11.2020 klo 10.10 
Update incoming very shortly
jest  [tekijä] 19.11.2020 klo 8.59 
I hear its just a param name change in the hologram that needs to be fixed to get hte mod compiling again, if I have time later today I will definitely take a look. If anyone has a working branch they'd be willing to contribute I'd gladly add you as contributor etc. as well, due to the fact that I am not really active in dayz much
Flakster 19.11.2020 klo 8.57 
Please can you update for 1.10?
Kalmar | 19.11.2020 klo 7.33 
CO8 MOD MAKER 2.10.2020 klo 5.05 
There is a conflict with the CFDZPlugin mod. Can't found......DEFAULT
Lufty 13.9.2020 klo 20.05 
H3MII 10.8.2020 klo 5.28 
Hi, after adding your mode to the server, we have a problem with Custom added buildings. Parts of the house such as furniture have no texture, the object persists there but is invisible. Thank you for clarification or correction
Chief1893 24.7.2020 klo 15.20 
@pandora, awesome! TY
Pandora 24.7.2020 klo 14.53 
@The TMC yes of course it works fine
Chief1893 24.7.2020 klo 14.48 
Is this working with 1.08?
Zed 12.7.2020 klo 13.46 
I'm trying to use this with Expansion. I've disabled vanilla and expansion building. I want to use mods like this to make small camps and not huge bases. When I try making a small with two logs, I'm not getting the interaction prompt. If I spawn in a large log pile and camo net to make a makeshift canopy, I'm not getting the interaction.
jest  [tekijä] 6.7.2020 klo 12.17 
lol Noizz yea that one needs changing too, sneakyhologram.c was made before we had much understanding of safe casting bahahah. Youll notice several legacy pieces of the mod as you go through problem solving, might as well send me your fixed branch while your at it, no point in the work getting done twice right?
tekanna 5.7.2020 klo 10.29 
we have a problem and that is makeshifts tents despawning. anybopdy else have this?
[G.P.]NOlZZ(MC2) 4.7.2020 klo 11.39 
SneakyTentBase item_in_hands = SneakyTentBase.Cast( m_Player.GetHumanInventory().GetEntityInHands() );
if ( item_in_hands )

much better
[G.P.]NOlZZ(MC2) 4.7.2020 klo 11.37 

NULL pointer to instance
Class: 'Hologram'
Function: 'EvaluateCollision'
Stack trace:

Need to change

if ( item_in_hands.IsInherited( SneakyTentBase ))


if ( item_in_hands && item_in_hands.IsInherited( SneakyTentBase ))
jest  [tekijä] 2.7.2020 klo 14.56 
oh shit, I didnt know that was causing a crashlog entry, thanks for the report! I was very dissapointed with the system of searching static map objects and got frustrated wasting time on it so I kinda just nipped some of the ends and left the skeleton in the mod, should be a very simple fix
[G.P.]NOlZZ(MC2) 2.7.2020 klo 9.54 
Hi Jest

Errors on clients:
NULL pointer to instance
Class: 'SurvivorBase'
Entity id:2936714

Function: 'AddAction'
Stack trace:

string 7 : AddAction(ActionSearchStaticLoot);

look at ActionConstructor
no registration of class ActionSearchStaticLoot

action ActionDrinkSinkContinuous also not registering

jest  [tekijä] 1.7.2020 klo 6.39 
yourwelcome Miami! anyone getting the evaluate collision error just hasnt updated the mod properly, thats one of the things that got fixed for the mod to work in 1.08 so your still using an old version if you see that
[V] ρ♂ɭşïḿ⋃ş 1.7.2020 klo 6.34 
Can't compile "World" script module!

sneaky_stashes/Scripts/4_World/sneakyholograms.c(86): Overloaded function 'EvaluateCollision' not compatible
Miami_BaT 30.6.2020 klo 14.30 
Good man, thank you sir :cozyspaceengineersc:
EL BARTO 30.6.2020 klo 11.30 
Can't compile "World" script module!

sneaky_stashes/Scripts/4_World/sneakyholograms.c(86): Overloaded function 'EvaluateCollision' not compatible
Miami_BaT 30.6.2020 klo 11.15 
Need an update, 1.08 has come, if you will please. :cozyspaceengineersc:
EL BARTO 30.6.2020 klo 9.14 
Mod needs update for 1.08...thx^^
jest  [tekijä] 7.6.2020 klo 11.54 
Theres a combination of both Fritcher, and Yea gilni thanks for asking your good to use it, if you ever get big throw me a dono ^_^

To all others: pushed 1.08 compatibility to the test branch incase im at work when 1.08 hits to push it to this branch
Fritcher 13.5.2020 klo 3.00 
Is there an option for players to build this stuff ingame or that's admin-only tools?
Crocodoc 26.2.2020 klo 13.45 
Dear Sir,

i am owner of CrocaineDayZ community and i want to ask for your permission to use your great Mod on a monetarized Server. We just want to offer priority que slots and dont want to sell your highly respected work in anyform. We are a small growing community with just one Server and want to offer priority slots to help with the servercost since modded DayZ requires powerful Hardware.

With best regards, CrocaineDayZ community
jest  [tekijä] 13.2.2020 klo 14.54 
Omg Ædouard those are wonderful!! You did such a great job, and thank you so much for offering to share them! I would indeed love a copy if you are cool with that, I'll put it on the modpage as well. Thats a really great contribution, looks very professional! hmu on discord or steam whatever works for you Courte#6953