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Minorou's Vanilla WoW Animated Warcraft Wallpapers
A collection of Minorou's vanilla World of Warcraft animated wallpapers, made in anticipation for World of Warcraft Classic.

Each wallpaper was recorded, edited to make as seamless a loop as possible, and optimized for filesize.
Items (152)
WoW Classic: Aerie Peak
After their defeat in the War of the Three Hammers, the dwarven Wildhammer clan withdrew from Ironforge and set their home in Grim Batol. However, they were yet again driven away as the Dark Iron dwarves left a corrupted curse upon Grim Batol, leaving it u...
WoW Classic: Agamand Mills
The Agamands were once a prominent family in northern Lordaeron. When the Scourge invaded, the family was slain and the vast farmland was lost. The iconic windmills, now decrepit from years of disrepair, sway uselessly in the wind. Most of the Agamands are...
WoW Classic: Altar of Storms
Altars of Storms have had many purposes over the years. The first Altars were carved from stolen elven runestones from Caer Darrow and used to channel dark and arcane energies through the bronze figures that towered above it to pervert the elven magic of t...
WoW Classic: Anachronos
Nozdormu is the guardian of time and dragon aspect fo the bronze dragonflight. Anachronos is his heir. A thousand years ago, Fandral Staghelm approached the bronze dragonflight to ask for their help in fighting the Qiraji in the War of the Shifting Sands. ...
WoW Classic: Arcanist Doan
In the Library of the Scarlet Monastery, Arcanist Doan roams among the myriad tomes. He guards the Scarlet Key which allows entry into the Armory and the Cathedral, but many casters desire his effects: his dagger, staff, mantle, and robes were all powerful...
WoW Classic: Archmage Arugal
Archmage Arugal was a former mage of the Kirin Tor of Dalaran. However, after the Scourge destroyed most of the city, he returned to his homeland of Gilneas. As the Scourge encroached upon the outskirts of Gilneas, King Genn Greymane approached Arugal to c...
WoW Classic: Baron Rivendare
Baron Rivendare was a rich landowner in Stratholme. His friend, Kel'Thuzad, convinced him to join the Cult of the Damned. During the Third War, after Arthas Menethil left for Northrend in his maddened hunt for the dreadlord Mal'Ganis, Rivendare followed Ke...
WoW Classic: Blackfathom Deeps - Moonshrine Ruins
Once a grand Night Elven temple dedicated to the worship of the moon goddess Elune, Blackfathom Deeps was thought to be lost to the world during the Sundering. Millenia later, members of the Twilight's Hammer cult as well as tribes of naga and satyr were d...
WoW Classic: Blackrock Mountain
Blackrock Mountain is actually a volcano that was unnaturally created at the end of the Dwarven War of the Three Hammers. In an attempt to end the war, the Lord of the Dark Iron Dwarves, the Sorcerer-Thane Thaurissan accidentally summoned the Firelord Ragn...
WoW Classic: Blizzard Construction Co.
Just off the road in the unfinished zone of Hyjal, these signs can be found. "Blizzard Construction Co." Recorded in World of Warcraft at 30 FPS and optimized to keep filesize reasonably low. My thanks to Rucus, without him this footage wouldn't be possibl...
WoW Classic: Burning Steppes [Ver. A]
The Burning Steppes were once a rich extension of the Redridge Mountains. However, the Sorcerer-Thane Thaurissan of the Dark Iron Dwarves, driven to desperate measures during the War of the Three Hammers, accidentally summoned Ragnaros the Firelord. The di...
WoW Classic: Burning Steppes [Ver. B]
The Burning Steppes were once a rich extension of the Redridge Mountains. However, the Sorcerer-Thane Thaurissan of the Dark Iron Dwarves, driven to desperate measures during the War of the Three Hammers, accidentally summoned Ragnaros the Firelord. The di...
WoW Classic: Cairne Bloodhoof
Cairne Bloodhoof is the High Chieftain of the united tribes of the tauren race, in addition to being the chieftain of the Bloodhoof tribe during the vanilla era. During most of his lifetime, he lived near the shores of the Great Sea in the Barrens and serv...
WoW Classic: Circle of East Binding
The Circle of East Binding, found in eastern Arathi Highlands near Hammerfall, is one of the four elemental circles found in the area. This particular one is guarded by water elementals. Myzrael, a titanic watcher princess of the earth, is imprisoned deep ...
WoW Classic: Circle of Inner Binding
The Circle of Inner Binding, found in southern Arathi Highlands near Stromgarde, is one of the four elemental circles found in the area. This particular one is guarded by earth elementals. Myzrael, a titanic watcher princess of the earth, is imprisoned dee...
WoW Classic: Circle of Outer Binding
The Circle of Outer Binding, found in central Arathi Highlands near Refuge Pointe, is one of the four elemental circles found in the area. This particular one is guarded by air elementals. Myzrael, a titanic watcher princess of the earth, is imprisoned dee...
WoW Classic: Circle of West Binding
The Circle of West Binding, found in western Arathi Highlands near Thoradin's Wall, is one of the four elemental circles found in the area. This particular one is guarded by fire elementals. Myzrael, a titanic watcher princess of the earth, is imprisoned d...
WoW Classic: Sylvanas
Once the proud Ranger-General of Silvermoon, Sylvanas Windrunner was killed in combat against the Death Knight Arthas and raised as a banshee. Now known as the Dark Lady and the Banshee Queen, she leads the Forsaken from her seat of power in the Undercity....
