Cer   United States
:fmchocobo: I may or may not be addicted to Final Fantasy games. :mog:
현재 오프라인
좋아하는 게임
제품 평가 전시대
6,247시간 플레이
As my total playtime can show, I absolutely love this game, and am actively devoting more hours to it each week. The game has a great deal of content, and more is being released with each patch and expansion. While the story does start off a bit sluggish, it definitely picks up later on as the expansions continue. Final Fantasy XIV is overall more fun with friends, but it can be played solo as well-- and who knows, you might make some friends in-game! All in all, I would definitely recommend this game to anyone, as the monthly subscription fee is well worth the amount of content you get and how much fun you can have with it. The game is regularly updated and it is clear how much care the developers have put into it.
좋아하는 그룹
Steam Trading Cards Group - 공개 그룹
Steam Trading Cards are virtual cards earned by playing games on Steam that can be combined into game badges.
게임 중
채팅 중
거래를 위해 내놓은 아이템
소유한 아이템
거래 횟수
I'm always working on complete card sets for badges! Any duplicates I have are up for 1:1 trade with the same set for a card I don't have. Feel free to send me an offer; the above are some of the duplicates I have, but if you see any other duplicates I am up to trade those as well.
스크린샷 전시대
A very productive 11 years, I see
14 1 1
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수여한 어워드
CrestofIcy 2016년 7월 6일 오후 8시 35분 
How dare you rob banks D:
jan 2015년 9월 18일 오후 2시 36분 
jk you're a precious cinnamon roll that needs to be protected :D
jan 2015년 9월 18일 오후 2시 36분 
ur a nugget