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Items (38)
Homebrew High Elf Hero: Seralin Autumnwind
Created by Chapter Serf
Description: Hello everyone! Welcome to this mod of mine. This mod is a High Elf hero that I brewed up in my own head. She is designed to be an anti-infantry murder-blender with the ability to sling spells. Availability: She is available to every High Elf ...
Valen - Legendary Ranger Lord [REUPLOADED]
Created by LuminousClarity
If you know what this mod is Then this is the reupload of the mod, where I will keep him up to date. I didn't do any big passes on fixing him before reupload. It is just a pass to make sure ...
The Asur - High Elf Character Armory
Created by NoKhaineNoGain
Recruit a rising Asur prince into your ranks. Through him leveling up, gain armaments to mix and match buffs and weapons to create a personalized High Elf LL. These include armor from units and lords as well as from LL once confederated allowing for some v...
Trajann's High Marshal Calithar
Created by Trajann V
Time to show the pointy-ears some love. This mod adds a new legendary lord, as well as 3 Regiments of Renown to all major High Elf faction! High Marshal Calithar is the leader of the High Elve's military, as well as a supreme commander and combat expert. H...
Books of Nagash for Teclis
Created by Rhox
Description Not many things to say. Just plain old collecting Nagash books contents for Teclis. Like Mannfred, he can double the effect by building the White Tower of Hoeth landmark. Also, he'll get a new trait that gives a powerful 'unleash the winds' abi...
McShooterz's High Elves Enhancement 中文汉化
Created by 泡泡茶壶
MOD概述 虽然没说是Overhaul,但改动之处非常多,也算是一个高等精灵的大修MOD,喜欢高精的玩家肯定会爱上这个MOD 特色介绍 增添67种新建筑,将原版的各种只有3级的建筑拓展至5级(如原版的兵营和基础建筑等),而且增加可招募迷雾行者、影行者战团的建筑链 13个新兵种【剑士、游侠(重型武器)、游侠(猎人)、战争狮鹫、环形山脉战争狮鹫、白塔守卫 (荷斯剑圣)、黑龙、弓箭手 (火焰箭矢)、弓箭手 (魔法箭矢)、弓箭手 (倒刺箭矢)、弓箭手 (寒冰箭矢)、弓箭手 (剧毒箭矢)、弓箭手 (爆炸箭矢)】 为所...
McShooterz's High Elves Enhancement
Created by McShooterz
Introduction This is first and foremost my personal mod, which I play. The intent of the mod is to make playing the High Elves for long campaigns more interesting by adding new content and re-balancing as needed. Changes What does the mod specifically do? ...
[BETA] Sons of Asuryan - Dragon Mages
Created by Xoudad
"We are the chosen of Asuryan, beloved of the gods and heirs to the world. Our armies are the finest in creation; swift where our foes are lumbering, cultured where they are barbaric. Give no thought to failure, nor defeat – we are the Children of Ulthuan ...
More Fun for the Grim
Created by fa21
* Updated to include Chaos Dwarfs! * This is a combination of several tweaks for the imprisonment mechanic of Eltharion and the Yvresse Mistwalkers' Mirror Abilities. It combines two little mods that I more or less ported from WH2 (all credit to the origin...
TDQ - The Dragon Queen III
Created by Typher
Princess Islandra of Caledor “The Dragon Queen” Hi again everyone, With fire and blood the Dragon Queen Islandra has returned to bring terror to all enemies of the High Elves. For those of you that are new to my mods, Islandra is a custom Legendary Lord th...
Lyla of Avelorn - High Elf Legendary Lord
Created by Caesar
Allow me to introduce Lyla, a new custom legendary lord for (some of) the High Elves! Lyla originates from Avelorn and while being a character in official lore, not much was said about her, beyond a certain passionate encounter with Tyrion. This mod change...
Griffon Knights for High Elves
Created by Cassy
This mod adds recruitable Griffon Knights units to all (I hope) High Elf factions. Updated for game version 6.0 +++ Details +++ The unit is based on Yvresse's "Knights of Tor Gaval" Mistwalker unit, with stats balanced to be a middle ground between the Kni...
Drakemasters and Big Bird Riders - End TImes Escalation Units
Created by Pwner1
*UPDATE* units for dark and wood elves. Two manticore riders for dark elves and two black dragon riders. First mod in series of what I have christened End Times Escalation units. Adds units that are less game balance and more unstoppable doomstack provided...