WoW Classic: Tarren Mill
Tarren Mill is a former Lordaeronian town owned by the Barov family. During the Second War, elven archers were captured by orcs. Humans used Tarren Mill as a foothold to free the elves, a gesture that firmly established the elven race into the Alliance. At...
WoW Classic: Crystal Cave [Ver. A]
The cave at the back of Marshal's Refuge in northern Un'Goro Crater is famous for its multicolor crystals. Each crystal is fragile as glass. J. D. Collie, a gnome found inside the deepest part of the cavern, is investigating their mysterious power. When ga...
WoW Classic: Crystal Cave [Ver. B]
The cave at the back of Marshal's Refuge in northern Un'Goro Crater is famous for its multicolor crystals. Each crystal is fragile as glass. J. D. Collie, a gnome found inside the deepest part of the cavern, is investigating their mysterious power. When ga...
WoW Classic: Dalaran Bubble
The City-State of Dalaran, situated on the edge of Lordamere Lake, was the pinnacle of human use and study of magic. The Council of Six of the Kirin Tor, the ruling conclave of mages, serves as the Magocracy for the city. Dalaran has served a critical role...
WoW Classic: Dancing Troll Village
Hidden high up in the mountains nestled between Darkshore, Felwood, Winterspring, and Moonglade, lies Shatterspear Vale, otherwise known as Dancing Troll Village. The Shatterspear tribe is a splinter faction of the Gurubashi Empire. They remain friendly to...
WoW Classic: Darkshire
The wooded area known as Southern Elwynn Forest, or otherwise known as Brightwood, was a wonderful, quaint place to live until the First War, when the orcs invaded via the Dark Portal and destroyed the town of Grand Hamlet. It was later rebuilt. Soon after...
WoW Classic: Darkmaster Gandling
Darkmaster Gandling is the headmaster of the school of necromancy of Scholomance at Caer Darrow, personally appointed by Kel'Thuzad. He appears after the six bosses and all humans in the six chamers around the Headmaster's Study are slain. If fought in com...
WoW Classic: Darnassus Bank
Sitting atop the world tree Teldrassil, the tranquil city of Darnassus serves as the capital of the Night Elves during the vanilla era. True to elven culture, its structures are open to the outdoors in reverence to nature. Forest creatures walk across the ...
WoW Classic: Deadmines - Sneed
Sneed is the goblin lumbermaster in the Deadmines, supplying lumber for Edwin VanCleef's secret project, the Ogre Juggernaught, meant to bombard Stormwind for their refusal to pay the masons for rebuilding Stormwind after its destruction in the First War. ...
WoW Classic: Deadmines Ogre Juggernaught [Ver. A]
Edwin VanCleef was leader of the masons, architects, engineers, and artisans that rebuilt Stormwind city after it was completely destroyed by the Old Horde during the First War. However, due to the meddling of Lady Katrana Prestor, the nobles of Stormwind ...
WoW Classic: Deadmines Ogre Juggernaught [Ver. B]
Edwin VanCleef was leader of the masons, architects, engineers, and artisans that rebuilt Stormwind city after it was completely destroyed by the Old Horde during the First War. However, due to the meddling of Lady Katrana Prestor, the nobles of Stormwind ...
WoW Classic: Demon Fall Canyon
This canyon in southeastern Ashenvale is the site of a major turn in orcish history, and the fall of one of its greatest heroes. Orcs invaded Azeroth under the corrupted influence of the Burning Legion. Mannoroth, the demonic Pit Lord and second in command...
WoW Classic: Dreadmaul Rock
Dreadmaul Rock is the base of operations for the Firegut ogres in the Burning Steppes. It's a large rocky outcrop filled with ogre mounds. It looms ominously over the area. It is sometimes referred to as Dreadmaul Peak and Fire-Gut Rock. Recorded in World ...
WoW Classic: Emeriss of the Nightmare
As the Emerald Dream became corrupted into the Emerald Nightmare, members of the green dragonflight similarly fell. Emeriss was one such dragon, whose body twisted and rotted enough that fungus sprouts from her form. Here she roams, guarding the Twilight G...
WoW Classic: Entrance to the Ruins of Stardust
Tucked away in the southwestern part of Ashenvale are the Ruins of Stardust. Not much is known about the history of this area. The ruins themselves are situated atop a small lake island, with a few stardust shrubs that heal any passerby if touched. The sce...
WoW Classic: Fargodeep Mine
Fargodeep Mine is an abandoned gold mine in the center of Elwynn Forest, overrun by kobolds. It is usually a particularly memorable questing area for low level Alliance players in the human starting zone, as many quests bring you here, and it feels like an...
WoW Classic: Feathermoon Stronghold
Feathermoon Stronghold is an island fortress established by general Shandris Feathermoon, who has been Tyrande Whisperwind's second in command in the Sentinels for the past ten thousand years. The island is a short way off the Forgotten Coast on the wester...
WoW Classic: Felwood
Once a serene forest as part of northern Ashenvale, Felwood was corrupted by the fel energies of the dreadlord Tichondrius and the Skull of Gul'dan during the Third War. The grass is dead, the water is foul, the elementals are twisted, and the wildlife has...
WoW Classic: Felwood's Irontree Woods
The Irontree Woods is a small forest glade in northern Felwood. Like the rest of the zone, it was corrupted by the demonic presence of the Burning Legion. The corruption of the fel has spoiled the water, twisted the elementals, and driven the wildlife mad....
