Arma 3
50 ratings
[DEAD] Large 40k Space Hulk/ Battleship Composition
Data Type: Scenario
Scenario Type: Air, Infantry, Vehicles, Water
Scenario Map: VR
Meta: Dependency
Tags: Tag Review
File Size
124.466 KB
Nov 25, 2018 @ 1:30pm
Nov 29, 2018 @ 2:53pm
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[DEAD] Large 40k Space Hulk/ Battleship Composition

I've made a easy step-by-step tutorial just for you its also the first video above

Name sasy it all. I was asked to make a huge 40k spacehulk version of my halo cruiser. Im not all that familiar with ships of the 40k universe so the upper decks and more open and maze like as seen in dawn of war 2 while the lower decks are more cramped and claustrophobic as seen in spacehulk deathwing
=_X_=™© Jan 19, 2020 @ 1:52am 
would be really cool if the AI could navigate places like this for hand gun engagements
KonSumee Feb 23, 2019 @ 8:51pm 
Fair enough haha, honestly I'd just remove the collision from the battleship if I were them. It just causes lag on servers because it's so massive and it's incredibly tedious to place collisions when making mods in the first place. The starwars mod doesn't include collisions on their ships, making it super easier to make hangers and internals. I've chucked it up in bugs on their discord, will see what happens
turfy  [author] Feb 23, 2019 @ 8:45pm 
ohh yea it has weird collision is some places, in my unsc cruiser build using the battleship, theres places were the laws of physics just stop applying and youd just fall threw the foor. the battleship is very "odd" in that way, but ive seen pics of the dev working on more parts so im sure improvemts are to come. beside just trial and error i know of no way to find these invisible walls and all the little gaps in them.
KonSumee Feb 23, 2019 @ 8:13pm 
Because of this, I can't go into the bottom levels of the ship since there's a huge invisible wall there. I'm asking you this because it seems that you can get into the bottom parts whilst I cannot. I can ask on their forums if you say that yours works fine.
KonSumee Feb 23, 2019 @ 7:36pm 
Well, for me, when I spawn in the Oberon Battleship on it's own, it also has collisions (I flew a jet into it to test this). Do you also have this too?
turfy  [author] Feb 23, 2019 @ 7:00pm 
you probably have a mod that not compatable. i know some maps can like St-George island can can do odd things to teh ship assest. i just tested it and had no prob myself spawning guys into the ship in zues, however i did have to spawn them on he ground and lift em up to the ship, but that has more to do with arma being good old arma and not realy understanding "spaceships"
KonSumee Feb 23, 2019 @ 5:49pm 
So the Oberon Battleship model actually has collisions... and because of this I can't place units inside of it in Zues. Do you know any work around?
[S.C.] Raptoid Jan 25, 2019 @ 10:47pm 
How exactly do you use MCC to save it? I try to load MCC in the scenario and it doesn't really let me do anything.
turfy  [author] Dec 13, 2018 @ 1:18pm 
@ChickenMon; honestly I have no clue. wasn't intentional, i downloaded a couple base building mods originally to spice up my design before eventually deciding on a less is more when comes to anount of mods needed to run it. but for some reason it stuck and now cant load the scenario without it. thats also why ace is a required mod. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
ChickenMon Dec 12, 2018 @ 9:59pm 
Why is Extended Base a required mod? isnt that for ingame base building?