759 valoraciones

2018.3.10 更新29#
2018.2.24 紧急声明:Improved Space Battles这个mod会导致泰坦T槽没有武器,请大家禁用它
2017.9.25 由于Star Fix已包含No AI 的内容,将后者移除,移除已经过期的【Finding the Horizon Signal 】(对应版本已严重落后),重新排序
2017.6.6 更新28#
2017.5.18 更新26~27#,移除了两个会导致Bug的mod,并重新排序mod列表
2017.5.11 更新22~25#
2017.4.30 更新21#

1.48 Empire Colors Revival 48色旗帜
2.Additional Map Modes 额外地图模式,包括军力和科技等指标
3.Auto Build and Improve Buildings 自动建造,目前还在完善中,会极大地增加CPU负荷
4.Beautiful Universe v2.0 太空背景美化
5.Chinese Font for 1.3 中文字体,比原来的更大更清楚
6.Chinese Localization Mod by tieba 贴吧汉化
7.Chinese random name 中文随机名
8.Choose Syncretic Species Appearance 初始协同物种可选择头像
9.Cinematic Camera 三轴360°可旋转视角,适合拍照
10.Clean Space 更干净的宇宙,清除星系里的线
11.Designable Stations 可设计的太空站,防止AI把龙甲等放在矿站上然后送人科技
12.Diverse Rooms 扩展房间背景
13.Flags : Emblems & Backgrounds 更多旗帜
14.Galaxies Unlimited 更大的地图,万星不是梦
15.Improved Space Battles [Graphics] 战斗画面美化
16.MegaStructures Placement 奇观可同时建造
17.Nights on Planets 夜间的行星贴图
18.Remove Aura Graphics 移除舰船光环
19.Tiny Outliner 右侧信息栏缩小,可以显示更多的星球
20.Yukari voice 结月缘日文语音包
21. !More Chinese Mod 一个对很多MOD汉化的补丁
22.Star Fixes 我自己做的小MOD,替代了多重天灾和野怪刷新这两个MOD(他们有Bug)
23.Better Night Lights Orange 一个星球夜间的灯光贴图
24.SpeedDial 在屏幕左侧加入了太空城邦和帷幕的快捷对话按钮
25.Caffeine (no zzz science ships) 可以让捡完垃圾的科研船自动执行任务
26.Vassalize Fallen and Awakened Empires!(Compatible with 1.6) 可以附庸堕落帝国和觉醒帝国
27.Better Machine World Graphics 更好的机械星球贴图,并且机械飞升也可使用
28.Real Space 真实的宇宙星球分类,地球周边真实的星系分布,以及若干个预设初始星系
29.Clean System View 更干净的星系,隐藏轨道等
Artículos (25)
48 Empire Colors Revival
Creada por Dr. Sperling
Update 27.05.2022: Update of version number. Since vanilla has more colors now, this mod is mostly there for legacy reasons but will work regardless of version. Update 3.12.2021: Update of version number. Update 29.10.2020: Updated do work with 2.8 Update ...
Additional Map Modes
Creada por zraith
Additional Map Modes v2.1 Game version: 2.1.* Last updated: 2018.5.26 Not Achievement compatible (even though it doesn't change checksum). Description AMM is a mod that introduces a variety of new map modes to supplement the limited amount currently availa...
AutoBuild (outdated)
Creada por had
Disclaimer Hi guys, I played stellaris, and after 20 years my hand started to hurt (this is not a metaphor). Unfortunately, the developers removed the command for building of buildings in the patch 2.2. So I can not return all the functions of the mod. For...
Beautiful Universe v2.0
Creada por Avel
This mod changes vanilla skyboxes and brings more beauty to the game. As references were used NASA photos, EVE Online skyboxes, and various digital art. Compatibility: - Use it with any other mod freely and no fear. If you are using mod Real Space subscrib...
Chinese Font for 1.3
Creada por cloudwu 是完全一样的,只是把游戏版本需求改成了最新版本。因为 steam 的规则是 mod 起好名字就不能改了,所以本 mod 名有误导。 中文文本 mod 见
Chinese Localization Mod by tieba
Creada por Ju
The oudated Chinese Localization Mod by tieba....
Chinese random name
Creada por seisyuku
注意,已停止更新 2.2版起由menchian維護 ===这个MOD的新功能=== 修正官方随机命名国家、党派、战争的代码错误以及文法错误,导致错误的乱码及英文 修正官方翻译的河蟹和沙雕翻译和输入错误导致意义不明 修正了合于中文文法的虽机命名规则 更新到官方2.2.1版本,对应所有DLC事件名称 ===已知问题=== 无 ===相容性=== 随机人名、舰队名、星球名现在官方都汉化了,不再重复制作 依游戏2.2版文本规格独立重写,不适用旧版 不含游戏本体汉化。独立使用时需另外搭配订阅字型MOD/ 或直接订阅汉...
Choose Syncretic Species Appearance
Creada por artifex
This mod allows you to select the portrait and name of the species created by the Syncretic Evolution civic. It should be compatible with any mod that doesn't change the way the initial pops spawn on your homeplanet. Unfortunately, only Paradox-created por...