WoW Classic: Frostfire Hot Springs [Ver. A]
The Frostfire Hot Springs are a series of hot water springs found in the western part of Winterspring. Water shoots forth periodically from rocky mineral formations within. Donova Snowden, a dwarven explorer, is investigating the hot springs. She theorizes...
WoW Classic: Frostfire Hot Springs [Ver. B]
The Frostfire Hot Springs are a series of hot water springs found in the western part of Winterspring. Water shoots forth periodically from rocky mineral formations within. Donova Snowden, a dwarven explorer, is investigating the hot springs. She theorizes...
WoW Classic: Gadgetzan
Gadgetzan is the capital city of the Steamwheedle Cartel, the largest of the goblin cartels. It's situated in the northern part of the desert of Tanaris, right at the edge where the Thousand Needle's Shimmering Flats meets the area. Since goblins always st...
WoW Classic: Greatfather Winter
Winter Veil is a dwarven traditional festival where they tell stories of Greatfather Winter. The event is so popular, more and more humans and even other races of the Alliance have begun to participate. The goblins, of course, decided to participate by cas...
WoW Classic: Great-father Winter
Winter Veil is a traditional festival where the people of the Horde tell stories of Great-father Winter. Great-father Winter is a great wizened orc who would walk across the world, casting the land he traverses in the veil of winter with his billowing cloa...
WoW Classic: Grom'gol Base Camp
Grom'gol Base Camp is situated in central Stranglethorn Vale. It was named in honor of the hero Grom Hellscream, the orc who freed the orcish race from the demonic pit lord Mannoroth's control. Grom'gol's zeppelin tower offers transit between Stranglethorn...
WoW Classic: Gurubashi Arena
The Gurubashi Arena is just north of Booty Bay in Stranglethorn Vale. It's an old structure left over from the Gurubashi Empire from over a thousand years ago. The arena is known for bloody combat, where even faction lines are no longer drawn. When one ste...
WoW Classic: Herod the Scarlet Champion
Once a bully in his youth, Herod grew up to become a mighty champion of the Scarlet Crusade. He stands alone at the end of the Scarlet Monastery's Armory, wearing heavy armor and carrying his Ravager axe. During combat, he is well known for his whirlwind t...
WoW Classic: Home is Where the Hearth is [Cat Lady]
Home is where the hearth is. While most adventurers rest at inns or taverns during their quests big and small, the denizens of Azeroth need comfort, too. This particularly inviting hearth belongs to Donni Anthania in Elwynn Forest. She is perhaps better kn...
WoW Classic: Home is Where the Hearth is [Defias]
Home is where the hearth is. While most adventurers rest at inns or taverns during their quests big and small, the denizens of Azeroth need comfort, too. This particularly comfy hearth is in a house called Jerod's Landing in Elwynn Forest. It's occupied by...
WoW Classic: Home is Where the Hearth is [Dwarven Inn]
Home is where the hearth is. Adventurers are out and about solving issues big and small throughout the entire world of Azeroth, but even still they need a place to rest. Most settlements on Azeroth have an inn or tavern, generally with sleeping arrangement...
WoW Classic: Home is Where the Hearth is [Forsaken Inn]
Home is where the hearth is. Adventurers are out and about solving issues big and small throughout the entire world of Azeroth, but even still they need a place to rest. Most settlements on Azeroth have an inn or tavern, generally with sleeping arrangement...
WoW Classic: Home is Where the Hearth is [Human Inn]
Home is where the hearth is. Adventurers are out and about solving issues big and small throughout the entire world of Azeroth, but even still they need a place to rest. Most settlements on Azeroth have an inn or tavern, generally with sleeping arrangement...
WoW Classic: Home is Where the Hearth is [Orcish Inn]
Home is where the hearth is. Adventurers are out and about solving issues big and small throughout the entire world of Azeroth, but even still they need a place to rest. Most settlements on Azeroth have an inn or tavern, generally with sleeping arrangement...
WoW Classic: Home is Where the Hearth is [Tauren Inn]
Home is where the hearth is. Adventurers are out and about solving issues big and small throughout the entire world of Azeroth, but even still they need a place to rest. Most settlements on Azeroth have an inn or tavern, generally with sleeping arrangement...
WoW Classic: Ironforge - The Great Forge
In the center of the dwarven capital lies the Great Forge. In many ways, it is the heart of Ironforge. At the very center is the Great Anvil, where the greatest of dwarven blacksmiths work their masterpieces. Ringed around the Great Forge are several found...
WoW Classic: Ironforge Commons
The Dwarven capital city of Ironforge was carved into the mountain range of Khaz Modan. In its early days, it was the home of most of dwarven-kind. However, during the War of the Three Hammers, the Bronzebeards, the Wildhammers, and the Dark Irons waged wa...
WoW Classic: Kel'Thuzad
Kel'Thuzad was once a human mage and a member of the Council of Six - the high council of the Kirin Tor, the ruling masters of the magocracy of Dalaran. His interests in the dark arts were piqued during the Old Horde's invasion of Azeroth and started tappi...
WoW Classic: King Magni Bronzebeard
King Magni Bronzebeard leads the prosperous dwarves of Ironforge. When the orcish Horde besieged the gates of Ironforge, the human Alliance of Lordaeron attacked and drove off the orcs. Magni was immensely thankful, and thus the Dwarves joined the Alliance...
