Fungus man
Александр   Russian Federation
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Bustling Fungus

:bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus:

After the holder remains stationary for 1 second, the item creates a radius of 3m (+1.5m per stack) which heals any ally within for 4.5% (2.25% per stack) health every second, as long as the holder remains still.

:bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus: :bustlingfungus:


:bustlingfungus: The fungus heals 4 times per second, for approximately 1.13% (+0.56%) health every tick.
:bustlingfungus: The fungus's healing scales with the max health of the recipient, not the holder. It also can affect minions, such as drones, Aurelionite, Squid Polyp Turrets, and even ghosts from the Happiest Mask. As a result, it can keep multiple turrets or ghosts alive despite their constant health drain and keep nearby minions healthy.
:bustlingfungus: Having 177 Bustling Fungus will reach more than 100% healing (100.125%) per tick, which is effectively a soft cap without items using overhealing such as Aegis. The Rejuvenation Rack will greatly reduce the number needed to hit this cap (87 with only one Rack).
:bustlingfungus: The effective healing radius is visible as a bright green circle around the holder, and green mushrooms of various sizes growing and disappearing. Any entity receiving healing inside the radius is also outlined in green.


:bustlingfungus: The Bustling Fungus is extremely powerful to stack as Engineer (me) (With his(mine) TR12 Gauss Auto-Turrets), due to his turrets ability to inherit his item inventory and their immobility. Each turret will automatically create a healing radius, sustaining not just itself but Engineer as well.
:bustlingfungus: N'kuhana's Opinion is extremely powerful with this item, especially with the aforementioned Engineer strategy.
:bustlingfungus: The healing radius is placed at the holder's feet, or any ground straight below within 500m.



“You have a problem.”

“What? How? These are good for me, they…”

“Yeah, they help promote cell repair, carbon neutral, blah blah blah… I’ve heard that spiel a thousand times already. Whether they’re good for you or not, you can’t just have a diet consisting only of them. It’s basic dietary science!”

“So what?”

“So what? Eating only mushrooms isn’t healthy, just like eating only meat or vegetables isn’t healthy!”

“Oh, so you’re attacking vegetarians, now?”

“Wh- No! I just mean--”

“Well, when you’re a bit more tolerant of my lifestyle, I’d be glad to continue this conversation with you. Until then, I’d suggest you open your heart and appetite to a more… fungal…

Bustling Fungus []
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