ehh??   United States
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11.7 Hours played
Dear god, this game. This game is beautiful. It's nothing short of amazing. It's awesome in the sense that I am in awe at the sheer depth of it.

It's worth it for the atmosphere alone. The calming music and pleasant visuals, work so well to immerse you in this deep, wonderful ocean. It's a great mix. Don't even get me started on your first deep dive, that segment is so well done. And your final dive into the deepest part of this three sunned planet is emotional to say the least.

Most of my time was spent reading. It's a game mostly about reading and that perfectly suits the narrative. I can't overstate how engrossing the environment descriptions are. Add on Vas' observations of the flora and fauna of Gliese 667Cc and you get a scenic image of an ever changing world of fantastic creatures and places.

The taxonomy may be a little simplistic, but I don't think it should be much more complicated. In concert with the exploration it provides enough challenge to feel massively rewarding yet quite feasible. The entries on the animals behavior and theories on how they could operate outside of the window of the game snowball into the pulsing heart of this fictional setting. The drawings of the living things you and Vas find are so... right, in a way.

I'm not a 100% on this but, I believe that these seemingly small and minute yes or nos you give while playing do have an almost profound effect on your relationship with your meat friend. The ending line in the trailer about whether or not Vas can trust you was never encountered in my play through which means there's at least one more ending and very possibly more. You'll just have to find out for yourself.

It's hard to explain but everything in this game meshes extremely well and the developers knew what they were doing. It's one the most comfy games I've ever played, maybe even my favorite story game too. I'm glad to have been able to experience this, this amazing piece of science fiction that seems so grounded despite it's watery setting.

Edit: I feel like I should add that I completed the game 100% in two play sessions, the first one being a little under 8.5 hours and the second being just over 4.5 hour, just to show how overwhelmingly engrossed I was/am.
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Boabamahobe Mar 10, 2019 @ 6:40pm 
Best... Rank Losses... Ever >:D
Fear Aug 8, 2017 @ 4:15pm 
Gave me kritz :D
Nemesis Nov 20, 2016 @ 1:03am 
+rep great trader! :Horzine:
SilverRexy❤ Nov 13, 2016 @ 11:24am 
DaNk MemE
Matteo 13 Nov 13, 2016 @ 2:07am 
FaZe Dank
Mushroom Aug 25, 2016 @ 1:06am 
added you for a trade