High Elves
Created by Ghildo
This mod expand roster for all faction High Elves. Swordman Great Swordman Silverin Guard (Sword) Silverin Guard (Great Weapons) White Lions of Chrace (Axe & Shield) White Lions of Chrace (Dual Wield) White Lions of Chrace (Halberld) White Lions of Chrace ...
【Deer24高等精灵单位包】荣光国度( HEF UNITS PATCH Glorious Nation)
必要MOD列表的MOD只是一些submod,包括无限制补丁及MOD的英文翻译,并非必要MOD,大家按自己的需求订阅即可 这次为大家带来的是高等精灵的兵种包,目前包含7个单位,放在了高等精灵各个主城的地标建筑招募,大家可以自行探索 The MODs in the list of necessary MODs are only some submids, including unlimited patches and English translations of MODs, not necessary MOD...
Sisters of Avelorn - Unit Pack
Created by RedDragon0908
Hello everyone, welcome to this mod page. Formal information Please make sure to read the following mod description and the informations below before you ask questions or request updates etc. If you like the mod you are welcome to press the "thumbs up" but...
Highborn Elves - Unit Pack
Created by RedDragon0908
Hello everyone, welcome to this mod page. Formal information Please make sure to read the following mod description and the informations below before you ask questions or request updates etc. If you like the mod you are welcome to press the "thumbs up" but...
[Not supported anymore] Old Court of Phoenix King use new mod
Created by Rhox
Link to the new mod Unless you have a savefile issue, I recommend new using new one as it has more features and awesome arts Description Simple, this mod adds a Tower of Zharr like mechanism...
Mistwalkers and Imrik's Dragons Get Bonuses 迷雾行者与传奇龙吃领主与科技加成
Created by Alex Zhao
Mistwalkers will now get more bonus from lord skills and techs. Faithbearers will get bonus for rangers (except they will get spearmen’s level 7 red line bonus), griffon knights will get bonus foe dragons, and all other mistwalkers will get bonus for shado...
The Ten Kingdoms 中文汉化
Created by 泡泡茶壶
共22个新兵种,其中11个精英兵种,11个普通兵种 大部分兵种仅能被其所属派系招募 普通兵种 卡勒多哨卫 洛瑟恩海巡者 影子战士 (倒刺箭矢) 查瑞斯猎手 迷雾行者 爱莎侍女 艾里昂枪骑兵 安列克骑士 萨芙睿飞马骑士 环形山脉巨鹰骑手 柯思奎骑士 精英兵种 守石者 (银光守卫) 库诺斯雄狮禁卫 (查瑞斯猎手) 白塔守望者 (荷斯剑圣) 奥苏安神选者 龙门守卫 (卡勒多哨卫) 侍女卫队 (阿瓦隆姐妹) 库诺斯先锋 (艾里昂枪骑兵) 影子骑士(安列克骑士) 安洛克复仇者 (泰伦洛克战车) 闪耀灯塔哨卫(鹰爪弩炮...
The Ten Kingdoms
Created by [-ODM-] Loupi
The Ten Kingdoms mod for the High Elves Adds 22 new unique units to the roster for use in campaign or multiplayer, inspired by a mix of warhammer novels and fantasy supplement books. There are 11 units and 11 regiments of renown, each based on one of the 1...
Dragonspine Princes
Created by Azaghâl
Lore The Dragon Spine Mountains (sometimes spelled Dragonspine Mountains or "The Dragon Spine") collectively form a volcanic region within the High Elf Kingdom of Caledor made famous for the great beasts that dwell within. Upon the blazing black island at ...
Elven Artillery
Created by Master Confounder
Why? I am a huge fantasy fan, my favorite race being the elves. I got into the Warhammer fantasy setting with this game and I love it’s take on the race. However, I noticed a major issue, in my opinion, all elven races are technologically outclassed by mos...
高精兵种扩展(New High elf unit)
Created by Lk
3.10更新(话说真的有人会看更新了啥吗) 给伊姆瑞克地标添加了新兵种 血齿要塞——卡勒多巨龙魔导师(限招2个 龙穴可以增加招募容量) 自带一次再生术 死亡之颅(一个强化版的烈焰之颅(无友军伤害)) 巨龙召唤——召唤烈焰冠军-戈迪纳尔(本局战斗永久存在,如果没死下一局有没有没试过,可以试一下。)随后就是一个15秒的火雨,伤害有点高,召唤出来的龙得尽快拉走,不然就是召了个寂寞。 1.2更新 优化了影行者的深渊技能 伟大祝福新增一个阶段 把上一个阶段没用完的魔风回收并且回血(可以复活死亡模组) 12.31更新 ...