WoW Classic: Lakeshire
Situated on the shores of Lake Everstill is the human town of Lakeshire. The distinctive red hues of the Redridge Mountains loom all around. All in all, the town is considered a relative tranquil place, despite the area being considered contested territory...
WoW Classic: Lethon of the Nightmare
As the Emerald Dream became corrupted into the Emerald Nightmare, members of the green dragonflight similarly fell. Lethon was one such dragon, whose scales darkened with dark powers to steal the life of his foes. Here he stands, guarding the Dream Bough p...
WoW Classic: Light's Hope Chapel
After Alexandros Mograine's death at the hands of his son and the resulting corruption of the legendary Ashbringer, a sect of paladins left what would become the Scarlet Crusade. They fled Tirisfal Glades and established a new order: the Argent Dawn, with ...
WoW Classic: Lord Kazzak
Lord Kazzak is a Burning Legion Field Commander, an Ered'ruin Doomlord demon. He was summoned to Azeroth by Kel'Thuzad during the Third War. Following the defeat of the Burning Legion, Kazzak gathered his forces and retreated to the Tainted Scar in the Bla...
WoW: Lordaeron's End
The throne of Lordaeron, once held by King Terenas Menethil II, lays silent in the chambers above the Undercity. However, the whispers of the past still linger. "What is the meaning of this? Who are you?" "Humanity is in peril. The tides of darkness have c...
WoW Classic: Lunar Festival - Omen
Though the tranquil vale of Moonglade is rarely home to violence, sometimes conflict is inevitable. Long ago, the demigod Omen, blessed by Elune, wandered primordial Kalimdor and guided hunters and gatherers. He offered luck and advice to all that he met. ...
WoW Classic: Maclure Vineyards
This unassuming vineyard near the southern border of Elwynn Forest is the pride of the Maclure family. Close by to the west is the Stonefield farm. While many of the farming families have a rivalry going on, few are as bitter as the ones between the Maclur...
WoW Classic: Marrow Mosh Pit
Mordresh Fire Eye was once an orc Shaman sent to investigate Razorfen Downs. Slain by the undead that dwelled there, he was raised as a servant of the Scourge and uses his abilities to stir his fellow undead into a frenzy at the Bone Pile. Recorded in Worl...
WoW Classic: Mazzranache
Mazzranache, or the "pink flamingo" as it is sometimes called by some adventurers, is a uniquely-skinned tallstrider that roams the plains of Mulgore. It has a venomous bite, but unfortunately loses this capability when tamed. Recorded in World of Warcraft...
WoW Classic: Medieval Man
Archmage Arugal was a former mage of the Kirin Tor of Dalaran. However, after the Scourge destroyed most of the city, he returned to his homeland of Gilneas. As the Scourge encroached upon the outskirts of Gilneas, King Genn Greymane approached Arugal to c...
WoW Classic: Mekgineer Thermaplugg
Mekgineer Sicco Thermaplugg is an ambitious gnome engineer who served as chief advisor to his close friend, High Tinker Gelbin Mekkatorque. When troggs invaded the city of Gnomeregan, Sicco proposed the idea of filling the city with radiation to kill off t...
WoW Classic: Menethil Harbor [Boat Docked Ver.]
The original boat of Menethil Harbor that takes travellers to Auberdine is unnamed, but was later christened The Bravery. During times of strife where The Bravery could not sail, Captain Placeholder and Captain Noteo would take its place. Recorded in World...
WoW Classic: Menethil Harbor [Boat Travel Ver.]
The original boat of Menethil Harbor that takes travellers to Auberdine is unnamed, but was later christened The Bravery. During times of strife where The Bravery could not sail, Captain Placeholder and Captain Noteo would take its place. Recorded in World...
WoW Classic: Menethil Harbor [No Boat Ver.]
Menethil Harbor, located in the muggy Wetlands, is named for the (now-fallen) ruling family of Lordaeron. It serves as a critical link between the lands of the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor for the Alliance. Recorded in World of Warcraft at 30 FPS and opti...
WoW Classic: Mirage Raceway
The Shimmering Flats of the Thousand Needles was the perfect location to build the racetrack of the Mirage Raceway. Goblin and gnome tinker teams continue their eternal feud in an attempt to build the better racing machine and prove once and for all whethe...
WoW Classic: Moam
During the War of the Shifting Sands, three dragons, the red Caelestrasz, the green Merithra of the Dream, and the blue Arygos sacrificed themselves to create the Scarab Wall and seal the Qiraji Empire. However, C'thun refused to remain idle. Emperor Vek'l...
WoW Classic: Moonbrook
Moonbrook was once the main town of Westfall. However, the entire town was destroyed by the Horde during the First War on their march to Stormwind. Moonbrook was rebuilt years later after the Alliance was victorious in the Second War. Its affiliation with ...
WoW Classic: Moonglade - Nighthaven
One of the most sacred places of the natural order on Azeroth is Moonglade, haven to the druids. It is a vale nestled in Northern Kalimdor. Due to its isolated location, it is rarely visited by outsiders. The main settlement here is called Nighthaven, whic...
WoW Classic: Nefarian
Nefarian is the eldest son of Deathwing, and the older brother to Onyxia. As a fully grown black dragon, he is cunning and incredibly powerful. He built a lair atop Blackrock Spire on top of Blackrock Mountain, proclaiming himself Lord of Blackrock Spire. ...
WoW Classic: Nessy
The Deeprun Tram runs between Stormwind and Ironforge. At the midway point of the trip, the metal sheets and pipes give way to a glass display of an underwater scene. Rarely, a passenger might catch sight of the threshadon, Nessy. Recorded in World of Warc...
