

429 ratings
Galaxy Map QoL
Mods: Mod
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491.636 KB
Jun 9, 2019 @ 11:57am
Aug 26, 2021 @ 11:25am
28 Change Notes ( view )

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Galaxy Map QoL

In 1 collection by Rinart73
Rinart73's Mods
39 items
Avorion: 0.31 - 2.0
Improves Galaxy Map UI to provide more info. Allows to mark sectors with icons.

This is a client-side mod. You can install it on server for more features and to make all players automatically download it.

NOTE: This mod will be updated to the stable versions only. I'm not planning to support Beta-versions since they come out very often and I don't have the time to check and update mods every time.

Source code[github.com]

  • Displays distance to the center when you hover a sector.
  • Adds toggleable display of resource and boss ranges.
  • Allows to mark sectors with icons. If the mod is installed on a server, you will be able to add alliance icons that will be synced between alliance members.
  • Displays hazard zone marks (if the mod is installed on a server)
  • Adds a checkbox that locks radar blips allowing you to see them constantly and not just during the "scanning wave" animation

Installation (additional steps)
You can this mod in singleplayer without any additional actions.
However, if you want to use while playing on someone's server, please ask the server owner to do one of the following things:
  • Install the mod on their server (this will unlock additional features)
  • OR allow players to use it:
    1. Create "modconfig.lua" in the server galaxy folder (Instruction[avorion.gamepedia.com])
    2. Add "allowed" table in the file, if it doesn't exist:
      allowed = { }
    3. Add "{id = "1722652757"}," and "{id = "1765619430"}," in the "allowed" table:
      allowed = { {id = "SomeOtherMod"}, {id = "1722652757"}, {id = "1765619430"}, }

How to create your own icon pack
Follow the link[github.com].

Bug reporting
  1. Tell your game version and list of mods you have activated.
  2. Give an instruction on how to reproduce a bug, step by step.
  3. Use Pastebin[pastebin.com] to attach links to your client and server logs.
    C:\Users\(ProfileName)\AppData\Roaming\Avorion\clientlog (datetime).txt C:\Users\(ProfileName)\AppData\Roaming\Avorion\galaxies\(GalaxyName)\serverlog (datetime).txt
    /home/(ProfileName)/.avorion/clientlog (datetime).txt /home/(ProfileName)/.avorion/galaxies/(GalaxyName)/serverlog (datetime).txt
  4. Make a screenshot if problem can be seen visually.

Windows - %AppData%\Roaming\Avorion\galaxies\(GalaxyName)\moddata\GalaxyMapQoL.lua
Linux - /home/(ProfileName)/.avorion/galaxies/(GalaxyName)/moddata/GalaxyMapQoL.lua
Use Notepad++ for comfortable editing[notepad-plus-plus.org]
Evam Feb 15 @ 8:28am 
update it yourself?
Digan Feb 15 @ 6:23am 
Sadly this needs an update;/
Dark Feb 9 @ 12:21am 
if the mod is installed on a server, it ends up crashing everything ..
Welcome to Orca Dec 29, 2024 @ 3:01am 
issue: Sad times this doesn't work on an existing save... It worked fine on a new single player.
SCARRIOR Dec 17, 2024 @ 11:45am 
@Clyde There is a colour blind mode in options.
CLYDE FROG Oct 8, 2024 @ 4:43pm 
To Rinart73 and whoever else helped with this mod, I just wanted to say thank you because this mod was more than a quality of life improvement for me. I've been told I'm part color blind but never had it actually keep me back from anything but with this game, I cant tell the difference between the green and yellow dots, even if I stick my face into my monitor and really try to focus. With them pulsing, it was even harder.

So I was watching someone stream last night and they mentioned this mod and today I loaded it up and was blown away. Such a simple little tweak, but it makes more of a difference than you know, so thank you so much.
Enlonwhite Sep 17, 2024 @ 4:00am 
I believe the original owner is not modding at this time, reading from other mods of theirs. If anyone forks, just give the original mod and modder credit (look up how to do that yourself).

This is for new people here, and trying to be helpful FYI.
Guswut Aug 12, 2024 @ 10:24pm 
Hey @Daego (and anyone else that wants the blips enabled by default), if you're up to editing the mod's files directly you can get this to work.

1) Open "galaxymapqolclient.lua" which you should be able to find in the Steam workshop folder for this mod (which should be "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\445220\1765619430\" in the "data\scripts\lib" directory.
2) Scroll down to line 217 which should be "lockRadarCheckBox.tooltip = "Makes radar blips always visible"%_t".
3) Add this in a newline below it: " lockRadarCheckBox:setCheckedNoCallback(true)"
4) Save the file, and potentially reload mods for your world (not sure if this is required but I didn't test not doing it).

The same works for the alliance notes (third option in the list), just change "lockRadarCheckBox" to "highlightAllianceNotesCheckBox".

Hopefully the above works for you, and make sure to add them into your Steam notes for Avorion for reinstalling in the future. Good luck!
Roll Fizzlebeef Aug 2, 2024 @ 10:37pm 
Any chance of adding more icons? For example, I would love to have an asteroid field icon similar to the one in the notes, a wreck icon for marking good salvage, and some of the station icons (like equipment docks and shipyards).
RamboRocket Jul 20, 2024 @ 7:20am 
Hello, I got a server today on July 20th, 2024 on the site 4netplayers.com , but unfortunately your mod doesn't work, I have version 1.0.1, I can't load everything below, please they have developed a great mod, I'm hoping for one Update