retro   United States
I am retro_founder. i'm named that because I liked the art style of retro, and I liked args so I made one about an retro tech. it failed but I still have the name and I keep it on almost everything included with gaming on me. my favorite type of video games are boomer shooters, games like dusk, ultra kill, and doom. I consider half-life as an boomer shooter because to me boomer shooters are the game play style and the feel of guns or fists not the map.

some of my favorites are:
storytelling: half-life:health:
combat: trepang2, or postvoid:idolhead:.
horror: Shipwrecked 64, Kineto-pet or Faith:faithjohn: ( they are all good)
music: just shapes and beats:meanface:.
hardgames: an game about climbing, and only up:steamthumbsup:.

I have two 5 favorite games of all time.

Tabs 509 hours (currently :flowey: )
spore 208 hours
planet coaster 109
people playground 196