If everyone around me is weird
And I'm weird too
Does that make me normal?
Damn, mind blown
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3.4 Hours played
This game.... seriously this game....
It's so, SO good. No joke, I have this game on both PS3, Epic Games and Steam.
Any positive review i put on Steam will state that i love X game and it's the same here. I only put a review on a game that I absolutely love and want ppl reading this to know.

Journey is one of those games that shows that having less can mean more. Journey has no voice acting, not text boxes, nothing and yet it still tells it's story in an understandable way.
The gameplay is simple: walk around, fly around using a scarf that shows the energy you have and most importantly a boop. The longer you hold it the bigger and louder it is.

Having originally released on the PlayStation 3 around 9 years ago its style and beauty still holds up after all these years. It's such a visually pleasing game and has some seriously pretty and awe inspiring scenes.
That together with a perfectly fitting and changing soundtrack make this a magical experience.

It's a multiplayer game in the sense that you can play this with an other player but can also be played alone in just the same.
A player/traveler will only be able to communicate to you via these boops i mentioned before and will with these boops or by standing close to you recharge your scarf.
Many games have tried to make you care about an NPC or other random player yet i have yet to find any game that makes me feel the same worry i have for when my companion gets hit.

Journey is a simple game but feels a lot better than most games releasing from big studios for god knows how long now.
In short there is not a single person that i don't recommend this game to.
And who knows maybe you will be one of the few to know what the underlying theme of this game's story actually is.
Review Showcase
33 Hours played
The Dead Space remake is one of those few remakes that actually for once is a proper icon of how a remake should be done.

Dead Space revolves around one central character, this being Isaac Clarke, who upon arriving at the USG Ishimura, a planet cracking vessel meant to mine resources for earth's colonies, discovers the ship absolutely abandoned yet teeming with signs of violence, death and decay.
What follows is a game centered around the concept of the Fermi Paradox, a theory that states there is either something that prevents a civilization from getting past a space faring age and thus the reason why we don't see any sentient life beyond our own.

Despite Dead Space being a visually impressive and modern game it runs extremely well, this being said however I have noticed that Dead Space itself takes up a rather high RAM % on a 32GB RAM machine. Keep in mind that this could be related to how my machine runs and might not be represented the same on other machines.
A sorely missing part of the performance settings however is a border-less windowed mode, Dead Space only allows Windowed or Fullscreen which can hinder the play experience while looking for collectible locations on sites like IGN.

Dead Space 1 had graphics that looked great for the time and still somewhat hold up to standards set these days, It did however feel dated in some aspects like overall Character design and texture design.
This was massively overhauled in the Dead Space Remake to better fit modern designs and standards.

For example Isaac Clarke (the main protagonist) had his look changed to better fit the look of his voice actor Gunner Wright who returned the voice the character he voiced in Dead Space 1 - 3. While originally needing some getting used to like many of us Dead Space fans it grew on me the more I played the remake to the point where I personally prefer how Isaac looks in the remake over how he looks in the original games.

World building
Dead Space has always had a hugely expansive lore around itself. Dead Space itself takes place in the year 2508, around 300 years (and more if we are counting the sending and arrival of the black markers) after the actual start of what would result in the arrival to the Ishimura by Isaac and crew.
The story, world design, monster design and overall scope that Glen Schofield (the original director of Dead Space 1 and director of the Callisto Protocol) and crew is still present in the Dead Space Remake but updated and altered where needed, some lore changes introduced in Dead Space 3 are present in the Dead Space Remake providing a lot of "oh X happened because Y is the desired result later!" moments for existing Dead Space fans.

With the Dead Space Remake's success I'm heavily hoping a Dead Space 2 Remake is or will be in the works sometime soon, So if this is at one point announced expect the Dead Space story to be further expanded on.
I would recommend you do not look up more info on Dead Space's story if you have not played Dead Space 2 and 3. Some of the story twists are best experienced in the games rather than spoiled via game wiki article or a video.

Dead Space as a whole follows the event known as 'convergence' (yes you do not know what this is, no i will not explain this further and no you should not look up what this means) through the events of Isaac Clarke, an Engineer who was recruited in a repair mission upon receiving a distress call from the USG Ishimura, a Planet Cracker vessel which rips up planets to process the parts for resources to use in earth's vast colonies.
Upon arriving at the USG Ishimura it is shown that Isaac took this job to Meet with his girlfriend Nicole Brennan after seemingly having a fight to which he states it's easy to say the wrong thing on vid calls (think a Discord private call).
When Isaac and crew enter the Ishimura it is found abandoned, non responsive and seemingly damaged beyond what was expected. However while trying to enter the Ishimura Isaac and the others are attacked by humanoid monsters malformed to rip organic beings to shreds.
Your goal is simply to survive and escape the dilapidated ship while strange visions and people keep asking you to "make us whole" and finding fanatic cultists following the Church of Unitology.

Sound Design
Dead Space 1 has always had great sound design but sadly made use of the 'Silent protagonist' trope which was meant to allow you to self insert into the character. This however meant that orders were barked at you and the path felt rather forced and linear as opposed to feeling like you're actually experiencing and reacting to the surrounding events.

The Dead Space Remake fixed this idea entirely by adding voice acting to Isaac (amazing right!) but not only in this regard. Things like running for a while will make Isaac's breathing more labored, When Isaac is low on hp he will talk differently as if hurt.
The surrounding rooms will have ambience sounds, Monsters can be heard in the vents, whispers once in a while, screams in the backgrounds, etc.
All these small and big changes make Dead Space all that more immersive and will eventually get to even the most experienced Horror fan.

The Dead Space Remake plays and feels like a combination of Dead Space 1 and Dead Space 2.
You will be playing mostly in small corridors adding to the feeling of being secluded and alone, while Zero G sections are controlled like Dead Space 2, these sections used to be jump from platform 1 to platform 2 then platform 3, etc. in Dead Space 1 but were changed to more free fly sections in Dead Space 2. This change has carried over to the Dead Space Remake making it play a lot better than Dead Space 1 used to be.

The idea of how to "kill" the monsters was already great in Dead Space one to 3 but has been extended in the remake to show more of what your shots are actually doing, ripping up flesh from limbs and being able to pull of dangling arms to hurl back at the enemies.
Dead Space makes use of dismembering to "kill" meaning you cannot kill them by shooting off their heads but have to instead 'cut off their limbs'. This alone makes Dead Space feel refreshing from other Survival Horror games.

The Dead Space Remake is a remake all Dead Space fans have been waiting for and one that should be an example of how to handle remakes in the future.
With its excellent upgraded Graphics, changes to the story, inclusion of new side quests and beautifully re-imagined sound design Dead Space Remake is a perfect entry into the interesting and expansive story of Dead Space.
SirHellios Feb 7, 2023 @ 3:19pm 
Why did the gamer cross the road?

Buy the DLC to find out.
✞ Luna ✞ Apr 18, 2016 @ 6:38am 