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WoW Classic: The Crossroads
Type: Video
Age Rating: Everyone
Genre: Game
Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Category: Wallpaper
File Size
10.920 MB
Mar 7, 2019 @ 8:19am
Aug 24, 2019 @ 10:18am
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WoW Classic: The Crossroads

In 1 collection by ̧҉ ҉Minorou ꧁💀꧂
Minorou's Vanilla WoW Animated Warcraft Wallpapers
152 items
The largest Horde establishment in the Barrens is the aptly-named Crossroads. It sits at the center of the Gold Road which runs north-south through the Barrens from the Mor'shan Ramparts (bordering Ashenvale) to the Great Lift (bordering Thousand Needles), and the road that runs east-west from Ratchet (on the coast) to Honor's Stand (bordering Stonetalon Mountains). This central point in such a large area puts the Crossroads as a major foothold for the Horde in Kalimdor. Indeed, adventurers of all races tend to funnel to the Barrens and travel here. The orcs and trolls inevitably come in from Durotar, the tauren from Mulgore, and even the forsaken undead often come in all the way from Tirisfal Glades.

The area in front of the inn is often considered an informal duelling ground, allowing low-level Horde players to cut their teeth in PvP and hone their skills against each other. Given the close proximity to the contested area of Ashenvale to the north, and the neutral port city of Ratchet to the east, the Crossroads is often under attack by the Alliance. Armed with fresh experience, the high numbers of players funneled in, and the close proximity of Orgrimmar, the Horde is all-too eager to defend their territory and counterattack.

Recorded in World of Warcraft at 30 FPS and optimized to keep filesize reasonably low.

My thanks to Rucus, without him this footage wouldn't be possible! Let's enjoy vanilla World of Warcraft Classic!