凤凰姐妹(骑兵)Phoenix Guard (Cavalry)
Created by Lk
2.14更新 新增单位:凤凰守卫(双持) 当需要远行时肯定不能光靠走不是 所以我们的凤凰姐妹就骑着她的小母马哒哒哒的赶来了。。。 好了,说正经的 新增凤凰守卫骑兵持剑版本 高精貌似没有持剑骑兵就有点离谱。招募是五本的凤凰守卫建筑和神胜阿苏尔圣殿(这建筑前期根本没有想造的欲望所以就给个骑兵吧),科技和红线同凤凰守卫科技(这样就不需要额外点龙王子的科技了)。 部分模型是借用了dswgyxxlmy与Pablo两位大佬的模型 在此感谢大佬。 (有BUG可以留言) ...
Created by Lk
10.23更新 修.........脸,尽力了。 给高等精灵派系增加了一个阿瓦隆铁雹铳手(这海上贸易去震旦进一批震式装备,没问题吧)科技线和红线同阿瓦隆弓箭手,由于属于4本兵 所以输出偏高 但是血量比较少容易暴毙( 毕竟伤害已经这么高了) (由于作孽原因评论区我无法回复有BUG请留言或私信 我会定期查看)...
The Princess and The Loremaster
Created by OrangeJulivs
Summary Adds three new characters with custom art and skill trees: (LL) Eldyra of Tiranoc (LL) Galifreius (LH) Loremaster Talarian Feel like leaving a Tip? Donate to protect our Oceans instead http...
High Elf Units for High Elfs
Created by LordOmlette
Welcome back, commanders! If you used the WH2 version of this mod, then you know what the deal is. For everyone else, read on: If you confederate Avelorn, you gain access to Dryads, Treekin, and Treemen. You must own The Queen and The Crone DLC. If you con...
Mistwalker 空降迷雾行者
Created by biubiu~biubiu^
Mistwalker joins the ror recruitment pool 迷雾行者可以在精英兵招募池中招募 增强版 ...
LoW - Phoenix Legion - 凤凰军团【中文汉化】 - 只要前置mod无文本更新,汉化就不需要更新 - 介绍 LoW - Phoenix Legion: 凤凰守卫兵种扩展 LoW - Legions of the Scarlet Empire: 传奇领主『猩红女王』雅赫拉 通用英雄吸血鬼队长 血玫瑰姐妹与鲜血军团 LoW - Dragon Legion: 卡勒多巨龙领主 巨龙军团与巨龙军团海盗 LOW - Celestial Dragon Guard Leg...
LoW - Dragon Legion
Created by Macho Chunko
Sup y'all, it's ya boi bringing out a quick BETA of the original Dragon Legion mod from WH2. Changes in WH3 This version has some changes compared to the original, some to the units themselves, some new added buildings, changes to the original Dragon Princ...
High Elves Landmarks Overhaul (5.0 WORKING, UPDATE IN PROGRESS)
Created by OoO
Foreword Hello, friends. If you remember this. Yes, it is back in 2024. Features This mod adds 30+ landmarks for the High Elves race. Enjoy and have fun. Cheers ...
The Phoenix Court (High Elf Politics)
Created by Alshua
Adds a lore-rich political intrigue system to the High Elves, allowing you to compete over seats of authority. Using the Chaos Dwarf "Tower of Zharr" system as a base, The Phoenix Court goes far beyond it, giving all Ten Kingdoms of Ulthuan their own uniqu...
Knights of the Everlasting Flame
Created by zerg93
>>>*This mod is part of the Zerg Collection Volume II, DO NOT use this mod along said collection or you'll crash. Choose one.*<<< This mod adds the Knights of the Everlasting Flame to the High Elves. They are pretty much similar to Bretonnian Royal Hippogr...
Convoys of the New World
Created by TWilliam
WARNING: do not activate this mod if you started the campaign without it as faction who already has caravans or convoys! It will broke the caravan network This mod adds the convoy system for all High Elf factions (but only major AI factions can send convoy...
Nagarythe Remake纳迦瑞斯重置
Created by 金花
这个MOD增强了纳迦瑞斯派系,增加了新的功能与单位 使得纳迦瑞斯相比其他高等精灵派系更具特色,玩法多样化 English Patch: 纳迦瑞斯适应温带岛屿气候(奥苏安) 修改了祭礼,当执行祭礼后,可以获得一个BUFF,增强全局的伏击成功概率,以及在伏击时获得被动,增强所有单位的远程杀伤 新增随机事件,这些事件能带来一些正面和负面BUFF https://s...