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123.5 hrs on record (75.9 hrs at review time)
It might be old but mods like Fall of the republic, thrawns revenge, and modern model updates breath fresh life into this game. It still holds up to modern RTS games and dare i say it that this game is actually better than most of the modern garbage RTS that now exist. The only other games that hold a candle to this are supreme commander, which are similarly as old as this game.

I highly recommend this for star wars fans, and i highly recommend installing the mods. It really adds a lot more to this game when you can fight in the clone wars with Kenobi and Skywalker with the clones marching not far behind.
Posted April 7.
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169.1 hrs on record (19.2 hrs at review time)
Sony has officially redacted their PSN requirement, and will no longer be forcing it as of now. For the time being, returned back to a positive review.

Just to be clear i'm watching tentatively, but if it turns out to be true i'll be playing again.
Original review below:
Warning, game has stability issues with AMD 7000 series GPU's. despite this the troubleshooting is well worth it and i highly recommend it. For you AMD peeps out there go with the "high" preset and turn off global illumination, turn off anti-ailiasing. Set resolution to native and a frame limit of 60 W/ v-sync on. If you're crashing before reaching the menu go to AMD adrenaline software and turn on AMD chill to get that far in. Once you get into the game you can make the setting changes and turn chill off. Then you'll want to set you're max frequency to 80% and power to -2%. This is how i got it to be stable on my 7900 XTX.

Actual review is coming, please expect an edit, but know this game is well worth the hastle.
Posted February 28. Last edited May 5.
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7.6 hrs on record
I decided to give ubisoft another chance because i happened to be itching for an RPG and this was on sale. That is not a mistake i'll be making again. I can barely make it through a cutscene without a crash and there are a great many of them. I can assure you it isn't hardware related as i have a 7950X and a 7900 XTX with 64GB of DDR5 at 5600 Mhz. If that isn't enough computer to run this game as ubisoft support seems to want to suggest then i don't know what the h3ll is. This game isn't brand new and yet titles made nearly a decade ago run far smoother with a fraction of development time and budget. ubisoft has fallen so far. it's frankly embarrassing that a game from a AAA title can sell a game in this condition and call it complete when it crashes worse than many beta indies i own.

Edit: solved the crashing issue by turning Ubisoft launcher to offline mode. Turning it to online causes crashes to return. not sure why this is the way it is, but it is very frustrating and not acceptable for a AAA title.

Also, to the dev, your game shouldn't be sensitive to multi-monitor setups, using extra drives, and extra peripherals isn't helping your case. That's not a solution, it's a workaround and is indicative of bad design. I won't be wasting my time with a support ticket because based on my search results for solving this issue it is fairly widespread and had been reported before with 0 assistance. It was in one of those forums that i found the the workaround that did the trick. Still, very dumb that this is an issue. If you are going to force your own launcher on people you should make sure it at least works. Otherwise just let steam do it's thing.

Don't believe the dev response, outside of this likely automated message, they have not given me any support. I'd remove it if i could, but sadly i cannot so they get to keep their fake "help" up.
Posted February 20. Last edited March 28.
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A developer has responded on Feb 23 @ 9:58am (view response)
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38.5 hrs on record (13.2 hrs at review time)
Literally just dropping a negative review because i don't appreciate 4th wall breaks for political plugs built into the game. i don't care what way they lean. I play games to get AWAY from that kinda stuff and not get reminders of it. I may make a mod and systematically remove all the immersion breaking political plugs and 4th wall breaking. It's a shame that games have to be so blatantly pushy about bringing real world ideas into them now. It wasn't always this way.

Also storage is horrendously buggy and lists wrong numbers.
Posted June 19, 2023. Last edited February 9.
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187.8 hrs on record (88.4 hrs at review time)
A F2P game where there is no P2W. In fact the only thing paying does is reduce grind, but money only mechs and items are actually worse than the in game currency alternatives. Definately a fun game nonetheless. Highly worth playing.The key thing is almost nothing that affects gameplay is purchased with real money. The few things that can be purchased can also be bought with in game currency and the grind isn't even that bad. I got a mix of 4 clan heavies and assaults from the credits you are basically given for free after your first 25 games. With only minor grinding and completing some actually kind of easy challenges i scored my monthly free event mech for February, and then i decided to purchase a hero mech (money only mech) version of one of my favorite omni-mechs because it had a cool paint job and being an omni i can buy pods from the in game currency mechs to simulate the far better builds while keeping the C-Bill (ingame currency) boost of the hero mech. Even so my hero mech is not as good as the regular version of this mech!This game is very fun overall and i highly recommend.20 day update:Been playing almost entirely other mechs instead of the premium i purchased. I have more than 12 mechs now beccause 50% off sales are common and special event matches are short and very generous with rewards even when you are not running a premium mech or premium time. By generous i mean that in less than 12 hours i purchased over 5 mechs just playing the event matches (in this case 2v2's) and used niether premium time nor premium mechs. You can redeem rewards and gain premium time for free easily, and even save for premium mechs in a decent amount of time too from the same awards. Because of that you can nearly double your income easily. The sheer amount of free premium items is actually mind boggling. Other F2P games never give you anything at all and this game gives you all kinds of premium consumables and time just for playing normally. no insane limits like 100+ matches in one weekend. No insane K/D or other requirement. All the requirements are very reasonable for someone who has a full time job and plays only occasionally. Because of this i have found a lot of joy in this game despite it being F2P. This game ages like a fine wine. The more you play it, the more options you get, and the more fun it is. I have such a variety of mechs now that i don't even touch the premiums.For anyone who would suggest i'm some MLG prodigy and that's the only reason i'm able to get this much my counter for you is i'm T5 (the lowest possible teir in ranked matchmaking), and i'm by no means good. You could EASILY double or tripple what you get if your even slightly better than me.
Posted March 14, 2023. Last edited March 25, 2023.
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109.4 hrs on record (80.1 hrs at review time)
I rather enjoy this game. isn't realistic so if that is what you were shopping for shop elsewhere. This game is a better attempt at this style of game than chivalry. The skill ceiling is understandably very high and new players with no chivalry experience will suffer a lot. The community has a lot of friendly faces who can teach you the ropes, but it does take some time to get any good at the game. As a new player stick with groups and be a part of the second (rear) line so you can support the moderate or highly skilled players when they throw off the guard of foes. do that and you will still nab lots of kills while also gaining some experience nessisary to fight on your own.