WoW: Northshire Fountain
Between Northshire and Goldshire in Elwynn Forest is a small dividing wall to help prevent new players from getting in over their heads. Falkhaan Isenstrider stands in front of the fountain here and offers advertisements for the Lion's Pride Inn. He claims...
WoW Classic: Old Blanchy
Blanchy the white mare grew up in the green plains of Hillsbrad Foothills. She was called to adventure, likely the events of the Third War, before she went down to Westfall to be cared for by the Furlbrows. When the Westfall Brigade went to Northrend to as...
WoW Classic: Old God C'thun [Ver. A]
Long ago, the Old Gods flew through the void and arrived on Azeroth. Together, they established the Black Empire and quickly forced their dominance over the world, enslaving the native elementals, in an attempt to corrupt the world-soul of Azeroth. The Tit...
WoW Classic: Old God C'thun [Ver. B]
Long ago, the Old Gods flew through the void and arrived on Azeroth. Together, they established the Black Empire and quickly forced their dominance over the world, enslaving the native elementals, in an attempt to corrupt the world-soul of Azeroth. The Tit...
WoW Classic: Old God C'thun [Whispers]
Long ago, the Old Gods flew through the void and arrived on Azeroth. Together, they established the Black Empire and quickly forced their dominance over the world, enslaving the native elementals, in an attempt to corrupt the world-soul of Azeroth. The Tit...
WoW Classic: Old Ironforge
Old Ironforge had no use during the vanilla era, even though it was prominently displayed on the in-game minimap and was even painted on the big map. The game manual listed its name as the "Hall of Thanes". It was rather easy to access in earlier patches: ...
WoW Classic: Onyxia [Ver. A]
Nestled within Dustwallow Marsh, south of the Dragonmurk and deep within the Wyrmbog lies Onyxia's Lair. The Broodmother of the Black Dragonflight is the daughter of Deathwing and younger sister of Nefarian, who has his own lair in the upper reaches of Bla...
WoW Classic: Onyxia [Ver. B]
Nestled within Dustwallow Marsh, south of the Dragonmurk and deep within the Wyrmbog lies Onyxia's Lair. The Broodmother of the Black Dragonflight is the daughter of Deathwing and younger sister of Nefarian, who has his own lair in the upper reaches of Bla...
WoW Classic: Ragnaros the Firelord
Ragnaros the Firelord is the Elemental Lord of Fire, reigning supreme over innumerable lesser spirits. In the ancient times, he constantly clashed with the other Elemental Lords. He wished nothing but to boil the seas, choke the skies with ember and ash, a...
WoW Classic: Prince Thunderaan
Prince Thunderaan is a high-ranking air elemental. During the long feud between the Elemental Lords of Fire and Air, Thunderaan was struck by Sulfuras, the legendary hammer of Ragnaros. The Firelord feasted upon the Prince of Air's essence, but was unable ...
WoW Classic: Princess Huhuran
A massive Silithid Wasp flits about within the depths of the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. Princess Huhuran is infamous for requiring a high amount of nature resistance to combat, as she viciously spits out bolts of poison against her foes. Recorded in World of War...
WoW Classic: Ragefire Chasm
Deep under the Cleft of Shadow in Orgrimmar lies the fiery pits of Ragefire Chasm. It is home to troggs, satyrs, lava elementals, and even a sect of the Shadow Council cult known as the Searing Blade. These cultists serve the Burning Legion and summon demo...
WoW Classic: Ratchet [Boat Docked Ver.]
The Maiden's Fancy is a vessel belonging to the Blackwater Raiders, a group of pirates and thieves led by Baron Revilgaz in Booty Bay. The ship made regular trips between the goblin towns of Ratchet and Booty Bay, while fending off rival Bloodsail Buccanee...
WoW Classic: Ratchet [Boat Travel Ver.]
The Maiden's Fancy is a vessel belonging to the Blackwater Raiders, a group of pirates and thieves led by Baron Revilgaz in Booty Bay. The ship made regular trips between the goblin towns of Ratchet and Booty Bay, while fending off rival Bloodsail Buccanee...
WoW Classic: Ratchet [No Boat Ver.]
Ratchet is a goblin port town situated in the eastern end of the Barrens. Business booms here, with ties to the Horde to the west and north with the Crossroads and Orgrimmar, the Alliance to the south with Theramore, and with fellow goblins across the Grea...
WoW Classic: Ravenholdt Manor
Ravenholdt Manor is a hidden manse nestled away in the Alterac Mountains. It can be accessed through a cave east of Tarren Mill in the Hillsbrad Foothills. The building itself sports an orange roof, indicative that it used to belong to the old Kingdom of A...
WoW Classic: Refuge Pointe
Stromgarde's remaining forces established Refuge Pointe after the fall of their capital during the Third War. While most of the citizens fled south to more Alliance-friendly lands, the Stromgarde military remained in order to reclaim their land. The Allian...
WoW Classic: Royal Apothecary Society
The Apothecarium is where the Royal Apothecary Society of the Undercity thrives. The group was established by Sylvanas Windrunner to create a new undead plague to wipe out the Scourge. The Society - or Apothecaries, as they are sometimes called - is respon...
WoW Classic: Sapphiron
Sapphiron was once a proud blue dragon that guarded a hoard of treasure in the mountains of Northrend. When Arthas Menethil, a death knight in service of the Lich King, encroached upon his lair, Sapphiron was slain and subsequently raised as an undead fros...