Cinematic Camera
Creada por Avel
This mod increasing zoom and gives more freedom to in-game camera. Compatibility: - Use it with any other mod freely and no fear. Bugs: - No. Report if you find something strange :) Achievements: - This mod changes checksum, so you wont get any achievement...
EG* - Cinematic System UI & Camera
Creada por ButtJunkie
Compatible with 2.3+ System UI and camera changes to make the game as clean as possible for cinematic screenshots and video. - Removes orbital lines, navigation arrows and text. - Adjusts camera to allow further zooming in and no angle restriction. Cleaner...
Diverse Rooms
Creada por LastLeviathan PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION FOR A SCROLLABLE ROOM LIST! Stellaris' basic rooms are just that: 'basic'. I've always found them a little uninspiring and bland. Every single empire you encounter talks to you from a similar rectangu...
Flags : Emblems & Backgrounds [Outdated]
Creada por swefpifh
Hello and sorry for the inconveniance. I won't update this mod because i take time for others things. Above all, I would like to thank "Charanth" for taking the time to continue updating this mod. So I invite you to join the new page of the mod : https://s...
Improved Space Battles [Graphics]
Creada por Ankain
Improved Space Battles - expand your mid / late game with 5 new super-capital class ships, over 50 new technologies and 11 doomsday weapons - including planet destroying, star system destroying and anti-fleet super-weapons. Initial Compatibility Hotfix for...
MegaStructures Placement (for 2.7.0)
Creada por ashall_123
Updated for 2.7.* with Megashipyard Annoyed that you can only build 1 Megastructure at a time or that they added the one dyson sphere/research hub limit? Trying to convert the Galaxy into nothing but Ringworlds and Dyson Spheres for your God-Emperor but do...
Nights on Planets
Creada por Flying Stationer
It is simple retexture mod that make planet's city lights look more natural and realistic. これはテクスチャを張り替えただけのシンプルなMODです。 惑星上の都市の光をより現実的な物に変えます。 I recommend use this mod together with realistic solar system mod like "Real Distance". 恒星系リアルスケールMO...
Remove Aura Graphics
Creada por Kondi
Compatible with 3.2 and older versions Removes all the aura graphics on ships and stations created by modules such as the shield dampener. Doesn't change how the modules work. ...
Tiny Outliner
Creada por folk
Tinyifies lots of stuff in the Outliner! Compatible with 1080/1440 addons, my Tiny Planets (in Outliner) addon, and most likely every other addon you can find. Moves the war icons and federation icons from the bottom right corner and up to the top LEFT cor...
Yukari voice
Creada por 神代アリス
Yukari日语语音mod Japanese voice of notifications Yukari This mod change the notifications voice to Japanese. このMODはゲーム内のボイスレポートを日本語に変えます。 update for 3.0.3 @Reinhard様のご協力のおかげで、以後ゲーム内でのボイスタイプ選択ができるようになりました MODの使用に新たな選択メニューまたゲーム内の政府メニューで切り替えることができます。 Tsur...
Star Fixes
使用本MOD推荐配合本人的合集,这是一个纯美化和功能增强的合集,无任何内容修改 对游戏中一些不合理的地方进行了修复。完美替代了Multiple Crisis, Leviathans (Guardians) Always Spawn, No AI这几个MOD。本MOD不与修改solar_system_initializers文件夹的mod兼容,不与修改天灾的MOD兼容,不与修改地图设...
Better Night Lights Orange
Creada por Sam_
About It always bugged me that despite the FTL technologies, Ring worlds and giant death fleets equiped with high technology, the cities on the planets appear to still use yellow incandescent bulbs, and remain in a messy jumble. This simple mod changes the...
Creada por MacAwesome
SpeedDial SpeedDial adds buttons at the top left of your screen once you establish communications with enclaves. The buttons act as a 'speed dial', allowing you to open a diplomacy window with them direct from the main screen without having to navigate to ...
Caffeine (no zzz science ships)
Creada por folk
Tired of science ships ZZZ-ing on the job? This mod is for you! With this new update, the mod is roughly 60% less annoying! And now, really. I don't think I can make it less annoying than now. I do not actually play Stellaris, I only make mods. That is how...
Vassalize Fallen and Awakened Empires!(Compatible with 1.9)
Creada por Dolorem Kot
Eyoo fam, anyone ever wanted to enslave those pricks in his own right to make them feel bad?Well sh*t look no further youre in the right place!With this you can vassalise Fallen and Awakened Empires! So it seems paradox intended to add this as an option in...
Better Machine World Graphics
Creada por okayu enjoyer
1. Integrates the graphical changes from Sam's Planetary Computer mod ( ) into Synthetic Dawn. 2. Allows synthetically ascended empires to obtain the Machine World ascension perk. (Machine wor...
Real Space 3.9
Creada por Annatar
Real Space v 3.9.4 This version is compatible with patch 3.12.4 Andromeda. This mod does not fundamentally change the game mechanics, ...