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[WOTC] Rulers Pause Timers
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Jan 21, 2020 @ 7:17am
Sep 14, 2022 @ 11:46pm
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[WOTC] Rulers Pause Timers

What is this?
This mod sets up enemies to SUSPEND the Mission Timer, much like how the Chosen do.
The default settings are for the DLC rulers (and some mod enemies) but the list can be expanded by config. The mod does NOT technically require the Alien Hunters DLC though.

Also contains new console commands that lets you alter the timer at will ...
RPT_Timer_Suspend RPT_Timer_Resume RPT_Timer_Increase RPT_Timer_Decrease RPT_Timer_Adjust (int)

Why the mod?
... had a mission where a roof collapsed and the Evac just got flung half the map away
- yet you've still only got the next turn to get there?
- and you don't want to ttc cheat completely?
- manipulate the timer by console commands, ♥♥♥ that bs!

... Got frustrated with an enemy soaking up all your mission time due to it's ridiculously large modded HP pool, but still want to actually have that battle?
- set that enemy on the auto-list (I'm thinking of Rulers, Claus' Custodians, CX 'zerkers and LEB Riftkeepers .. maybe even ABA primes, mod added rulers, etc)

... Playing on Twitch and want your viewers to make things easier/harder?
- increase/decrease/suspend/resume the timer by console commands

I wanted to disable timers, but only when facing other Chosen-like 'boss' enemies
... this mod lets me do that.

At first this was just the extra console commands because I couldn't find one in the default commands, but then I decided it would be cool to automate it depending on current visible enemies.
I made this mod for myself, but then decided to share it.

I've found in playing, with modded enemies in particular, the default game timers are too short but the second wave/advanced options double timers are too long. I was trying to find a good 'middle ground'.

The mod shouldn't care if there are multiple of the units on the field with the perk, it pauses the timer by 'sight' on the start of each teams turn.
As long as one unit with the perk is in play the timer should be paused for XCOM's turn.
This can be configured to require 'enemy spotted by XCOM' or 'enemy spots other enemies'

Just for information, the normal timer is cyan/blue and turns red with 3 turns or less, the suspended timer is grey.

This mod should not effect the Evac Timer (green) from mods like LWotC or Request Evac

Configuration/ Known Bugs ETC
Obviously due to the sheer number of enemy mods and personal preference I cannot possibly guess what enemies you might want to set this up for, I also can't test every enemy...
... however the list of enemies that it triggers for is configurable.
Just add their character template to the list.
I tested it with most mission types that have timers, not including modded missions, but it should have no issues.

For a respectable list of all current enemy mods and the template names required you can check out this amazing steam guide here;
Steam DropUnit/Template Names Guide

Units on the list (including the Chosen) can get a Passive Icon showcasing this perk in enemy info viewers, like Yet Another F1 etc.

You can also choose to have it apply when XCOM spots a unit or if the enemy unit spots um, enemies.

The timer may still count down if the enemy is put under stasis.
I cannot find a way around this limitation.

The timer might not immediately suspend, as the code now runs per team turn begun.
It should be correctly paused at/through XCom's turn though, which is when it is checked to reduce (or not).

Should be safe to add mid-campaign, but maybe not mid-tactical save :)

The default configuration gives this ability to;

As always, bug-reports welcome :)

Credits and Thanks
HUGE thanks to Iridar for consultations on the 2.0 major rework!
Credits and Thanks to the XCOM2 amd MEME Modders Discord for help and support.

~ Enjoy !! and please buy me a Cuppa Tea[www.buymeacoffee.com]
MaCC165 Oct 6, 2022 @ 4:43am 
ah allright, and i meant both, thx for the detailed answer, now i got it :D
RustyDios  [author] Oct 6, 2022 @ 2:46am 
Or do you mean .. can this mod disable the Chosen pausing the timer? In which case, no. That is not an easy thing to stop, it is hardcoded into the Chosen reveal sequence
RustyDios  [author] Oct 6, 2022 @ 2:45am 
Yes I got that. The console command works on the timer. It does not care for the how or why the timer was paused, it will just resume or pause it.

So.. a Chosen enters battle and pauses the timer, you use the console command to resume the timer .... the Chosen is still on the field and will just pause the timer again on its turn .... ...
MaCC165 Oct 6, 2022 @ 1:03am 
i meant disable the pause for chosen, thought i wrote it
RustyDios  [author] Oct 5, 2022 @ 3:20pm 
They should. But if you are fighting a Chosen it will pause the timer on its next turn anyway, so would be pointless.
MaCC165 Oct 5, 2022 @ 9:53am 
do the consolecommands work for chosen aswell(Resume), if not, is there a way to remove the timestop in an ini?
Excel.exe Oct 15, 2021 @ 10:28pm 
this mod is amazing, not sure how i haven't seen it sooner
Dies Irae Mar 26, 2020 @ 9:24am 
Thats exactly how it works.
RustyDios  [author] Mar 26, 2020 @ 6:24am 
Sorry about that. I'll look into seeing if I can make the trigger/conditions ignore stasis .. I'm making no promises on that though!

Just to clarify the chain of events so I can test it myself .... timer active with '5' turns... ruler appears... timer pauses with '5' turns ... ruler gets put in stasis... timer active with '5' turns ... player turn ends... alien turn ruler is still in stasis, timer is active ... alien turn ends ....
.... player turn begins... timer decreases to '4' ... ruler comes out of stasis ... timer pauses on '4' turns ?!

Does sound like how it played out
Dies Irae Mar 26, 2020 @ 5:39am 
it did restart but it gave me one less turn to get to the hack. (had no tech specalist so no gremlin)