WoW Classic: Sarkoth
Sarkoth is a large black and red scorpid that many orcs and trolls face near the beginning of their journeys in Durotar. His striking appearance, and venomous attacks, make him a memorable experience for many. Recorded in World of Warcraft at 30 FPS and op...
WoW Classic: Scarlet Cathedral
The Scarlet Monastery Cathedral is the most difficult of the four wings. The monastery was once a proud bastion of Lordaeron's priesthood, but with the rise of the undead Scourge, the peaceful monastery was converted into a stronghold of a militaristic and...
WoW Classic: Scarlet Graveyard
The Scarlet Monastery is the bastion of the Scarlet Crusade. The lowest level wing of the dungeon is the Scarlet Graveyard, ironically overrun with the very Scourge the Scarlet Crusade fights against. Recorded in World of Warcraft at 30 FPS and optimized t...
WoW Classic: Shadowfang Keep Entrance [Ver. A]
Baron Silverlaine was master of the keep that oversaw the nearby hamlet of Pyrewood in Silverpine Forest. During the Third War, Archmage Arugal summoned worgen into Azeroth in an attempt to fight off the Scourge, against the Kirin Tor's warnings. The feral...
WoW Classic: Shadowfang Keep Entrance [Ver. B]
Baron Silverlaine was master of the keep that oversaw the nearby hamlet of Pyrewood in Silverpine Forest. During the Third War, Archmage Arugal summoned worgen into Azeroth in an attempt to fight off the Scourge, against the Kirin Tor's warnings. The feral...
WoW Classic: Silithus Sandstorm
Silithus is a sandy desert on the southwestern corner of the continent of Kalimdor. It has a long history of warfare with the establishment of the old god's Black Empire, the subjugation and evolution of the silithid, the imprisonment of the Qiraji, and va...
WoW Classic: Stonewrought Dam
The Stonewrought Dam, built between Loch Modan and the Wetlands, is one of the most impressive feats of stone masonry in Azeroth. Its construction was the feat of the famed Dark Iron architect Franclorn Forgewright. It was he who designed the Dark Iron for...
WoW Classic: Stormwind's Sewer Beast
The kids who fish in the canals of Stormwind whisper amongst themselves: there is a Sewer Beast that lives in the depths. Their rumors are true. The Sewer Beast is a high level rare spawn in the canals of the human capital city of Stormwind, ready to attac...
WoW Classic: Stranglethorn Vale
Stranglethorn Vale is a vast jungle south of Duskwood. This large zone forms the southern tip of the Eastern Kingdoms continent. In ancient history, it used to be under the dominion of the trolls of the Gurubashi Empire. The Empire eventually fell into civ...
WoW Classic: Stranglethorn Vale [Storm]
Stranglethorn Vale is a vast jungle south of Duskwood. This large zone forms the southern tip of the Eastern Kingdoms continent. In ancient history, it used to be under the dominion of the trolls of the Gurubashi Empire. The Empire eventually fell into civ...
WoW Classic: Stratholme Entrance
The city of Stratholme was the second-largest city of the kingdom of Lordaeron. During the Third War, Prince Arthas infamously purged the city's inhabitants for being afflicted by blighted grain. If left unchecked, the citizens would surely have turned int...
WoW Classic: Stratholme Ziggurat
The city of Stratholme was the second-largest city of the kingdom of Lordaeron. During the Third War, Prince Arthas infamously purged the city's inhabitants for being afflicted by blighted grain. If left unchecked, the citizens would surely have turned int...
WoW Classic: Sunken Ship
A sunken ship off the west coast of Stranglethorn Vale. Its circumstances are unknown, but it likely sank during the Second or Third War. Recorded in World of Warcraft at 30 FPS and optimized to keep filesize reasonably low. My thanks to Rucus, without him...
WoW Classic: Taerar of the Nightmare
As the Emerald Dream became corrupted into the Emerald Nightmare, members of the green dragonflight similarly fell. Taerar was one such dragon, whose sanity and corporeal form were both shattered. Here he stands, guarding the Bough Shadow portal in Ashenva...
WoW Classic: Tanaris Desert - Abyssal Sands
The Tanaris desert is one of the most harsh environments on the world of Azeroth. The bones of large beasts litter the landscape of the Abyssal Sands, while rocs, scorpids, and basilisks rest in the small amount of shade the bony pillars offer. Recorded in...
WoW Classic: Tanaris Desert - Noxious Lair
The Tanaris desert is one of the most harsh environments on the world of Azeroth. The Noxious Lair, also known as Centipaar Hive, is a minor silithid hive found in southwestern Tanaris. There used to be water at this location, but the silithid have drained...
WoW Classic: Temple of the Moon
The Temple of the Moon serves as the center of night elven culture in the city of Darnassus. Many enter the moonlit sanctum to worship the moon goddess Elune. The night elves also look to Tyrande Whisperwind, the High Priestess, as their leader. In that se...
WoW Classic: The Beast
The Beast is found in the Furnace area of Upper Blackrock Spire. It was captured by Nefarian's forces for his breeding experiments, and also as a measure of spite against Ragnaros to capture one of his own forces. At some point before its capture, it swall...
WoW Classic: The Crossroads
The largest Horde establishment in the Barrens is the aptly-named Crossroads. It sits at the center of the Gold Road which runs north-south through the Barrens from the Mor'shan Ramparts (bordering Ashenvale) to the Great Lift (bordering Thousand Needles),...
