ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

2,134 ratings
Scorched Earth Plus
Content Types: Mod, Weapons, Outfits, Creatures
File Size
117.923 MB
Jan 19, 2017 @ 12:41pm
Jun 6, 2017 @ 4:38pm
23 Change Notes ( view )

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Scorched Earth Plus

Scorched Earth Plus is a mod that brings the Scorched Earth (SE) DLC creatures, resources and items to other Ark maps. You do not need the DLC to use this mod.

The SE dinos spawn in specific areas so newbie areas won't be threatened by death worms and jerboa aren't spawning on mountains. Wyverns will lay fertilised eggs in nests like on the Scorched Earth map and you can hatch them for your tribe. The creatures this mod adds include:

* Deathworm
* Jerboa
* Jug Bug
* Lymantria
* Mantis
* Morellatops
* Rock Elemental
* Thorny Dragon
* Vulture
* Wyvern (Fire/Lightning/Poison)

All of these creatures are exactly the same in terms of abilities and stats as in the SE DLC. These SE creatures will spawn at levels based on your server settings so if your max level is higher than 120 you will see higher level SE dinos on your server too. At this time the Dodo Wyvern, Manticore and Zombie Wyvern are not included in this mod.

This mod adds an SEPlus Crafter structure with 250 slots that allows you to:
* Craft the SE Items (including Adobe structures, desert armor, SE-creature saddles, SE-only weapons like homing rockets, SE-only tools like whip, SE-only skins, etc etc)
* Transmutes normal resources into SE resources (such as x1 flint becomes x1 sand, x1 thatch becomes x1 cactus sap, etc)

Note: You must place the SEPlus Crafter to start Wyvern eggs spawning on your server. Once the SEPlus Crafter has been placed it can be picked up and Wyvern eggs will still spawn.

This mod is fully stackable. This mod does not need to be in first place. This mod is tested and working with The Island and The Center but it should also work with other custom maps too. This mod works by adding SE creatures into spawn regions. As long as custom maps use similar spawn regions to The Island (such as "mountains", "grasslands", "beaches", etc) the SE creatures will spawn.

If you notice any bugs please report them and we will fix them ASAP.

Known Issues

- The crafter admin tool will show 0 eggs when using modded Wyverns. Rest assured that eggs are spawning!

Team Mod Plus Discord

Come and join us on our Discord[] to get update notifications, contact the Devs directly for support or just hang out!


See our FAQ here.

Installation Instructions

See our Installation Instructions here. There is also information about tweaking the mod settings here.

SEPlus Crafter Spawn Code

cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/ScorchedEarthPlus/Items/Crafter/PrimalItemStructure_SEPlusCrafter.PrimalItemStructure_SEPlusCrafter'" 1 1 false


The ModID for this mod is: 845855498

Our Server

Join us at to experience this mod for yourself!

Our Other Mods

Dino Colors Plus: This mod adds a greater variety of colors to creatures (including SE creatures). This makes the map much more colorful and adds a big dynamic to breeding - trying to get the right combination of pretty colors on your next baby!
Automated Ark: This mod adds a number of structures that make some of the more boring tasks in Ark a little more tolerable. For example, automated fertilizer production, automatic sorting of your resources into various storage containers and much much more.
Resuable Plus: This mod adds reusable bolas, grappling hooks, parachutes and much much more. Because Batman. Never be without a Grappling Hook ever again!


A huge thanks to Jslay for helping to get the Wyvern eggs working correctly and helping with debugging.

Version History

Beta v1.7 - More compatibility fixes for nests and eggs. Nests should now stay spawned when using Classic Flyers. Eggs no longer lose HP when spawned in nests. Increased egg spawning frequency.
Beta v1.6 - Fixed compatibility with modded Wyverns (eg. Classic Flyers mod). New ini setting is ModdedWyverns=False (change to True if you are using a mod with custom Wyverns).
Beta v1.5 - Added compatibility with modded Wyverns (eg. Classic Flyers mod). New ini setting is ModdedWyverns=False (change to True if you are using a mod with custom Wyverns).
Beta v1.4a - Changed the ini options so that by default eggs will spawn. New ini setting is DisableEggSpawns=False (change to True to disable egg spawns).
Beta v1.4 - Added an option to disable Wyvern Eggs. This will disable Wyvern eggs by default, to allow eggs to spawn please add EggSpawns=True to your ini settings. Removed Thorny Dragons from beaches as requested. Added Death Worm horn crafting for 25x Black Pearls, this can be disabled like regular engrams if required.
Beta v1.3 - Wyvern eggs now lose HP if not at the correct temperature. If NestIncubation=True and babies hatch, they will now die upon reaching Juvenile.
Beta v1.2 - Added an ini option for nest incubation. NestIncubation=False - Defaults to false, change to True for nests to incubate Wyverns eggs.
Beta v1.1 - Fix on Wyvern egg spawning logic to resolve fire egg spawning issue.
Beta v1.0 - Nests now incubate wyvern eggs, allowing eggs to cycle naturally. Babies will hatch and die in the wild but can be claimed. New admin tool to list all current eggs. Fix for fire wyvern eggs.
Alpha v0.9a - More tweaks to attempt to resolve the server lag created by Wyverns.
Alpha v0.9 - Modifying nest checks to check if this helps lag on low performance servers. Tweaking Deathworm spawn chance on Carno Island. Added Alpha Deathworms to Carno Island.
Alpha v0.8a - Correcting default egg spawn rate.
Alpha v0.8 - Modifying Egg and Nest logic again. Nests should now despawn correctly. Lowering Wyvern spawns for carno island but slightly increasing the chance for Alpha Wyverns to spawn.
Previous version history archived...
Popular Discussions View All (109)
Jul 2, 2020 @ 6:53am
PINNED: Bug Reports
Sep 14, 2019 @ 3:20pm
PINNED: Servers Running This Mod
Jul 3, 2022 @ 1:40am
PINNED: Scorched Earth Plus Spawn Locations
TrollFace Mar 9, 2024 @ 6:46am 
apparently its carno island, north east far. Speaking of which they arent spawning
TTV.Texas_Mike_Gaming Jul 21, 2023 @ 8:12am 
Wyvern Spawn Location for Ext. Anyone know?
TrollFace Jul 13, 2023 @ 11:33am 
I am with Mixxen where do they spawn?
wyvern eggs
Mixxen Dec 25, 2022 @ 12:33pm 
where i could find the Wyvern eggs ?
Axel-of-Atheara Nov 7, 2022 @ 9:15pm 
How do I refresh the nest/egg spawns for whyverns? I can't seem to find any fire wyvern eggs whose timers aren't already expired.
Redarmy Aug 8, 2022 @ 8:04am 
replaced jerboa with dodos but now those dodos exceed the difficulty level. Aslo the reason i replaced jerboas is because they gave a rediculous amount of resources/were not adhering to my harvest settings
Himitsu no Yami Jul 13, 2022 @ 9:16pm 
Nests aren't spawning on The Island, there's plenty of wyverns around but not a single nest to be found
xav07theboi Jul 7, 2022 @ 7:30am 
what about se weather?
Sukanta Jun 1, 2022 @ 11:31pm 
uhm also guys by my ark game where i buyed soerched earth the eggs also doesnt spawn ?
Profarmer99 May 10, 2022 @ 12:03pm 
Im this far the mod work, only thing I miss is the Wyvern nest spawn, anyone know how to let them spawn? I placed a SE plus crafter and play on The Center