Whatever you do, DO NOT go straight to the dual yards first thing as a newb. it is beyond comprehension how difficult some of the higher skill players are. You won't learn much from them instant killing you. Wait until you are at least somewhat competent in frontline and then try some of the weakest dualyard patrons (they are still insanely difficult, but winning is realistic at this point).

There are also lots of ways to play an effective support from using catapults to building things, to throwing or shooting via bow. My personal favorate is couching your weapon on horseback which usually nets an instant kill if you manage to hit someone.
Posted January 4, 2023.
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0.0 hrs on record
Just so its clear, i'm aware most of the DLC suck and really didn't want to buy it but it was on discount and all DLC are required for the fallout 4 community patch as of when this was posted. As such i bought this in vain hopes that the communtiy patch might end the buggy suffering inflicted upon me by bethesda's very ♥♥♥♥♥♥ programming that causes sound issues with USB headsets.
Posted August 26, 2022.
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126.0 hrs on record (122.0 hrs at review time)
Its a great game. Just view positive reviews. I'm not here to talk about the base game though.

NGL putting RDO on the steam store as it's own thing and charging 20$ for it while also forbidding RDR2 buyers from reviewing RDO standalone was a very clever ♥♥♥♥♥♥ little trick. Since i don't 'own' RDO even though it is actually a part of RDR2 i can't place the review there. This is such a blantant evasion of steam reviews that it justifies review bombing RDR2 as punishment since its the only thing related to RDO that i can actually post a review to.

RDO is a wasteland. there is basically nothing to do but travel huge distances to occasionally shoot a guy or 2. i'm talking 15-30 minutes of horse running simulator just to get to kill a couple bandits. the game economy is so jacked up that they have 3 active currencies including premium currency. The premium currency is an integral and required part of RDO. Keep in mind if you didn't buy RDR2 you already spent 20$ to get just online and now they want MORE money for you to enjoy playing. if you bought the full game your already looking at 60$. the currency prices are literally worse than MMO's like WOW, WOT, WT, SWTOR, and more. The sad part is all the titles i listed are free to play and rely on that money to run. RDO is just a side project for a full game. not even a full online experience and it barely passes for that. they think they are so entitled as to charge 20$ just to log in and then charge you even more money than many of the most popular MMO's and online F2P games to enjoy a rather pathetically small amount of content online has to offer. if of course you don't do extortion then there is basically no content at all for it. It is by far the BIGGEST scam a 3A company has done since EA sold SWBF2 for 80$ and tried to make it P2W at the same time and that is just sad.

Anyway single player is good at least. hope RS can go ♥♥♥♥ themselves with their giant scam stick though bc i am not having it and niether should you.
Posted December 21, 2021.
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101.8 hrs on record (6.5 hrs at review time)
WARNING: Game breaking bug in mission 3 of the campaign. You cannot swim or get past a specific section. Since it is 2021 and Dice/EA had plenty of time to fix this and still charge way too much for this i'm auto downvoting for such an egregious flaw in a 'AAA' title.

Multiplayer is fun though there is a plague of hacking going on. Just be aware popular servers usually have at least 1 or 2 out there with aimbots usually being what i see most commonly.

Also, the EA launcher collects data and is forced even for offline play. it's stupid and is exactly why people hate EA. Don't buy it unless you want to play online. there are better cracked versions on the web.
Posted October 14, 2021. Last edited February 11, 2023.
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67.0 hrs on record (21.5 hrs at review time)
Great software. Truly powerful and flexible tool that allows you to download great backgrounds and make your own. Playtime is not reflective of usetime as this software runs in the background and steam only counts the time you spend selecting backgrounds and searching with the app open. I have used animated backgrounds with this tool for over 3 years using my computer almost daily for most of that for several hours each.

Unfortunately the community is meh as nearly 50% of what you will find on the work shop is a mix of barely SFW and NSFW anime girls. There are a few really great backgrounds but, they are far and few plus you are basically required to dig through porn to find them. ngl i don't understand why this tool is plagued by such a large volume of graphic content but, i wanted anyone considering this tool to be aware of that aspect of it.
Posted September 28, 2021. Last edited September 28, 2021.
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