WoW Classic: The Dark Portal [Ver. A]
The Dark Portal serves as a gateway between the worlds of Azeroth and Draenor. While the local area was initially a swamp full of life, its presence devastated the land, resulting in the deadened grounds of the Blasted Lands. Recorded in World of Warcraft ...
WoW Classic: The Dark Portal [Ver. B]
The Dark Portal serves as a gateway between the worlds of Azeroth and Draenor. While the local area was initially a swamp full of life, its presence devastated the land, resulting in the deadened grounds of the Blasted Lands. Recorded in World of Warcraft ...
WoW Classic: The Four Horsemen
The Four Horsemen were one of the most feared encounters in the Military Quarter of the necropolis Naxxramas. Thane Korth'azz, inspired by the Pale Rider of Death, is a fallen dwarven paladin that succumbed to the scourge after Uther the Lightbringer's dea...
WoW Classic: The Four Horsemen [Military Ward Music]
The Four Horsemen were one of the most feared encounters in the Military Quarter of the necropolis Naxxramas. Thane Korth'azz, inspired by the Pale Rider of Death, is a fallen dwarven paladin that succumbed to the scourge after Uther the Lightbringer's dea...
WoW Classic: The Master's Glaive
The southwestern part of Darkshore contains a curious landmark. There is a massive corpse of the herald of the old gods, Soggoth the Slitherer, long since slain. Embedded in its skull is a massive adamantine glaive, once wielded by the largest of all stone...
WoW Classic: The Slaughtered Lamb
Warlocks are not banned from the Alliance, but they are not wholly welcomed, either. The Slaughtered Lamb is a seedy pub in the back part of the Mage Quarter of Stormwind. The pub itself is nearly always empty, save for the bartender acting as the front. I...
WoW Classic: The Sludge Fen
The Sludge Fen is an oil field in the northeastern part of the Barrens. The goblin Venture Company built a platform there for oil refining. "The Venture Company have a small research facility west of here, just past the Sludge Fen. I don't know very much a...
WoW Classic: Hakkar the Soulflayer
Violent and destructive, Hakkar the Soulflayer is the Blood God of the Gurubashi trolls. Though he was banished from Azeroth in ages long past, his followers seek to summon him back to Azeroth. Among their attempts was in the Great Temple of Atal'Hakkar in...
WoW Classic: Thrall, Warchief of the Horde
Thrall, Warchief of the Horde during the vanilla era of World of Warcraft. He liberated and gathered the shattered remnants of the orcish Horde prior to the Third War. An shaman of honor and wisdom, he avoided unneeded conflict and fled the Eastern Kingdom...
WoW Classic: Tinkertown
After the disastrous event that drove out the gnomes from their capital city of Gnomeregan, the remnants of the Gnomish race took refuge in the dwarven capital of Ironforge. They were quick to establish their own quarter of the city into Tinkertown, quickl...
WoW Classic: Tirisfal Glades - Zeppelin Tower
Just outside of the main faction city of the Forsaken, the Undercity, and near Brill, is the Zeppelin Tower that serves as a central point for navigation for the Horde in the northern part of the Eastern Kingdoms. One zeppelin, dubbed The Thundercaller, to...
WoW Classic: Twin Emperors
The Twin Emperors rule over the insectoid Qiraji on behalf of the Old God, C'Thun. Vek'lor, on the left, is a wielder of magic, and can only be harmed by magic. Vek'nilash, on the right, wields a greatsword, and can only be harmed with physical damage. If ...
WoW Classic: Un'Goro Crater
Un'Goro Crater lies in the central part of Southern Kalimdor. Its lush green jungle is a stark contrast between the deserts of Silithus and Tanaris that surround it. It is circular in shape, with a volcano in the center. With the various oozes, silithids, ...
WoW: Uther's Tomb [Classic Ver.]
Uther the Lightbringer was the among the first paladins of the Knights of the Silver Hand, an order formed to fight against the Horde during the Second War. They were extremely effective in combat against Gul'Dan's death knights and their necromantic minio...
WoW: Uther's Tomb [Timelapse Ver.]
Uther the Lightbringer was the among the first paladins of the Knights of the Silver Hand, an order formed to fight against the Horde during the Second War. They were extremely effective in combat against Gul'Dan's death knights and their necromantic minio...
WoW Classic: Wailing Caverns - Disciple of Naralex
Long ago, a night elven druid sought to bring life and greenery back into the Barrens. This druid, named Naralex, eventually came upon a network of caves filled with natural springs. As the waters poured forth from the fissures in the ground, they produced...
WoW Classic: Waterfalls of Azeroth - Behind Stormwind
World of Warcraft is home to many environments, and inevitably waterfalls are among them. Some waterfalls are magnificent enough to warrant making a wallpaper of. This is one of them. This waterfall is hidden in the mountains northeast of Stormwind. It is ...
WoW Classic: Waterfalls of Azeroth - Maraudon's Earth Song Falls
World of Warcraft is home to many environments, and inevitably waterfalls are among them. Some waterfalls are magnificent enough to warrant making a wallpaper of. This is one of them. This is the Earth Song Falls in Maraudon, which marks the entrance to th...
WoW Classic: Waterfalls of Azeroth - Maraudon's Zaetar's Grave
World of Warcraft is home to many environments, and inevitably waterfalls are among them. Some waterfalls are magnificent enough to warrant making a wallpaper of. This is one of them. This is the waterfall by Zaetar's Grave in Maraudon, at the very end of ...
