Total War: ATTILA

Total War: ATTILA

59 valoraciones
XAI: Character Skills, Levels & Offices
Etiquetas: mod, Campaign
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XAI: Character Skills, Levels & Offices

En 1 colección creada por Xeryx
!XAI: Attila collection
13 artículos
This XAI module covers your character's skills, levels, new leadership scale and the offices they hold. It is a required module, for other modules.

XAI is a core improvement mod and designed to fix most of the vanilla issues that are present in the game. XAI modules are designed and balanced to work together as a complete mod. Its main purpose for being modular is easy adoption for other modders, easier troubleshooting, and updating.

I played Bloodfist's Skills mod and absolutely loved how he changed the skill trees for characters. I have however, made significant changes for the XAI Campaign and Battle AI. Levels of "perks" have been cut in half and many re-aligned to create better characters while keeping them more realistic and preventing them from being over-powered.

Leadership Scale: Authority, Zeal, Cunning
Completely revamped to make sense for general's spies, hero's, and priests. This includes boosts to melee defense, offense, armor, evasion, spotting on campaign map and battle map, movement range, aura, cooldown rate of specials, etc, etc..(WARNING this part of the mod overrides vanilla completely and may not be compatible with other leadership mods, if they do not use the submod format by renaming their subdirectory)

Troop Training reduced from vanilla to be realistic and to emphasize battlefield experience. Troop training is also provided through the use of the Dynamic stances module and the THARBBG module. This gives the AI unit experience as well as you without having to have an agent present.

Army Traditions
Mostly untouched at this time other than lowered bonuses, I decided to add faction deployable packs to many level 2 perks. They are spread throughout the tree with no more than 3 packs available.

Spies, priests, and Heroes have been reduced to prevent spamming and to increase the value of each unit. I have also increased their visibility ranges to compensate for the fewer number of them. Their visual ranges will also go up with the leadership scale points.

Character level skill points will be mostly 2 points with 3 points saved for the elitist of units to encourage specialization of characters.

Generals: I gave all morale boosts to the generals directly though leveling. Generals are now pretty tough and receive worth while boosts per level. Depending on how you build their individual skills, they can be better attackers, defenders, or have great armor. (Warning!! I use Skidvar's ranks and ancillaries mod (the THARBBG module) to provide the General's special abilities for the battlefield. They are NOT provided through the leadership scale as in vanilla)

The faction leader has a pretty good boost in gravitas per turn now and will be a much better leader to deal with all the situations that arise.

(NEW - Major revision)
Political offices -
Removed previously held office requirements, only age rank and term of office are required. Plus! benefits are now based soley on the rank of your character, and will grow as the character gains rank.

Leaders will have some new benefits, however, benefits will be the same for all leaders.

Offices in factions that can horde, will now have at least one horde benefit.

All single position offices, true positions of power, are mostly faction wide benefits with few local benefits. Offices with multiple seats have only governed province and commanded army based benefits.(exception is the Huns)

Offices requirements will now vary according to your heritage (eastern,horde,roman,barbarian)

Character Levels are now all the same. It will now take a much longer time to get UBER spies, heroes, and religious icons.

This module is highly recommended and balanced for use in the XAI
XAI Modules- designed for the Grand Campaign
XCAI: Advanced Campaign AI * (1)
XBAI: Advanced Battle AI * (1)(4)
XDAI: Advanced Diplomacy *
XAI: Dynamic stances and movement ! (2)
XAI: Vanilla Units ! (2)(4)
XAI: Leaders, skills, and offices! (3)
XAI: Family, integrity, loyalty, and honor! (3)
XAI: Research and Buildings !(3)
XAI: THARBBG module + (3)
XAI: Generals & Wives +
XAI: AI Unit Recruitment
XAI: Double onagers for Skidvar's Garrisons (5)
Skidvar's Garrisons +[http//%26quot%3Bhttp] (5)

(*) is required, (!) highly recommended for best experience, (+) optional modules

Proper credit goes to
Bloodfist's Skills overhauled mod, but it is heavily modified for use in XBAI

The rest of the work is my own and you may not use my work without permission on any other officially released mods or projects anywhere on the internet or for any other Total War game.

Xeryx's XAI: Total War Forum[]
Make sure to favorite, and like the XAI modules!!
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20 DIC 2020 a las 8:28 p. m.
FIJO: Bugs, ideas and discussions
26 comentarios
SirCartonDeWiart 21 NOV 2019 a las 3:26 a. m. 
Well the same thing happens for me on Bloodfists Skills, cause it also gives the ability to deploy traps in the new skills.
Xeryx  [autor] 20 NOV 2019 a las 12:57 p. m. 
I never had that issue, don't know what to tell you except check your installation.
SirCartonDeWiart 20 NOV 2019 a las 10:43 a. m. 
Great mod, but Pioneer is really annoying, really really annoying, cause AI keeps picking it and attacking battles become an impossible tedium, cause they pepper the battlefield full of traps. The The defensive army should at least spend a turn to earn such an ability, as it is I just cannot play the mod, the traps completely ruin the dynamic of the battle and make them incredibly more difficult.
Langlois 19 FEB 2018 a las 7:12 a. m. 
hi again, just to help if you decide to look into this, i did few tests with a save game just before a battle on a enemy setlement, with or without a Champion, with an experienced general or a new general, does nt matter, the experience always get from low level to high just with one easy battle win with XAI: Character Skills, Levels & Offices mod on
Langlois 19 FEB 2018 a las 6:38 a. m. 
hi, thanks for you mods, i got them all, but there is something too much op , pretty sureit is when you got a Champion with an army, the units XP getting to the maximum much too fast, a couples of battles wins and most of the units are from 0 to level 9 experience, i tried to find wich table in your mods cause that but i m very limited modder and cant find it (sorry for my english istakes) cheers
Postmo 27 ENE 2018 a las 12:01 p. m. 
Cool, thanks for responding!
Xeryx  [autor] 27 ENE 2018 a las 4:06 a. m. 
Yep, that is why it is modular
Postmo 26 ENE 2018 a las 2:23 p. m. 
Could i potentially use this on its own? Im playing long night and the XAI suite doesn't work with it but I'd like to just keep using this as an updated version of Bloodfist's mod
Xeryx  [autor] 10 DIC 2017 a las 7:54 p. m. 
I did a nice little update to army traditions, I sprinkled them with Holiday presents, Deployables!
I also lowered the Gravitas per turn for the different offices, since it was too easy. I also changed some of the requirements for offices and fixed an issue with the Roman offices.
Postmo 3 DIC 2017 a las 6:31 p. m. 
gotcha. Thanks for being so responsive, i appreciate it!