WoW Classic: Welcome to Dun Morogh
Every dwarf and gnome begins their journey in Coldridge Valley, a starting area in the frigid land within the mountain range of Dun Morogh. "What do we have here? You look as though you might need something to keep your hands warm, hm? I'll tell you what w...
WoW Classic: Welcome to Durotar
Every orc and troll begins their journey in the Valley of Trials, a starting area in the harsh lands of Durotar. "Finally, you are of age, of age to battle in the name of the Horde. To conquer for the glory of the Warchief. Yes... You will do nicely." Reco...
WoW Classic: Welcome to Elwynn Forest
Every adventurous human begins their journey at Northshire Abbey, a starting area in the gentle Elwynn Forest. "I hope you strapped your belt on tight, because there is work to do here in Northshire. The Stormwind guards are hard pressed to keep the peace ...
WoW Classic: Welcome to Mulgore
Every tauren begins their journey at Camp Narache, a starting area in the expansive plains of Mulgore. It is the main village of the Hawkwind tribe. "You have a promising air about you, and will prove yourself to the tribe. Perhaps someday soon you will be...
WoW Classic: Welcome to Teldrassil
Every night elf begins their journey at Shadowglen, a starting area atop the new world tree of Teldrassil. "Greetings. I am Conservator Ilthalaine. My purpose in Shadowglen is to ensure that the balance of nature is maintained. The spring rains were partic...
WoW Classic: Welcome to Tirisfal Glades
Every forsaken begins their journey in Deathknell, a starting area in the bleak lands of Tirisfal Glades. "About time you woke up. We were ready to toss you into the fire with the others, but it looks like you made it. I am Mordo, the caretaker of the cryp...
WoW Classic: Wizard's Sanctum
Accessed via a portal located atop the tower in the Mage Quarter of Stormwind, the Wizard's Sanctum is where magi study the arcane arts. Many humans new to magecraft have passed through this hall in search of knowledge. Recorded in World of Warcraft at 30 ...
WoW Classic: Young Prince Anduin Wrynn
Prince Anduin Llane Wrynn was just a ten-year-old boy during the vanilla era of World of Warcraft. His father, King Varian Wrynn, had gone missing while en route to a diplomatic meeting between the Horde and the Alliance at Theramore. In his stead, Bolvar ...
WoW Classic: Ysondre of the Nightmare
As the Emerald Dream became corrupted into the Emerald Nightmare, members of the green dragonflight similarly fell. Ysondre was one such dragon, who has gone rogue, sowing chaos and terror across Azeroth. Here she stands, guarding the Seradane portal in Th...
WoW Classic: Zoram Strand
The Zoram Strand is a stretch of beach in the northwest corner of Ashenvale. While there is a small Horde outpost here, most of the area is controlled by the naga. A long time ago, a night elven town called Zoram stood here, but was since destroyed and sun...
WoW Classic Secrets: Deadmines Outlands
Hidden away, far off in the distance beyond the instance portal of the Deadmines lies the famous "Deadmines Secret". Long rumored to be a testing ground for the Outlands, this area features a bunch of cracked ground, fissures, floating rocks with trees, an...
WoW Classic Secrets: Azshara Crater [Ver. A]
Azshara Crater was intended to be a battleground in vanilla World of Warcraft, but was cut for unknown reasons. However, the map files still exist. The zone is structured like a wheel with three spokes: one spoke leads to the Alliance Base, another to the ...
WoW Classic Secrets: Azshara Crater [Ver. B]
Azshara Crater was intended to be a battleground in vanilla World of Warcraft, but was cut for unknown reasons. However, the map files still exist. The zone is structured like a wheel with three spokes: one spoke leads to the Alliance Base, another to the ...
WoW Classic Secrets: Emerald Dream - Verdant Fields [Ver. A]
The Emerald Dream is a vast, verdant spirit realm that exists outside the boundaries of the physical realm. It is the embodiment of nature itself, more spiritual than physical, and time and space act differently here. The titans entrusted the green dragon ...
WoW Classic Secrets: Emerald Dream - Verdant Fields [Ver. B]
The Emerald Dream is a vast, verdant spirit realm that exists outside the boundaries of the physical realm. It is the embodiment of nature itself, more spiritual than physical, and time and space act differently here. The titans entrusted the green dragon ...
WoW Classic Secrets: GM Island
GM Island is an isle far northwest of Teldrassil, available exclusively for Blizzard Game Master use. In older patches, it was possible for normal players to access, but by modern Classic standards, it is now impossible without exploits. The island itself ...
WoW Classic Secrets: Mount Hyjal
Mount Hyjal, also known as Hyjal Summit, is a mountain summit located in Northern Kalimdor home to the World Tree Nordrassil. It was once beseiged by the eredar demon lord Archimonde and his Burning Legion minions during the Third War. However, the combine...
WoW Classic Secrets: The Base Hidden at the Bottom of the Ocean
When you look at the map of Tanaris, there is a compass rose out in the ocean. Deep into fatigue waters at the bottom of the ocean, directly underneath the mark where the compass rose lies is a hidden group of gnomish structures. Why are they here? What ar...
WoW Classic Secrets: Upside-Down Sinners
Hidden deep underneath the waters of the Forgotten Crypt behind Karazhan are the infamous upside-down sinners - a collection of unknown people hanged on heavy chains floating upside-down. Most details behind this crypt are unknown, both in-game and out-of-...